Getting cucked by nips

>Getting cucked by nips

wtf i love peru now

el mejicANO ... y el peruANO .... son los mismos

El singaporeANO

That's a big cornucopia

indius hediondus monus

Can someone explain the ANO meme to white person?

el canadiANO.....

el canadiANO ...... peruANO del norte

Google ANO you chink illiterate piece of shit

delet don't get to talk to me like that. I'm first world

i don't understand

She is literally going to be our next president



top keik

It's either this or an Amerindian subhuman, so be happy.

Wtf shes not even qt

But we could have had the jew

ching chong ching chong

Perubro, is she any good?

And it still surprises you people hate you leafniggers?

*smugly places a paw on your shoulder*

Muhammad, you have to break a few eggs to make an omelette


>asterisk posting
>le refugee meme

Ahh yes redeeming Canada one post at a time.

There's a far higher Chance of you being a chink than me being a muzzie ya know.

*knees you in the stomach in a fit of rage*