good morning edition
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Working class scum
Pakis OUT.
Nth for Luther Strode.
>he's angered by the sight of a british flag
G R A C E M Y eyes with an answer
I admire your dedication
Mad Max will not happen due to global oil shortages or nuclear warfare but due to Australians being so out-of-tune with the rest of the world due to slow internet that all their bombs and nukes and whatnot go off, destroying the continent.
How can you destroy what is already ruined?
pls kill me
if you can fill up a cup with water then how do you fill it down
12:34 am good morning. Goodnight Australian kangaroos, don't get eaten by drunk outback rednecks.
*kills you*
Thank you.
*unsheaths schimitar*
any last words?
Dubs and we leave the EU.
prefer not to say
Work's going to be hell again today lads.
Worst gimmick ever desu lad.
alri zac lad
suit yourself
*positions schimitar at the base of your skull*
are you sure?
I hope Nige is ok
There's a car parked up near my road with a Faketaxi sticker in the back window.
Wonder if they're aware what it is
post belly
want to go to bed desu
Are you 12
unmm it's not even 9am sweetie x
Are you older than 12?
Anyone ever read about that girl who died because she held in a poo for a couple of months?
What's the longest you've held one in lads?
>I believe in time zones
no it's too hairy, and I'm at work
Becoming a gimmick is one of the highlights of my life and that's so sad I think I might cry.
Hello britfriends
would be better if they weren't a thing
Which gimmick are you?
its not to early to move
You actually Taiwanese?
hello Czechoslovakia
Writing my new hit single Dope Boy Millionare
R8 my lyrics
Haha yeah haha dope boy
Haha yeah haha dope boy
Is a Myanmar poster, and I fully doubt that anyone actually from Myanmar posts here.
when is gookmoot going to fix your flag name
How's your morning?
question: why do all british girls sound the same when they say: what do ya mean?
Doubt he gives a shit. I really don't.
I am actually a Myanmartian tho
decided last night I really want to go to Myanmar. Looks nice 2bh.
Have you travelled round SE Asia much?
do you notice it when they request your song, Justin?
about to go to work :((((
Holy shit is that what you people call yourselves now?
What was wrong with Burmese?
Amazing if true.
Mengala ba... I like your alphabet, it's very beautiful, but please into unicode soon.
Not really, I've been all around Thailand and a lot of Laos. Laos put me off a bit because it was just like a less good version of Thailand.
The capital city is akin to a small Thai town.
Burmese only make up a small amount of the ethic inhabitants
having a go
it's Burma you pathetic KEK. You're gonna let a bunch of jungle gooks tell you what you should call their country?
also, don't come. We have a lot of pagodas, and almost nothing else. Wait 10 ten years, until we actually have some sort of night life and a proper sex industry.
couple of legends on bbc1 rn talking about that picture of a night out with the man lying on the floor
I just saw that
What the hell is going on, I have it on mute and can't find my remote
5 days was the longest, I ended up sprinting to the toilet and as I was pulling my pants down my asshole failed me and I shit myself
literally no idea what the significance difference is between Myanmar and Burma
Some northerners plugging their shitty one man play
i just watched all of what happens in kavos. is there another one i can watch need to live vicariously through british teens
i do it with your mums box all the time
As far as I understand it, the country used to be called Burma, but then -something happened- and the new people in charge were like.. We're not actually Burman, so lets change the countries name to be more inclusive.
Some fat lad and his son being really loud and having a laugh
the son took the picture and the dad was the one on the floor in the pic
they're touring the country doing some sort of stand up-play
why are Britboys so cute? more cute than their women
Karen mentioned
keen to box tonight lads
fucken box on wit me then cunt
watch Sun, Sex and Suspicious Parents
Internets being fucking SLOW
nice thank you
>tfw all my yank shows are ending
I know they're but they fill time, without them I have to spend more time interacting with you cunts
you sydneyside?
nah brisBANE
do you like dare iced coffee if so which is your fav? raw for me desu mot caffeine least sugar win bloody win
haha LADS
>tfw still undecided because I don't form my political opinions based on circlejerked ideologies
Brother nicked my good shirt.
Gonna batter him 2bh
was wondering how long it would be until i saw a blokes advice post hahaha
how long was it?
I recently attended a bachelor party and there was a stripper that popped raw eggs out of her vagina 5 feet across the room, and we tried to hit the eggs with a wiffle ball bat. Is that a sin? And is the fact that I swung at the eggs a sin? Just wondering where I stand with the lord on this one.
Slept like fucking SHIT last night. Went to bed at 2 and probably didn't get to sleep until about 5am.
Got to work tonight aswell. Gonna have to nip out and then go back to sleep for a couple of hours or I might literally die.
about a week desu
up the blokes
don't like any of that sorry m8 far too much sugar for me plus not a coffee drinker
>The US reports about 85,000 rapes a year, about 27.3 rapes per 100,000 population.[100] There is a rape in the US every 6.2 minutes, with 1 in 5 women likely to be raped in her lifetime.[101] As with other countries, the US does not collect separate data on gang rapes; Vogelman and Lewis estimate 25% of all rapes in the US are gang rapes.[79] Another source indicates 21.8% of American rapes are gang rapes.[102] A Roger Williams University study estimates from survey of crime data that 16% of all male rapists in the US participated in a gang rape crime.[103]
Well theat decides it. I'm going on holiday to the USA and I'm not coming back a virgin
Would you roast her?
she looks like a mexican lexi belle
She jumped back into mexico?
she looks like that rattish looking man on suits
T-rex is more recent to us than it was to the Stegosaurus
She kinda does.
I'd split her in two.
More like taco bell amrite
mexi belle hahahaha
whats the point of locking something if you leaves the keys in the lock
hahahh body shaming so funny hahahaha
good post
Old school prossie, tracking her appointments on a blackboard