How does this make mexicans feel?

How does this make mexicans feel?

me on the left



I feel nothing.


And that I need a conquistadora gf

>9 months later

Cool I guess. knowing that people outside my country appreciate my culture feels good.


It is pretty alright.

>wanting a sandnigger girlfriend


But that's not your culture.
Your culture is shitposting on an american website and masturbating to chinese cartoons.


t. CHI

While I agree to certain parts to this, as a European I strongly oppose any relocation from the Americas to Europe, except for Canadians and white Burgers.

makes me wanna migrate back

Great, you are making me imagine crazy fetish stuff with conquistadora gf

Me on the right, btw

Would you really care about being genocided by those qts? I wouldn't.

What happened to you eagle?

Unironically no. I've actively participated in many cultural festivities in my community and my family has great social/cultural impact in many towns and cities of my state.


it makes me want to fuck dat qts

This is kind of shitty really.
It's like taking the saudi or Iraqi flag to ground zero.

This girls must be some next level assholes to bring that flag to the other side of the world just for this.

Nah, that's Mayan.
Way before Columbus.

It's like if some Iraqis took a picture with their flag on Mt. Rushmore or Hoover Dam.

Yes because the fall of tenochtitlan happened only a decade ago and most Americans are part Afghan


Are you guys retarded?
My point is that it's a spit in the face. The Spanish were responsible for the destruction and colonizations of Mexico and Central America.

The Mayan civilization might have collapsed by the time the Spanish arrived, but the people were still there. Mayan people exists to this day.

This is obviously just an insult by these girls.

>because the fall of tenochtitlan happened only a decade ago and most Americans are part Afghan
What? You gotta be shitting me.

They are tourists taking a picture with their flag. And I want to fug them. Nothing more.

Whatever. I guess the Spanish cucked you guys so bad that you can't even recognize when they spit you in the face like the whores you are.

But we are the sons of the conquistadores. Not them.

Besides, this pic is innocuous other than the giant boner it might give me if I keep thinking in femdom conquistadoras.

>we are the sons of the conquistadores

>this is what mexicucks believe

Do Mexicans get to claim Mesoamerican achievements even though they are mixed and are influenced by Spanish culture?


We get to claim both. Isn't that great?

Most of the Spaniards that went to Mexico died there and spread their genes there. Also only a small portion of Spain's population left the peninsula.

Ha !
I was thinking just the same, along with fucking the pagan out.

The Mayans of today aren't the Mayans of yesterday. The Mayans the Spaniards found aren't the ones that built their civilization.

We are, mestizo=Spanish+Indigenous
What did you think we were ?
Niggers like you people in Haiti ?

WE WUZ people do, some identify more with ancient civs.

We literally are though.

>The sons of the conquistadors
This is rich. You are the bastard mutt son of a possible criminal that was so good for nothing that he was sent to the other side of the world to work his freedom for the Crown of spain.

Just because your Great X10^100000 Grandfather was spanish doesn't make you the son of one of them.

Mexicans and Latins are 80-90% Indian. Some even pure blooded but because of the big 200 Year fucking you wish to convince yourself that you are somewhat european.

>The Spanish were responsible for the destruction and colonizations of Mexico and Central America.
like if that was bad senor Paco. You indians were cucked by euros, deal over it, you will be happier.

Juan Garrido (c. 1480 – c. 1550[1]) was a black African-Spanish conquistador.

He joined a Spanish expedition and arrived in Santo Domingo (Hispaniola) about 1502. He participated in the invasion of present-day Puerto Rico and Cuba in 1508. By 1519 he had joined Cortes' forces and invaded present-day Mexico, participating in the siege of Tenochtitlan. He married and settled in Mexico City. He continued to serve with Spanish forces for more than 30 years, including expeditions to western Mexico and to the Pacific.[3]

>You are the bastard mutt son of a possible criminal
So is everybody else in the world.

When will Mexico become first world? Why so corrupt?

t. Chicano

how does it feel that there were black conquistadors? you're below niggers as history proves

We also WE WUZ.


Never. Because siestas and Tezcatlipoca.

holy shit swedes are really like this?

shouldn't you be out sucking cock?

That seems pretty mean desu, but they're dumb Spaniards whores so what do you expect?

But we are mexicans too

are those qts come to conquer us again?


Not to the levels that you saw it m8.

The spanish that went to mexico, and other latin american countries weren't the best of the best.

Many of them were straight up criminals, trying to escape. They saw some indians and decided to pillage and rape their women. That's where you come into the picture.

>Son of the conquistadors
LEL. Fucking latinos are delusional.



and so a black man came back to home

es el haitiano

Yes, I am direct descendant of that one guy, but not of the others.
I clearly am the rightfull heir of Cacamatzin and destined to rule Texcoco.

