Are far rights really so popular in Europe or is it only on int?
Are far rights really so popular in Europe or is it only on int?
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If it was then Europe would still be 98% white
>only on int
int? i hope you meant pol. It all depends on what do you understand under far right. In general not
Why? Most of immigrants moved to Europe in 60s-90s, their laws are pretty strict now. I am talking about now, not 70s.
finland is 98% white.
And for the record, I'd rather be called a racist redneck than have my daughter raped by obese muslims in a sex gang that goes unnoticed for 10+ years due to not wanting to be racist.
Hmm, I see they were popular in 90s in many countries. Why so?
Under far right I mean people like Trump, Le Pen, that guy from Austria who has losen elections recently, your current government (PIS as far as I remember) etc etc.
Pol is the different case, I don't think many Europeans fall for racial theories, Jewish conspiracy and shit. I am not talking about really radical organizations like Britain First or PEGIDA. I talk about more or less reasonable politicians.
>far right I mean people like Trump,
Okay, okay. I am asking seriously.
It depends on how you define far right. A leftist liberal cuck in Russia might be be more racist than a nationalist in Sweden. And gay marriage adoption is also a country specific thing.
Overall, I would say yes. The people who voted in the leftist are now voting in the far right. Cause it is the new counter culture. Evalion is a perfect example. A We Cam Model who stopped showing her pussy for cash. What she did instead was being /pol on YouTube. Saying racist things and hating on Jews, Muslims and so on. So beta orbiter would give her money.
In 20 years /pol will be leftist, cause the pendelum will swing.
you realize Trump's biggest issue getting the nomination is that he was too moderate on most issues, right?
he's a new yorker.
Of course he is not a nazi but he is very right wing from economy issues to cultural.
Finland isn't European.
What? Try to be coherent you ugly stupid slut.
quoted wrong(probably same) rooskie
>but he is very right wing from economy issues to cultural
please be a proxy
Yes and no, pretty far right on some issues but he wasn't an establishment warhawk candidate or an evangelical which made some Neocons buttmad. He also called the war in Iraq a mistake on national television during the debate and individually insulted the hosts of the right wing media Fox News. The guy is a marketing genius.
there's an entire movement dedicated to neocons who plan on voting for hillary over trump dude
those are your "far-right" people
well polish rulling party PIS is literally a NatSoc witout nazi connotations. So its really hard to tell what far right means now. The old division between left and right is out of date now. Every party needs to be socialistic in some way. If you mean opinions on immigrations and islam i would say that pretty much western europe is left. New members of EU like poland remained right thou.
Building a wall is not enough, lol? You would like to nuke Mexico, wouldn't you?
Well, our liberals rarely discuss culture, they are more about economy. Identity politics are promoted by our government, and our opposition speak more about economy, corruption etc. The only identity thing they are about is lgbt rights.
Would be funny to see leftypol overtaking pol. I hate people without hard political convinces though. Never understood "I will always be against" people who vote for any antisystem party.
far-right people are the ones supporting trump you fucking dipshit
nevertrumps are just center right neocons
>center right
my sides are in orbit
>protecting your borders makes you a far righter fascist
I want off this planet
>far right
jesus christ this thread
this is trump's political compass from
it's calculated from his stance on well, all his issues, everything is fully cited/sourced.
...and THIS is ted cruz.
There's more to right wing ideology than neoliberalism you dumbass. Non intervemtionism, radical leadership, protectionsim of trade, and racism basically define Franco, whom was a fascist. Next are you going to argue that fascism isn't a right wing movement?
this is the republican platform's overall standing.
You do know girls with parents like this go out of their way to ride every brown dick they can find, right?
right wing =/= lolbertarian
Trump is a paleoconservative.
Are they seriously speaking about racial purity and shit?
>If you mean opinions on immigrations and islam
Right/left division is way more complicated. Also isn't the western Europe xenophobic too now? I mean, look at all this right parties gaining support.
