Can you openly admit that Australians are the most influential posters on Sup Forums or does the jealousy sting too...

Can you openly admit that Australians are the most influential posters on Sup Forums or does the jealousy sting too much?

Kill yourself, Bazza

You're not funny

rapu innit

in shitposting you guys are really best

Canada needs to be right up there

The amount of incessant vitriolic shitposting from Canadians I've seen is astounding. Seems to be the nations with the highest Balkan diaspora that thrive on shitposting

Everyone uses British and American slang and sees Aussies as beneath them. So no.

They're not at all influential though. Everyone just shits on them

Americans are actually, like they are in every English speaking corner of the internet.

I would prefer if it was someone else but don't delude yourself Bazza.

Ask Steve Irvin about australian things that sting.

>New Zealand
>No Japan
Just end yourself

everyone appreciates the australian shitposting but no one takes you guys seriously.



because finns have tendency to funpost (which is different from australoid angry and vitriolic shitposting)

checked too

>immediately gets a quadro quads


>op didn't even include us on the pic...

You're not a meme country. Neither is Ireland, I don't know why that's there

Where is me

No, the new Canadian posters are fucking terrible.

Leafs got this heat for being cunts because they are cunts, not witty, original, funny in the slightest.

Finns don't post angry rant shitposts. Finns post fun stuff so Canadians shouldn't be up there.

Ruskies are absolute bro's

This is bullshit i like.

Canadians are fucking terrible


Jester thinking he's the king...
I saw this somewhere.

There's already a french flag behind that thing, why add another one?

That's some poor banters you've got here, Azerbaijan

Are we a meme country?

1. USA
2. Funland
3. Big yuro countries
4. Slavs
5. Latinos
6. Others
9001. Straya
999999999999999999999999999. Canada

>ywn be australian

>Are we a meme country?
yeah, not in the good way though

Unaustralian traitor

Fuck off Italy. Sucking America's dick after losing WWII won't cleanse your reputation of defeat.

Bama bia :-DDDDD

>losing WWII
But this has never happened

>new zelaund
thanks for a rare flag

mama mia!

>tfw your country is below plebian


Finns have the dankest memes, 'strayans have only low quality shitpost.
Quads confirm.