fertile slovakia
choco you had one job
fertile slovakia
choco you had one job
/balt/ + /ausnz/
How related are Poland and Czechia?
czechs are funny speaking poles
Just came back from my nightout. Only talked to foreigners, managed to befriend a frenchbro and cause histeria amongst a couple of other grills because they thought I was being racist, although I was just making a case against Islam and praising Orbán :/
>night out
>talking about politics
Overwatch is GOTY
>Main Pharah
>Someone else picks her
>Decide to do honorable thing and go for team need
>Play as Mercy
>Healing the fuck out of the team
>Buffing them when I can
>Keep getting picked off by an enemy Pharah
>Teammate Pharah keeps getting rekt and doing useless jumps into the enemy to death
Makes me so angry
Pharah + Mercy is so fun when two friends are playing them. Flying together with Pharah and boosting her dmg is really good
are you gonna buy kefírer - Vůdce mezi kefíry ?
yeah if G stands for garbage
I´m sorry you dont have money for it and thats why are you hating on it. Maybe if you did not spend so much on food you could afford it?
good luck examfags
hello manchild
why is the polish on the box crossed out? Are those not polish apples? Or was that a box for poles and it is now used for apples instead?
pretending that those apples are not from poland
>Hungarian willy
That's a huge fucking tongue
Magyar Vili
yo wadup fellaz
někdo model?
Underage/retard, possibly both.
Cool story bro.
>někdo model?
implying you are
Same people. Just with small differences due to different historical paths.
Look up Lech and Czech story. Rus was added later.
that sentence has a different meaning in the streets mate :^)
at least the teach had a nice segg
at least youll get to see it again next year if you fail :^)
are you done with matura?
what does wadup means?
No i have it in 4 hours
>i am a negro please shoot me
Matura from CJ ?
good luck femanon. Let us know how it went.
>Matura from CJ ?
and english
are you back driving trams?
Poles are actually using words we used in historical literature years ago, we can understand you but you cant understand us.
yes for a week already.
suicide when?
i am horny
i am dissatisfied with slow development of my country's economy and that all of v4 is couple of decades ahead
i am kinda worried about end of my contract and 50% unemployment for people under 30 yr
i am worried about my driving school stuff
i am worried about moving to swi, ire, aut, ned
plz at least help me with horny part
we already set conditions didnt we
Go fap.
i am in the office right now
nope, pretty faces, slim body, feet
Idiot pedofil
>yo wadup fellaz
>on the streets
either 12 years old or just retarded
this could help
too far away desu
real uhersky salam(magyar salam thing) is supposed to be made out of donkey meat,right ?
no out of dong meat :DDDDDDD
so what after matura ? army ? Czech army ? go to univerzita obrany I will join you later desu
Try focusing your mind on something else then.
>so what after matura ?
If I pass I have no idea, if I don't I saw an ad for a job cutting and gutting fish which sounds like fun.
when does your shift end?
get a comfy warehouse job, minimal human interaction
>expecting something else from tge Avar
I dont work today
why not army and UO ? Yesterday they were making plan of attack on Poland or something
>femanon at work
Move to asia to gut fish and become white alpha fish seller at market.
into the trash it goes
eh, i am trying
but i kinda can't forget all the economic problems at my work as it reminds me about economic problems (minimum wage slave)
gutting fish sounds like more fun plus it's in chilly place, how do you like your new job?
>why not army and UO ?
you have to be smart for the czech army desu
what's for lunch?
>fish seller
puu sh/p4p7v/02e6ace5cc.jpg
>Attack on Poland
You're doing the Lord's work, godspeed glorious Czechian army!
>how do you like your new job?
i can shitpost while working all day and get payed for it so its ok
>univerzita obrany
>women and a faggoty hipster
if anybody decides to attack, we are fucked
meant for
but you are not dumb.
uhersky salam and vošouchy :DDD
where are you from?
me and femanon will make army great again desu
How the fuck is this possible?
When I finished high school (succesfully), I couldn't get any welfare - literally no income for 3 months before I found a job, yet these shits just waltz in there and are fixed for life?
why do I read this /balt/ + /anusez/ every time ;__;
this But i know this too well.. Not so long ago we had a small party with a new batch of students from the Orgasmus programme... Shit went south after a Swede started arguing with a Greek that multi-culti is Satans work.