It's a classic 19th century conservatism economy model. Protectionism combined with free trade and lack of government control inside the state.
>Protectionism combined with free trade
this thread is amazing
>free trade inside the country
Are you unable to read the whole sentence?
Respond to me pls
>Are they seriously speaking about racial purity and shit?
I said no nazi connotation so only national socialists without any race war issues. In poland being nationalistic means being white and christian thou. Due to wwii german style nazi/fasci movements are nonexistent. You probably have that same kind of people in Russia. You would call it patriotic solidarity if you dont want to use natsoc term.
> I mean, look at all this right parties gaining support.
It general its just a trend and not a real power. Just look at the image I posted above.
Franco did not have protectionism" it was autarky — and it generally wasn't out of choice. They were largely ostracized after WW2, and slowly clawed their way back to a free market economy.
look up the spanish miracle, m8
My guess is the
It was pretty damn terrible.
Like, you probably think "those were just muslims!"
But that's a heartless POV really.
Religious extermism isn't a joke.
>Are far rights really so popular in Europe or is it only on int?
Well not as popular as on int but opinion polls here say that SD (our anti-immigration party which nazi's align to because they're obviously the closest match, even if as a party their policies aren't that extreme) say that SD is getting 20%+ right now.
Will probably not be the case when the election comes around because then I'm sure there's other parties that will adopt part of the policies. There's tons of ways to angle it so it seems more humanitarian (because it is). Currently SD is giving the most support to foreign aid for the refugee crisis. Other political parties could do that and have a much larger impact on the situation than accepting refugees.
So that's probably where we're swinging to. But I'm pretty pissed with our population. They won't see this until it becomes official policy.
And I suspect we will have more terrorism per capita here than any other country. Europol seems to point to that.
But I don't have to worry personally. I don't leave the house.
This is the american perspective..
Clinton isn't "the liberal left" in Europe.
Clinton is at _least_ center right by European measures.
Trump would most certainly score far right. But that said I do think the distinction of what perspective you're having would have to be made.
I don't think there's a major party in Europe that could reflect what republicans are. You're truly a mystery as a country.
the irony is that leftists are making the fascists & nazis they hate by demonizing everything right-wing
i.e, if someone supports not wanting illegals in USA suddenly they're a nazi and put the same group as skinheads. So why not be a skinhead now if you're going to be treated like one?
Your country was a failed experiment.
>Your country was a failed experiment.
What are you even talking about. I was talking about Europe in general. Seems you're not even thinking about what's being written.
Willful ignorance is something nobody should openly support.
>I was talking about Europe in general.
So you think right-wing in hungary and sweden would mean the same thing?
"Franco initially pursued a policy of autarky, cutting off almost all international trade. The policy had devastating effects, and the economy stagnated. Only black marketeers could enjoy an evident affluence.
On the brink of bankruptcy, a combination of pressure from the United States, the IMF and, most importantly, the technocrats from Opus Dei, managed to convince the regime to adopt a free market economy."
Yes the spanish miracle was very real. It was a result of Franco stop being such a dumbass for once. Directly after the war western Europe and the soviets were not keen on trading with him, but it was up to Franco to keep his protectionist policies for so long. And protectionism is a part autarky, my statement was completely valid. Minorities sought tough prosecution under the regime's rule, that qualifies as racism.
>Are far rights really so popular in Europe or is it only on int?
far rights translate to parties that defend the ideas that europeans should not become minorities in their own countries and immigrants already here should adapt to the culture and customs on their host countries
that is considered being literally hitler by the left
so please, do not call those parties far right
>that is considered being literally hitler by the left
even the fat swedish block merchant went off on twitter over the past few days and is now branded a 'right wing bigot'
for example:
>far rights translate to parties that defend the ideas that europeans should not become minorities in their own countries and jews already here should adapt to the culture and customs on their host countries
>that is considered being literally hitler by the left
>so please, do not call those parties far right
This was meant for
I love the 'usa is far-right with no real progressive party like enlightened europe' meme!
