ITT: Sup Forums in 1982

ITT: Sup Forums in 1982

Other urls found in this thread:

what the fuck am i typing on
who the fuck are you
why can i control the tv
what the fuck is a Sup Forums

Capitalistic world will fall in the next 10 years and it will be glorious


"One day, a commissar in the Soviet Union went to check on the potato harvest at the collective farm. A farmer told him 'Oh comrade, it's glorious! If we piled all the potatoes up, they would touch the face of God!' Whereupon the commissar replied 'Bah, there's no God. That's just capitalist superstition.' The farmer then said 'That's ok. There aren't any potatoes anyway.'"

Great, I'm in the most tasteless decade of the last century.

I couldn't find my Judas Priest cassettes, then I realized that my mom took them to our church's "Burn A Heavy Metal Album Day" gathering. Fug.

Canada was still euro cuck in 1982

not one of us in this bread would've had a computer, my reply is only sensible response wew

>church's "Burn A Heavy Metal Album Day" gathering.
That was a thing?

I was born in 91 so genuinely curious.

>tfw had an Apple in '82


Yes, it was very much a thing in the Reagan-Bush years. The media was all like Oh noes Iron Maiden is turning your chilluns into psychotic devil-worshiping baby rapists muh James Vance shotgun face muh Kern County daycare rapes muh Anton Lavey.

Yes, though the 'satanic panic' really kicked in a few years later. D&D even pussied out and removed devils and demons in 2E over it.
But then, religious groups burned Beatles albums in the 60s, so this was nothing new.

>what the fuck am i typing on
You do know that CompuServe is charging you $10 an hour for that post you just made.

I'm glad there is communism. As long as there's communism capitalism could lose everything and has an incentive to be keep people in good health.

Ha ha, the ERA failed! GO HOME, FEMINISTS.

I'm so psyched for next year, Revenge of the Jedi is gonna be rad. There's no way Lucas could fuck it up.

my cat looks like a fucking marmot

Go home, underage b&. We adults listen to Springsteen and The Pretenders.

>inb4 britfags and their Human League new wave shit

I wrote a program in BASIC to play The Number Of The Beast on my VIC-20. Want me to upload it to a BBS for you guys?

Downloading it would take too long at 110baud, just make a copy of the tape for me.

Anybody else getting a 5200 this Xmas?

I bought 5000 Atari shares. I'm gonna be a millionaire in three years. This video game thing is a bubble that will never burst.

music for the thread

I just took some Tylenol for a headache and now it's much worse than before. And I feel all funny and woozy and...*thunk*

Money in the bank. This game will sell SO many fucking copies, you'll be set for life.

I mean, what the fuck. British New Wave is weird, mang. I'll stick with Devo, thank you.

Time to save Lebanon and bring peace to the middle east. No need to thank us, goyim.

The fuck is a "muslim"?

Fuck you Reagan, the steel mill is closing in my town. Fuck Reaganomics.


The Rolling Stones are playing in my town next Saturday. Might want to go. I hear this is going to be their last tour ever. Can't believe those dudes are like 40 now.

Why aren't brits and argies talking to each other any more..?

I get the feeling some ugly shit's about to go down. I don't know why though...


Yeah prolly. Damn Russians.

At least Ayn Rand is dead and her contemptuous philosophy can't do any more harm.

Wow 1984 is going to be real

Wow, they finally have a new 'Maro out after 11 fucking years. Sure took long enough.

brb, gonna go program a shitposting program in basic on pic related

Elk Cloner: The program with a personality
It will get on all your disks
It will infiltrate your chips
Yes, it's Cloner!

It will stick to you like glue
It will modify RAM too

Send in the Cloner!

Since this is 1982, they don't have the rainbow logo on the things yet and they aren't available in PAL countries for another several months.

My mullet looks like shit, I wish I had better hair genetics

Underrated post

At that time, the C64 had just come out, was expensive, there wasn't any software for it, and the early models had a lot of reliability problems. The Atari 800 and Apple II ruled in 1982.

