This country is dead

this country is dead

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Based Dilma

>this country is dead
I think so

Why Brazil national football team be weak?

You can only post in this thread if your country is dead

Why do you have a hamburger on your flag? You want to be americunt?

what happened?

the impeachment against Dilma was confirmed literally a coup this sunday, a minister of the new government literally said word by word that the only reason they impeached Dilma was to save themselves because the federal police is arresting everyone that is corrupt and literally the largest majority deputies and media ignored this fact and are passing a lot neoliberal measures through congress that are literally the opposite of the government program that won by election in 2014, and these measures literally include the privatization of our new discovered oil reserves, the extiction of our reserve fund that came from this oil that was supposed to be destined to education, the destruction of a law that forced the government to invest a certain percentage to education and healthcare, revoking worker's rights and the reform of our pensions to regain the credibility of foreign investment


is there a happening because of this?

Hello there.

there will be, 6 million people went to protest for Dilma's impeachment due to her party having a lot of corruption scandals, despite her not being involved, also because the price of living and unemployment was rising more than ever. Now it's literally the same situation but even worse, the thing is, most people that rooted for impeachment because of this measures can't accept the fact that the government that they have put into office it's literally worse than the other government, almost all foreign media are calling them gangsters, and a new way to perform a coup d'etat. It's going to explode, not mattering how much the media and deputies try to deny that

Get out, you are developed now.

Holy shit, now you are officially as fucked as Mexico.
At least they were more subtle about it with fraudulent elections instead of impeachment.

Relax Brazilbro, the commies are being removed across South America. Finally, a return to rational government in the Latinosphere. It sure is a pleasant coincedence, right go-guy?

they are desperate m8, the media, the neoliberals, the corrupts, because the judiciary is too strong and Lula is too popular

yes, national governments that privatize our oil reserves to the USA! HAHAH I AM SO HAPPY COMMIES ARE FINALLY DEAD LONG LIVE USA!!

Damn. Hope you guys recover fast from this bs

>not willingly sacrificing your black gold to appease the global hegemon

it's going to be a wildride m8, it's so ridiculous the point that it has gotten to the point that the people that defend the impeachment are literally saying: "I don't give a fuck about the law or corruption, I just want to see it get done, because Dilma is the worst evil" just look at this thread and the reasoning behind those that support the impeachment

yes your burger semen is too good must give all my riches for cheap ps4s and disney travels

She ran the country to the fucking ground. Saying "Dilma's second term 'government'" is an overstatement, since she could do fuckall during that year. Unemployment already has two digits, inflation is slowing down, but still over the Bacen's predetermined range, public deficit is ridiculously high, when our debt has risen explosively. We need to have something fucking done.

so would rather have a corrupt government that get shit done to cover their asses by putting harsh austerity measures over the population, and privatizing strategic commodities over one that fucked up economically but actually did try to arrest corrupt people, stood up agaisnt Cunha and tons of other corrupts to the point that people architectured an impeachment against her and made her impossible throught 2015 until now to do anything to contain the crisis?

The austerity measures are a must because she fucked up the country, there's no easy way out of this mess. Now, tell the 10 million Brazilians who are unemployed and suffering under this inflation that they have nothing to worry about, that Dilma will suffer no internal pressure from her own party to pass the measures necessary to recover if she came back right now. Who's Joaquin Levy btw?

Nice Memel. I haven't heard anyone mentioning privatisation, care to show a source proving me wrong?

Not so much

Yeah because you know austerity has really solved problems m8, just look at all PIIGS government or even FHC last term, a weak government that subsides to private interest and flexibilizes worker's rights and let wages devaluate through inflation sure will raise tax revenue right :^). Also you forget that one of the main aspects of worker's rights is the fact of firing people. Also mate most people here tend to forget that most countries have a giant debt that is really much more superior than ours and they don't call it an URGENT CRISIS THAT DEMANDS EXTRAORDINARY MEASURES, just look at japan debts or even most european ones
>that Dilma will suffer no internal pressure from her own party to pass the measures necessary to recover if she came back right now.
One of the reasons she was impeached was due to austerity and unemployment because she took as solution to the crisis and it became unpopular as fuck for the population and everybody opposition and her party critisized despite the fact the opposition is going to literally do the same but even worse since it's going to destroy our government control over the economy.

Nigga, the government is spending more than its income, that's something that needs to be addressed to regain the investor's spectators and make the country grow again in the future. What do you suggest them to do? Dilma tried to run austerity measures with Levy, but she suffered pressure (worker's party, you know) from her own party to not do them, which culminated in her firing him and choosing Barbosa to be the next Minister. She had no governability during this time whatsoever because she's a bad politician.

>muh arrocho salarial
>Comparing stable countries like Japan and EU's credibility with Brazil's, an unstable shithole whose debt has risen explosively and was recently lowered to junk status by S&P
Don't talk to me or my wife's son ever again

I'll check those links, but I need to go to class right now

she had no governability because cunha and the pmdb didnt let her m8. Also what we could do is do like lula did in 2009 to survive the world crisis. But we need to find more commercial partners to address it in the long term. Also m8 most government on earth run on deficit, not just the first world ones m8

Holy fuck, why isn't this news here?

>she had no governability because cunha and the pmdb didnt let her m8
You mean her own allies turned against her? That's a sign of a weak politician.

>Also what we could do is do like lula did in 2009 to survive the world crisis. But we need to find more commercial partners to address it in the long term.
Deny it? I agree with the second part of your post, though.

>Also m8 most government on earth run on deficit, not just the first world ones m8
We cannot do that right now because we have no money nor credibility to do so, if we do that we are risking a default, which would worsen the crisis we have now. Petrobras would have defaulted were it not a state owned company, which also explains your second link.

it is m8 look for it you will find it it is up on every journal even the intercept said about it

being a weak politician is to not submit yourself to corruption?

>Deny it?
No ramp up subsidies to industries using the international reserve fund we got also spend more on infeastructure so that people have money to spend again

Vou falar em português que é melhor. O governo não se pode dar o luxo de se endividar mais ainda no momento, a relação dívida PIB já está acima de 60% e subindo. Ninguém vende a casa para pagar dívidas sem antes diminuir gastos e tentar aumentar o que ganha.

Seria interessante dar subsídio as empresas se isso não tivesse um custo de aumentar a dívida no curto prazo e se tivéssemos empresas pra emprestar. Veja toda essa crítica com o BNDES emprestando a taxa de juros negativa. Muitas empresas faliram e outras já estão extremamente endividadas. É necessário reverter as expectativas ruins dos empresários pra que eles possam investir de novo também, e para tal, medidas de austeridade.

Se você não consegue articular com a sua própria base aliada, há algo de errado com você enquanto presidente. Em qualquer lugar do mundo isso implica em concessões e acordos políticos, coisa que a Dilma não estava disposta a fazer