It's not a meme, fatty.
Graphic isn't even updated. But yeah you're retarded. Even Hofer said he was to the left of american liberals.
>being this retarded
No I wasn't talking about Sweden in the first place.
You just have no idea where your country lies politically.
Bernie sanders is put on your liberal left close to Clinton on that chart.
Do you really think that's accurate? The reason he's so close is because you don't have enough space on that chart. It ranges from right to center. Not right to left.
Your country is way out on the right in general when measured objectively by international standards.
What I'm saying is that the rest of the world has a very different political compass than you do. Far right in Europe (at least in this thread) is about rather specific issues. Not a general economic freedom+authoritarian stance on social issues. You really shouldn't read into these words the same way.
Libertarian would mean you're on the left in Europe for instance.
For instance.
You need to know this stuff to read european news. Accurately.
>point out fact
>get called cuck
No I just care for your democratic power. Without knowledge you're not in power.
>one issue
>something with the democrats passed
You're being ridiculous. I'm not saying there's no progressive forces in the US. I'm saying that you're very far right in comparison.
Enough so that your compass doesn't cover the range.
That's one salty article holy shit. Why is it that everyone takes themselves abd internet so seriously nowadays that any disagreement is worse than rape and solicits a snarky and overly sarcastic angry internet post?
I don't get it.
Antisemitism is irrelevant now because European Jews are either dead due to holocost or have moved to Israel. You'd better post the same with attitudes on national minorities at all.
>being white and christian
Well, being white is certainly racial thing, isn't it? In Russia being nationalist means considering yourself Russian and sticking to "traditions" ie religion, family and so. One of the most prominent Russian nationalists is Zoroastrian, many are neopagans etc. Only neonazis care about race, but they are just gangs here, not a real political movement, and only religious extremists care about religion (Russian orthodox activists are basically copy of MENA Islamists).
>Why is it that everyone takes themselves abd internet so seriously nowadays that any disagreement is worse than rape and solicits a snarky and overly sarcastic angry internet post?
Literally happens with all identity politics, left or right
Should also add that Libertarianism in Europe has gotten some minor traction as the ideology American Libertaianism describes.
And what is "mansplaining"? I'm so confused right now.
How could Bosnian war affect growth of right wing sympathizers in Austria, Italy or France?
That's what I meant when I said everyone. No one can see the retardation and irony in armchaur activism and getting angry over dumb shit
Economic turmoil brings radicalism on both ends of the stick. Not saying the wars are related because I have no idea, but I'm just saying.
People don't like foreigners when they come.
Right wing sympathizers often come from the working class because those are the ones that get affected the most. By anything really. When shit goes poorly the working class goes extreme.
(I wish we could just abort stupid people honestly)
I was just taking a stab at explaining it. I'm not sure. Here we had violent antifa suppress opinion violently through murder and such things in late 90's- early 2000's (which I hate obviously, but the default position doesn't seem to be democratic value on this board so it's worth mentioning).
So yeah. It was just a guess.
Heard about this from american sources. It's when a man explains something (in public) to a woman. The idea is that that situation shouldn't happen because it's politically problematic and show that women aren't all-knowing divine beings. It's just sexism really.
There is no terrorism in Sweden, lol, what a bullshit. Russia, USA and France have the biggest troubles with it.
That's how rightists see it, but in reality things are way more complicated, lol. No one proposes Europeans to be a minority and so. Left wingers usually fight any racial, religious, gender or other opression to decrease any tensions except the class struggle so people would care about capitalists and not about other nationalities.
>Well, being white is certainly racial thing, isn't it?
yes and no. It only concerns 'not being brown'. It all boils down in my opinion to fight with islam. In Russia its probably not so problematic, but in Poland there is this 'last christian stand' mentality due to mongol and ottomans wars. We are ok with asians thou. Polish nationalists are in general radical caths. Paganism is not a thing in Poland is propaganda you know, right? It's owned by the far-left UK organization One World Action — which campaigns for "Advancing Social Justice in Europe and Worldwide".