>current year
>still using that shit
cringeworthy to be honest

I'd let them settle in my pyramid. If you know what I mean.


Sup Haitian, see that you still in denial of being a complete subhuman. Why don't you go jerk off to pedo scat porn like you usually do?

I'm white so I don't care, thinking about it brown people might not care either or actually want Spain to come back and install a competent government.

>want Spain to come back and install a competent government

uff no, te super regalaste

>actually want Spain to come back and install a competent government.

>competent government.
We're bad, but not THAT bad.

We are worse, actually. Way worse, but.

>competent government


Competent wise we're by no means bad. Industries can do whatever the fuck they want, labor rights are almost nonexistent, most of our budget goes to economical infrastructure and most if not all the people in power are neoliberalists.
If you want to tell me that Spain has a better democracy, better civil rights and better quality of life overall, OK, you're right.

We are the descendants of both you dummy, its not like the brits and India for example.

급함,급함 !!!!

>Industries can do whatever the fuck they want, labor rights are almost nonexistent, most of our budget goes to economical infrastructure and most if not all the people in power are neoliberalists.

>inb4 chairo

No dude, you got me all wrong, this is awful. But it's heaven for the global market.
At the end of the day that's what competitiveness is all about. Or are you so blind to see both sides of the coin and point out that socialism is both good for society and economy?

That's why mixed economies exist though. Besides
>war on drugs
>shitty infrastructure (i.e. linea 12 de metro, sistema cutzamala, shit roads, no nuclear power, etc.)

They are only jewing for big companies and Slim.

It could be wrose, but come on.

Ganamos, creo.
Tienen que elegir o somos descendientes de los españoles o bien aztecas/mayas y entonces WE WUZ.
Y se les arruina la cosa porque no quieren que seamos nada, luego no les entiendo a los chicanos, siempre son ellos.

Podemos decir que somos ambos

The war on drugs is a whole different subject, if you want to talk about it, you'll have to see through all the international pressure made by the OECD.
Dude economically wise, the government doesn't gives a shit if a godines has to wake up 20 minutes earlier because the metro doesn't work. On the other hand "corredores industriales" and our ports are busy all the time and is all done with tax payer money.
Have you ever go out of mexico city you filthy urban dweller? Have you ever seen how much money is being moved all around the country?
And in which point I said any of this shit is good? All of this is bad because all the money is awfully distributed. That's the whole point. If you are too poor/stupid to not make something out of the awful situation we're living in, then go to Spain have descent comfortable life and be happy.

>all the money is awfully distributed

holding the flag the wrong way, stupid fucking sluts

Si, pero dicen que no somos ninguno, me refiero.

absolutely no correlation between any of these factors.
At this point I don't even know what are you trying to defend. or if you are just memeing like the rest of this board.
>not having apples as the number one export
>competent country.

>no correlation
That is their job.

>mexicans are white

most "mestizo"mexicans are descendants of north africans. not exactly spanish natives.
slaves, shit class people, and natives from conquered lands were used as hands in ships that traveled to the "new world".

we don't give a fuck about spain.

What about this

we are bros dude

mexis love conquistadora gf is the fact

And those were the conquerors. Your point?

Nobody here is claiming to be white.

I don't think any Mexicans outside the US really care about le ebin reconquista maymays. Most of them just want their own country to work and fuck some qts on the side.

That green tie really goes with his skin complexion.

At first I couldn't figure out why I wanted that tie so badly, but then I realized it's not the tie itself that looks good, but the overall effect.

I have no idea why I posted this. Excuse my ramblings

thats pretty mean desu. Im assuming they did it on purpose

>doesn't have the actual flag

Why? Cheap.

>this mad chicano

Nowhere near as bad as the Anglo.

>Mexicans and Latins are 80-90% Indian
Source: your ass.

In reality, while Mexicans are one of the less European populations in latin america, all that means is that the average mestizo is around 50-50% Euro and Amerindian, being slightly more Euro than native, because we had a huge native poulation. Let alone other countries in the region with very few natives. Pic very related.

Mestizos making around 70% of the total population, whites being 20% and 10% amerindians.

And that 50-50% mix proportion in mestizos makes every statement ITT, funnily enough, true.
We are the ultimate WE WUZ: the descendants of both the mighty indigenous people of this land AND of the conquerors. You can tell me all you want about how they were thieves and rapist and whatever you like, or uncivilized canibals and shit. At the end of the day they conquered the land where the Amerindians built their empires and we come from both of them.

Which is what everybody is saying, you dense chicano. Nobody cares about being white.


>Passed down to you by Cuauhtemoc, Eagle Warrior of Tenochtitlan.

>This whole Post


Pure Visgoth Genes

He's a handsome lad, I think that's 30% of the reason he got elected.
He's a 7/10 President though, too neoliberal although he's done many good things.

المغفلون >>>> العرب