Z Prahe
>i kinda can't forget all the economic problems
That means your mind IS occupied by something else, right? What makes you horny then?
Or is it, that you can't forget about economic problems and you are horny at the same time?
not shove-in-your-face-smelly-high-heels-dirty-step-on.things kinda way but more sublte and elegant
pic of fatty piggy related although i prefer slim girls
>Or is it, that you can't forget about economic problems and you are horny at the same time?
horniness comes and goes, economic dread and angst stay active the whole day
i fucking love brunettes
try a year in croatia
I wouldn't even mind 9gag and my friends always be comment "Download our mobile app, support 9gag here, like and subscribe, suck our cock"
Literally every site that is forcing itself on you like that is shit.
But then, it made me actually do something and now I can just sit here, shitpost on fourchin and get paid for it.
>try a year in croatia
What do you mean?
i could not find a job fresh off a college, not even fucking tech-company warehouse job
i sent hundreds of CV and had dozens of interviews, there is always like 50 people competing for the same gig
Yes, but only to take a pic with it and put it on FB, I hate kefir
You're in the EU nigga, move elsewhere.
I study PrF which is right next to UO and all the soldiers I see on street are manly af. Even the girls there would fuck my shit up
Pls buy Sup Forums pass
Guess it's same everywhere... Either have certain acquaintances or be really really god at what you do.
I like to browse various sites, staying objective senpai.
Have you tried applying for a paid internship? Just to get something extra to put in your CV and get some extra cash. I'm doing it now, hardly a choice for life but a decent start.
I've seen here people who said they know 4 languages and finished good studies but still had to go to UK to find any job. Is it really that bad in our region? Are all people around me simply lucky?
yeah, that is the plan
Ireland (i already know the language)
Netherlands (i don't know the language,i would have to use english the first year)
Austria (shit taxes, i don't know the language, too many serbs, bosniaks and croats there)
Switzerland (i don't know the languages, shitload of serbs and forginers, not in eu, expensive as fuck which is an issue for the first couple of months)
thing is - people would rather employ local guy, people would rather employ a western european guy, nobody would trust my resume or my abilities as i don't have international business experience, i would have no social connections
magyars answer pls
>Have you tried applying for a paid internship?
i am currently in one funded by the eu trough our state employment service
minimum wage, for a year, no costs for the employer (basically "free" labour)
still had to compete even for this job with bunch of people
once i had 3 rounds of tests (bigger company), first round was 48 candidates, then 9 and then i fell out of the competition for one apprentice job ("free" labour for the company, mind you) in company that employs 200 people
what are you even trying to ask?
szalámi isnt made of donkey meat, its pork
Did you study at uni, and if yes what?
yeah ok enjoy your moba tf aberration
I was told that this kind of magyar salam is made out of donkey meat. Its pretty expensive
what kind of retarded meme is this?
moba = farm mobs,level up hero,learn skills,buy equip
Overwatch does not have any of this
Is it really that bad with economy in Croatia? Where are you from?
>Lucija Lugomer
Not really my ideal type, but would cuddle with.
thank you very much I've played both
It has moba elements.
Don't be a retard pls
automation and process engineering, but currently i am doing web design/programming
self taught, still shit programmer but good to great designer
shitstain called Zagreb
it's bad, we had our first GDP growth, since 2009, in first quarter of 2016, improvement is purely based on extremely low oil prices and recovery of EU (we entered the EU market and EU union)
structural problems were not fixed. bureaucracy, taxes are still the same as in 2009 or 2003. hell, bureaucracy is eerily similar to one that we had back in 1988
then list the so called moba elements you retards
My friend has a somewhat similar career path. He studies mechatronics and plasma physics but also does some programming as a hobby (it's totally alien to me, so don't know what exactly he does).
Yesterday he got a random interview invitation through LinkedIn because a bank wants a programmer and offers him 4500-6000zł/month.
Which makes me question my choices and feel like shit.
Ireland - it's sort of promised land for migrating people, hame some far family and a few acquaintances there. They're owning the Irish since education there is shit, from what they say.
unique characters with unique character based skills you need to learn in order to effectively play against others