I will study one of these, what should I choose?
Portuguese / French
Portuguese may be more relevant for a career for you in South America. On the other hand French is better for international careers and 2bh has a much wider range of culture, literature, music, etc.
Yup, this.
Fuck French 2bh
t. seu vizinho, Canarinho
t. anglo
frances si quieres impresionar a la chusma sonando cosmopolita y refinado
Yep, and I'm Learning Portuguese doo and will travel to Quebec and speak only Portuguese to spite you :)
C'est bien, l'ami, pêh
Obrigado, Pierre
>unironically going for spanish's retarded little brother instead of the glorious french language
best ally
You'll have an easier time with portuguese but it will only be useful in hueland
pour être honnête?
And French in France and the poorest cojntries in African . He lives in Argentina so Portuguese>>>>French
>and the poorest cojntries in African
Well to be fair it's spoken in north Africa too and they aren't the poorest of the bunch
Portugal por tu bien, Francia es una mierda llena de arrogancia y de gente estúpida
Leí mal, de todas formas portugués ya que lo hablan 250 millones de personas las cuales no son putos muslims