Additionally, they refuse to disclose anything related to their scoring system so for all we know they just throw darts at a dartboard.
>>There is no terrorism in Sweden, lol,
>Malmö has been hit by more than 30 explosions since the start of the year.
Overall it's an unsettled time in EU politics. Yes far right but also far left parties are briefly gaining popularity and then losing it again. Few of the "far right" parties share a large set of ideas. The Finns are anti immigration but pro welfare state for example. Basically there are a lot of angry people in EU who feel powerless, these populist parties manipulate these people. So it's an unsettled time. Better to take a long term view of these things.
>tfw the austrian elections were rigged
>Right Wing
Todays right wing was the common sense 20 years ago
Gang violence with hand grenades is not a terrorism. Terrorism is kind of political violence.
No, they also have the concept of Ethnopluralism im their Programms, which means the Remigration of almost all migrants.
Yup, this. Merkel's Party had a platform practically identical to the present day AfD ten years ago.
Jean-Claude Juncker said he would isolate any right-wing party anyways. Europeans don't even seem to care that they already live in a totalitarian state.
>The EU will isolate and use sanctions against any far-right or populist governments that are swept to power or presidential office on the wave of popular anger against migration.
>Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission, made clear at the weekend that Norbert Hofer would have been frozen out of EU decision-making if he had been elected president of Austria. “There is no debate or dialogue with the far-right,” Mr Juncker said.
>Under powers given to the commission in 2014, he can trigger a “rule of law mechanism” for countries that depart from democratic norms
Europeans literally lap this shit up then brag about how bad USA is. Look at this thread for proof.
>There is no terrorism in Sweden
No but there will be. Do you really think the people who come to your countries are different than those who come to ours?
Not really terrorism.
>but hurr it's explosives
These aren't attacks with a clear political motive. We had biker gangs steal military arms and fight, didn't make it terrorism because they fired an RPG.
This is a more accurate representation.
>point to one of the multitude of sources
>complains that it's owned by the wrong people
>you point to a source which points to Bernie Sanders==Hillary Clinton
You do realize that the political compass should reflect the opposite if it wishes to influence.
If the compass put Bernie Sander as a moderate (which he certainly isn't by american measures) he'd be influenced positively by the false right wing appeal that's shown.
Your compass does more to favor Bernie than my compass does. And you're coming here to argue that my compass is somehow bias in the exact opposite way of what would be real?
Also we're talking about an american political organization that's america-centric like ontheissues displaying an american specific compass vs displaying a compass that's generalized.
Also there's information on how they score.
Yes obviously your chart pertains to the US and may very well be accurate for that space (ignoring the Clinton vs Bernie stuff and anyone else that'd be too far left for the compass). But the point is not that your compass is inaccurate for your country. It's that it doesn't fit the rest of the world. Which you haven't argued against yet so I suppose I shouldn't be so pissy about it.
America took in way more immigrants than you did. Eastern Europeans at the time were looked at no different from modern day Muslims and we took millions. You'll be fine desu.
>Europeans literally lap this shit up
You're delusional if you think people here enjoy getting fucked in the ass by globalist superstate called european commission.
Also I'm not ignorant to the fact that you may favor a compass that constrains the range because of your political bias.
Perhaps you hold the view that people are less likely to favor the extreme positions (Argument to moderation is a thing), so you being extremely in favor of Bernie/Trump (which would be favored by your compass asserting this was true) or whatever you're for you can benefit your cause by having this compass be inaccurate.
Regardless I think that's giving you to much credit given you've presumed I hold the political position of my country.
the irony here is that your country is exactly what you're claiming
you have NO right-wing party that's anywhere near power.
claiming someone like bernie sanders would be "center left" in europe is just a lie
Europe is not a continent for immigrants.
America is. We have our own diversity and don't need outsiders.
Well meme'd
The only question is who takes advantage of it. Russia obviously, although they support anyone who is against the EU/Nato....Poland for instance they can't control the far right sentiment and it's basically against them.
