A question for SEA nations:

A question for SEA nations:
What is the general opinion in your country about French colonization and French people?

Not SEAsian but I hate the french.



The French were brutal colonising scum, I hate France and the French

Oh the irony


France is a top-tier country and French is a top-tier language.

With regards to colonisation I don't really have an opinion but you prevented the ladyboys from having a hegemony over Indochina

Not SEA, but since the Brit spoke I can as well.
Really, nobody remembers that France had SEA, only North American (esp. Haiti since Napoleon sent us there) and Maghrebi colonies are remembered.

We're basically francophiles... until someone mentions WWII

>We're basically francophiles... until someone mentions WWII
>being this ungrateful
they went to war for you

France is a beautiful country and her colonies were grand. Shame the French live there.

Arrogant, haughty scum tb'h


I don't mind them. Sure they exploited us for our resources but comparing them to our current government it is surprisingly fair, including their justice system. In the past there were farmers who sued rich fucks and won the case in the French court, no such thing today.

They brought us civilization. It's a shame they were kicked out. With them and South Vietnam gone our future is forever lost.

Also, its thanks to French influence that we have our delicious cuisines.

Pho is fucking delicious man, you guys have the best food in SEA


Do you got any stories from your family or relatives about colonial days?

Fuck the frogs


My great grandfather was colonial administator in Hanoi from the 20's until the end of French Indochina. My grandmother was born in Hanoi and her mother in Saigon.
Pic related: class photo of my grandmother in 1942

my grandfather is khmer and he said they make pol pot look like a holiday camp

thank you based protectorate, we raised you right

>go to war
>enemy shoots back
I'd hardly call that going to war, Þòrbjörn


You forgot the part where the French protected the Brits while they ran away to their island tho



Hey, you just described Singapore !


>a fucking large intestine

>africa's bowel

I don't want to be judged by who my friends are but by who my ennemies are.

IMO Indochina wasn't as 'grand' as India or the Dutch East Indies
France is still god tier though


The real shit was happening down south where the dutch, brits, malays, chinese, indians were clusterfucking each other.

quebec is the best place in the world. Why are you stoping colonization?

/????why map of korea divided vertical not horizontal????

whenever you SEAns complain about colonisation, remember that at least you're not colonised by spain : phillipine

The French had an out of control savage barbarian style revolution like some 3rd world banana republic which degenerated into a dictatorship about 4 times over the following century. Why they glorify this embarassment is beyond me

The map is the South East Asia.
The Korean Peninsula is not in the map.

such delicious tears, indeed sucess breed jealousy

Not SEAsian but Freanch is favorably recieved in our country. A problem is that French we conceived of might not be real French.

are you for realzies?
can you post proof?
how's life in gambia?

>Turks and Brits complaining about colonization



WTF Congo

My grandfather fought the French in Vietnam. He says France is a great country, and Paris was absolutely beautiful in the past when he visited, now he says there are too many North Africans and Muslims (his exact words)

basically this ur right gambia

huh wow interesting

hey congo hows congo

This pretty much

Lmao French = BTFO by Belgium

this sums it up well