back to normal pls edition..
anim-SIKE haha
this one pls
much better
I am by far the richest person in /brit/
I got an American $1 bill
Send me some money.
bit hungry
real /brit/ over here jani should delete this spam thread
why are latinos the worst poster on Sup Forums?
we need to build a wall
me puedes a prestar 5 pe pa comprar ese vi pa beber con lo pi en la pla
thailad post your pecker mate
We're over here
Fuck off..
>this desperate yank
is this a valid depiction of americans?
R8 meeeee
u gay?
ke beia era ...
real thread over
Kung pow
pinchis britanicos piratas...
not really. if you aren't comfortable looking at another bloke's todger in the eye then you might be a bit bent
>do they kill outsiders?
Nahhh. They'll just rob them, then they'd tie their hands and feet, cover their eyes, tape their mouth and throw them in an empty field. Then some pedestrian will take notice and will proceed to call the police and help them out.
I like Romanov flag more.
Ah ok. How corrupt is the police in your country?
Catching a glance is one thing, requesting it outright is quite the other.
Embrace your sexuality m8, there's no shame in being an arse bandit.
>call the police
who arrive 2 hours later to take whatever the robbers left on you
Is this accurate depiction of Russians?
pretty good
Silly gay Russian weaboo.
the pirate...
I am not gay.
Am I the only person who still doesn't 'get' anime? I mean what compels fully grown adult males to watch this?
shut up
Ehhhhh... masomenoo...
>love life is improving
>actual life is imploding
is it too much to ask to have both?
Cops here (some of them) are somewhat corrupt. But this ain't peru or bolivia where they'll literally ask you for a bribe upfront.
>keeping bread in the fridge
damn shame
No, used to like dragon ball z and one piece when I was younger, that's about it.
Yeah, fucking greedy cunt
shut up
una vela... pendejo....
>the most common breed of runt on my farm is cannuck.
>what's that? are they funny? haha fucking what? not a chance
>well, yeah, they are basically yanks
>you'll take 5? brilliant, I'll have them butchered and sent around right away
hallo roto
no in what way?
Going to show up to work tomorrow just to do nothing all day and make follow up calls on new jobs on breaks
most people think that their most loved one is their mother or some family member, but I disagree because this is a given that you are supposed to love your family because you are programmed that way by evolution so that you can make sure your kids grow up and pass on their genes, which is the most natural way to love. but you must also love your spouse so that YOU can pass on your genes to a sexy and smart woman. but I think that the real love is for something you are not genetically programmed to love. what do I get out of looking at pictures of penises all day? it is hard to say, but at the end of the day what is loved that is most bizarre or off the chart is the most pure and cherishable. people think when they see a man who admires a penis that you should go to hell or you are a faggot but you should go to heaven because god would have made us to be our own man and NOT love what is naturally programmed into your brain by genetics. why do people spend so much on abstract art that looks like shit or drive a hummer just for the fuck of it is because you are loving it even though it is completely useless. so my obsession with the penis is the pinnacle of human freedom, and loving your mother or father is vulgur to say the least.
You are gay and you go to hell for it.
a friend of mine likes it
he invests energy that he should invest into life into anime for whatever fucking reason
guess it's just another, more pathetic sort of escapism
famous danish video blogger lads
Why are her lips so big?
What's wrong with her nose, cheekbones, ears, and lips?
slavic genes
bunch of twots the lot of you
>slavic genes
yeah could you not thanks?
>tfw used proper British english all throughout high school
My teacher fucking hated me
Are you the Dane that was advising about buying Monsanto stock the other day?
very good lad
>proper British english
"Proper" English*
well done fat lad
kek, why are aussies so bent?
did it work out well for you?
fuck off enabler
>Britain sending its unwanted degenerates to Australia
What's new?
how about you stop sucking so much damn cock instead? YA BIG POOF
>>Britain sending its unwanted degenerates to Australia
did you even read the article you literal fucking poofter? go get married lmao
the guy at 3:36 in this video with the fake accent posts in /brit/ lol
i dont see how not working faggots to get married makes me the poofter, pooft enabler
Same here. I even recited the prayer call in English.
egypt tourist board trying a new marketing campaign, what do you think lads
>not working faggots
you some kind of layabout as well?
what a runt
i'm fucking twisted
you would love me to layabout wouldn't you? probably want to ravage my pristine hereto arsehole
"that" yank has to be the strangest spaz I've ever met
>you would love me to layabout wouldn't you?
I'd love you to get a fucking job instead trading blowjobs for your next heroin fix.
>pristine hereto arsehole
bleaching your arsehole are ya? fucking bender
stop projecting, faggot
to echo my previous sentiment: go get married you big gay cunt lmao
breakfast is REALLY disappointing lads
easy Bruiser or should I say Brucer lol
>stop projecting, faggot
lol the paranoia. it's all in your head mate including all this bent shit.
bet you're off to get married at the consulate you massive cock hoop.
cute pairing up boys. whens the wedding? remember to go to the UK consulate because only they allow faggots to get married
What do Danes eat for breakfast?
Nice trick getting your boyfriend to false flag but I don't know who that spazz is. He knows your name so he must be your boyfriend.
Right now i'm having ymer:
>I don't know what that spazz is
oh trust the gay cunt not the know the bloke hes fucking. found him in a toilet stool or something did ya? no names to keep it low key? yeah fuck off back to the chapel, pooft
Horse blood licorice
>oh trust the gay cunt not the know the bloke hes fucking.
Ok, I trust you not to know.