>>complains that it's owned by the wrong people
because it has an obvious bias?
how would you feel if I gave you a political compass from stormfront and told you that you're just complaining it's owned by the wrong people?
>>Also there's information on how they score.
no it's not, it doesn't give any real details
this breaks down exactly how everything is calculated for where it's placed
(not my answers, grabbed a random filled in quiz from google)
in Poland any party is pro american. Far right is super pro american.
No one cares because no one can do anything about the faggots sitting at the helm of EU. European commission is so powerful it could fuck up a nation even without that "we'll isolate right wing" part.
Eastern Europeans weren't blowing themselves up in malls and splashing women's faces with acid.
Not really. Domestic terrorism is the result of radicalization of people. People get radicalized usually when they are loosers trying to find goals and simple answers. Or terrorism may be a consequence of an old ethnic conflict or so, like basks or IRA. Sweden is very rich countries so there are little lost unsatisfied people and you have no old conflicts. As to foreign terrorism, say, ISIS, you are irrelevant, they would better attack not a meme country.
And Russian terrorism is 100% home grown. It comes from illegal Caucasus rebels who are basically just gangs without any real ideology who do this shit to get money from ISIS or Al Quaeda.
>America took in way more immigrants than you did.
Not per capita.
Also we're extremely racist. We're gonna turn them into terrorists in no-time.
The reason we don't seem racist is because we don't have any exposure to other people. If you want to turn us progressive in some way you would have to do it slowly.
Here's an article from a guy who you've no doubt heard about.
>You'll be fine desu.
No desu, we won't be. We're not. Also I suspect (I haven't done any analysis on it) Eastern Europeans were not as "Modern Day muslims" (hope you're not falling for the "moderate muslim" meme) are now.
There's stats on who thinks Sharia should be law. It's far too many.
>the irony here is that your country is exactly what you're claiming
>you have NO right-wing party that's anywhere near power.
Yes? What was this about if not asserting that I'm right?
That's exactly what I'm saying. We don't have any right wing parties by your definition because your range is small.
So you're ignoring the Hillary==Bernie then? How did that happen?
Are you agreeing with what you concede on? I can't tell. Because I agree that the stuf they're presenting for ontheissues is certainly more detailed than
It's not an "obvious" bias to be funded by someone if the representation is accurate. Your compass gives an inaccurate view of the world. For instance you do realize that both Clinton and Bernie are as far left as the compass allows.
They're literally communists according to that. And I don't think you're honestly arguing that.
This argument has been about the accuracy of the different compasses from an international view. This started with me saying that your compass wouldn't represent Europe well.
I can't attest that i think is the best site in the world. I just picked one. It seems decent enough.
Swezen already has a lot of radicalized people. Many of their mudslimes have flown to fight under ISIS flag.
They're not actually far-right, just populists using the scared masses to get elected, they don't actually care about any ideology.
Not really. Read about anarchist terrorism in USA which was commited mostly by Italians and eastern Europeans.
>not per capita
...we more than quadrupled our population from immigration in a small span of time. You should really look up orthodox atrocities, they had quite a lot. Moderate Muslims is the majority, the sharia pics that go around on Sup Forums are extremely biased. Find me a reputable study that shows the majority of Muslims, especially that of the refugees, support sharia law.
I wish we could all just agree to end the left-right meme and never use it again.
i.e, as an american example bernie and trump overlap on arguably quite a few issues(trade, interventionism, even largely on immigration) yet they're put at the polar opposite of the spectrum. Their actual disagreements appear to be almost entirely wedge issues & their public appearance.
OTOH, Hillary and Trump overlap on basically nothing. But Hillary is generally put to the right of Bernie.
just my two cents
>he drank the moderate muslim kool aid
now you post your sources lol
I'm actually centrist, not some american meme right.
Have you somehow missed every poll of muslim population in Europe? The last one I saw was conducted in Britain and the vast majority did indeed want to sharia up the place.