You ask we answer

You ask we answer.
Ask Jewish people living in israel anything and we try to answer.
Jewish people ask the world anyting and they will answer.

give me some stock picks for the coming months

also when will you remove egyptians?

היטלר צדק טו בי הונסט לאדס

hello merchant

לא יכול להתווכח עם זה אחי

why the fuck did bibi appoint liberman as defense

seriously, when you think this government can't get any worse...

I am not really into politics but explain to me why this choics is so bad


I saw a 190cm Israeli who looked like an ugly Slav. Is that normal?

Perhaps he is an ugly slav? Not many slavs here tho

How do I make money off goyims

because Yisrael Beiteinu is crazy and Lieberman is possibly a criminal

He was wearing a kippah

Big Guys are not normal in merchantland?

what do Jews think of Japan?
Japan was an ally of Germany in ww2

What do you think of Sephardim and what in your opinion makes them so superior?

How does it feel to know one of these days Palestine will be independent and giving you kikes a taste of your medicine?

What is Kabbalah about?

Well most of the people i know love it for its colture
But there isn't an obvious or any hate like we hate the Nazis
Wtf... Where have you seen him?



>muh poor Palestinians! You monsters!

At the grocery store

I know he's not American because he has a thick accent, and I don't think there are many left in Europe

second this jew jr.

Wtf man... Wtf..
Maybe a muslim mall ninja?

Greetings from Poland merchant

What do you merch you polish merchant

i only sell services, nothing real. Do you know any merchants of polish descent?

How the fuck do you learn to speak Hebrew. Language is impossible. My Israeli friend was showing me but it's bullshit.

What do Jews think of Southeast Asian Muzzies, or just SEA in general

Why did you kill Jesus

what is your opinion on turkey? what is the public opinion on turkey?

Wszyscy żydzi to polaczki, którzy wykorzystali sytuacje podając się za legendarnych żydów (bo żydzi to mit) tylko po to, żeby wydostać się z polszy. Także Witam szanownego Anona Żyda

You can't fool me. Jews aren't real.

Why not ethnically cleanse the middle east?

>it's a white people wanting to commit genocide again episode

How many jews died in holocaust?