Evetytime I see youuuuuu my life turns upside down

And they never found the perpetrator.

You'd still be saying this in 2016, though.

And that's where tamper-evident seals came from.

Went to a metal club in Frisco the other day. It was open night and this kid from like Denmark or something gets up there and bangs on the skins. God, did he suck. And then someone told me he tried out for Metal Church and got laughed out of the building.

Go back to Europe, little boy. You ain't cut out for the metal world.

I'm gay and I just went out clubbing the other night and now I feel all funny and woozy and there's weird blotches on my skin and...*thunk*

>I'm gay
Stopped reading there.

We haven't had mullets here since the late 80's. For comparison, my cousins who live in Alabama were last here here in 2001 and had mullets.

Feels comfy as fuck. I have free house and decent job. I am sure we will never be a shithole.

I just got 400,000 points on Galaga the other day. Beat that.

True, it is called a Tennessee Top Hat; but it's also called Hockey Hair for a reason.

Goodnight, sweet prince.

im sorry to hear about the death of your beloved leader Leonid Brezhnev

What a retard.
Commissar is a military position. There were no comissares at collective farms. Also it's impossible to not grow the potato, lol.


Man, those guys must be drowning in pussy.

Wow cool we have a new constitution.

t-thanks Trudeau. haha it would funny if your son became PM one day too haha that will probably never happen though haha

yesterday i almost got fucked because i didnt return home before the curfew started and i lost my meat stamps when i was running away from the milicja
this is going to be a shitty month

solidarity is a counter-revolutionary movement!

If those are high school cheerleaders, why do they look like they're 40?

Life in Ottumwa is rough. Look what it did to Radar O'Reilly.

Drew Barrymore's the hottest bombshell in Hollywood. I would fill every one of her holes with my cum.

>tfw don't exist yet

"A series of brazen training exercises conducted by the US Navy off the Arctic coast of Siberia in 1981 went completely undetected, thereby proving the weakness of Soviet radar detection abilities."

>mfw the chumps buying 5000 Atari shares
>mfw I bought 5000 IBM shares
We'll see just which one of us is a millionaire in 5 years.

My camel died in starvation and what the hell these white people are digging ground for ? They extract some black liquid it looks like drainage why do they want that?

you people disgust me

Oh, Denmark. Thank God you're here. Please take Lars Ulrich back before he metastasises. Do it for the sake of the human race, man!

IBM? I wanted to buy one, but I'm not gonna take out a second mortgage on my house and there's not any good software for them. Maybe a year from now.

"Weird Al"? All he does is parodies of songs. How long does he think he can get away with that?

What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I was listed on the Top 100 list of Top Drummer Magazine and I’ve been involved in numerous metal projects, and I have over 300 million confirmed record sales. I am trained in double foot pedal and suing online piracy companies. You are nothing to me but just another illegal downloader. I will sue shit the out of you with lawsuits of the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of lawyers and record company executives across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your money. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be playing anywhere, anytime, and I can sue you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with the sales from the "… And Justice for all" album. Not only am I extensively trained in removing the snare off my drum, but I have access to the entire assets of the Metallica estate and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little Megadeth fan. If only you could have known what unholy war your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price with all of your money, you goddamn idiot. I will shit double bass all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking sued, kiddo.

fuck you russia

Blondie may have had a following in huehue land or Japan in 1982, but they were almost irrelevant here by this point and The Hunter was a commercial flop.


The best ruler of Russia ever. We have never been #20 by HDI before.
Also our rock bands are great. And we had a Pink Floyd concert recently.


Anybody got $600 so I can buy a disk drive? Saving programs on tape really blows.

oh wait nevermind
wait nevermind

Maiden were really great at making albums that were just a wrapper for a hit single, y'know?


Kiss? Are those guys still around? Put away the circus makeup, guys. The 70s are over.