A message for all the NEETs on this board:

A message for all the NEETs on this board:
You should seriously reconsider your life because life will get tougher for you as you age, especially when you reach your 40s, AND REGARDLESS OF WHETHER YOU LIVE IN A RICH OR POOR COUNTRY.

Tbh neets hang themselves long before 40

If you are a wage-cuck, you are already dead. Enjoy being jewed out of every last penny that you slaved so hard for.

im gonna kill myself soon senpai

I just got hired and Im gonna make crazy amounts of moneys and with money ill acquire bitches

>Every last penny
>He thinks that "wagecucks" earning not much pay almost amything in taxes and that "wagecucks" earning extravagant amounts don't hire accountants and utilize tax havens and such to pay as little as possible

The only idiots paying big taxes are dumb cuckz

Whats wrong being NEET?
Being NEET i lot's of fun since you have so much free time.

it isn't fun actually, it's a living hell where you go to sleep and hope you don't wake up

nah, it's ok

It is until every conversation inevitably turns to "Why don't you have a job yet user?"

In my opinion it is perfect life style,at least for me.

Speak for yourself, my NEET status is knowing that I'll never be able to enjoy life like my ancestors did, I'll never have a family, I'll never have hobbies, I'll never raise kids, all my existence boils down to is masturbation of the mind and body, and that each moment of life is designed to spite and laugh at me

I wouldnt wish NEET existence on anyone or anybody.

After 5+ years when you've reached the point of no return (to society) it tends to end in suicide.

Life is meaningless, spending your life to receive an experience is the only true answer.

Keep telling yourself that and keep ignoring the thoughts that gnaw at the back of your mind. Eventually no amount of video games or movies, tv, or entertainment will be able to mask the fact. Enjoy normal sources of "entertainment" being soured until you derive no joy from them apart from the numbness they give you to the reality of the world and life

We are conquerors, soldiers, engineers, creators in our DNA and today we are reduced to vegetables. Don't deny that your life and self is a gross-underachievement of what you could be doing

An experience of posting on Sup Forums?

Lets be real here, neets don't do anything meaningful.

>b-b-but I have so much time to pursue my interests and read books!
Yeah but you dont

It's not different from my life but I chose it myself so it's pointless to cry about it

Meaningful is meaningless.

Why do NEETs on r9k keep making threads about commiting suicide and their severe depression if NEET life is so fun?

shouldn't they be writing their 3rd book and painting or whatever the crude comics they make seem to suggest they do while wagecucks work all day?

Also if it's so meaningless why don't you just kill yourself now?

What does your mom say when you tell her life is meaningless when she asks if youve looked for a job this month?

>Being NEET i lot's of fun since you have so much free time

Yeah, so much free time in your hands you can keep postponing stuff and never get shit done.
And that's not fun at all.

>b-but I'm actually a neat and organized person

if that were true, we wouldn't be neets in the first place.
This fucking sucks.

Somewhere Star blows up and every life around it too.
Does you feel sorry for them? Experience is the only true answer.

or bumping into old friends "what are you doing these days"

What experience have you had in the last months besides Sup Forums, videogames and porn?

What does your mom say when you tell her these things when she asks when her adult son will stop being a parasite?
>You don't understand mom! Life is meaningless! Only experiences matter! that's why I post allday online!

>What experience have you had in the last months besides Sup Forums, videogames and porn?
Well I improve my skills in DCS world and walkthrough P3. And I feel more determined. Good experience.

>>You don't understand mom! Life is meaningless! Only experiences matter! that's why I post allday online!
Hey everything is meaningless, until you giving a meanings to things.

what bullshit existentialist crap

NEET is hell my friend

For you?

>Hey everything is meaningless, until you giving a meanings to things.
So the money that your parents earn to support your lifestyle is "meaningless"? NEETs will eventually understand the meaning of their parents' sacrifice until they lose them.

Yeah you right I must go and find there are I can be a wage slave. But our time is sucks and without robots and cyberpunk.

Also fuck wage slaving. Long live communism.

lol, communism would make you work for nothing

>Long live communism.

Do you think that people didn't work under communism?

All NEETs would be in a gulag for refusing to work.

But really, please explain to us what your parents say when they come home from a long day of "wage slaving" and see their adult son playing videogames. What do they say?

>lol, communism would make you work for nothing
Communism would make work robots for a thanks.

>All NEETs would be in a gulag for refusing to work.
No I would be executed. I am too lazy.

I didn't asked for this. Life is a den for a masochists.

You don't take it seriously right?

CR lives off of sex tourism, even your few white girls like cock for money.
