Let's face it this country is a joke and should be nuked

Let's face it this country is a joke and should be nuked
>inept enough to be patritioned 3 times
>shit people
>shit music
>shit food
>shit everything
>no future
>past is just a series of failures

Poles are subhuman and Hitler was right, Heil Hitler, long live Germany and long live Israel.

Other urls found in this thread:


I sometimes dream we get annexed by Japan this time, not by barbarians that surround us them the east and west.

In the end it will be USA that will annex us this time prolly.

>better than Germans
Everyone is better than anglo-saxons.

Very agree, Poland is a soulless shithole.

Just before you get destroyed send some beautiful girls to Mexico please.

I'm moving to poland soon don't say so

What for? You won't get one anyway.

To revive patriotic feels in Polak's hearts we need another partition.

US whites are majority german/italian, anglo communities are only found around massachusetts and in fucking utah of all places

why? you have girl/family there?

hahaahahaha, patriotic feels.

you don't know shit. the reason we're a cumdumpster of Europe is because you murdered the most important people along with germans in 1939-1944.

We will never be even a regional power. We exist only on a fucking paper. There is no Polish nations, only small tribes.

>>inept enough to be patritioned 3 times
Really 2 times if you count 1772-1795 as one.

They would be beheaded by angry spics we will send them to superior Germans.

>superior Germans.
Have you seen how beta and weak modern german looks like?

Which such a mindset you'll remain a plumber for eternity.

yes please

>Mexico is 10 times richer then Poland

And we will. In 1939 we felt like we catched the God by his legs. We even wanted to have colonies. We did something impossible, we managed to put up pieces of the broken countries and forge it into Poland. That, was almost fucking impossible and we did it. Because we had hope and we loved the fact that we're Poles.

Now? After WW2? After communism? We don't deserve anything, we're still ruled by people that marched into Poland in 1939 and 1950. And it will remain so.

Modern Poles and older generations are like cattle, brainwashed by communist monkeys.There is no Poland.

>shit people
no u
>shit food
>shit music
pretty rude 2bh fampai
>no future
no u

>Modern Poles and older generations are like cattle, brainwashed by communist monkeys.There is no Poland.
That's not true with the younger generations thoguht.

Shut up Grzegorz.

Don't delude yourself that you come to some "white heaven, nationalistic country with future"

If you don't bring money, I mean a lot of money. You will be poor just like us.

No but I'm serious, most of the younger generation isn't cucked and is patriotic as fuck, there is still hope for the future.

>most of the younger generation isn't cucked and is patriotic as fuck,
Oh you mean those fucking evil Polish "facists"?

Don't forget that former gov signed a deal that any European army can enter our land and slaughter Poles without any consenquences.
Don't forget that American army is stationed in Poland. Don't forget that current gov is signing deals that treat unconscious Poles like cattle that can donate his/her organs without any permission.
EU will solve the problem soon. Just wait.

I live in Olsztyn and we have army passing through the city all the time and choppers flying over it day and night due to Anaconda training.

Eh, fuck it.

They could bomb us and no one would give a shit.

Look what they did in Yugoslavia, Middle east and with Kosovo.

>shit music

:( pls staph

I wanna live.

>Don't forget that former gov signed a deal that any European army can enter our land and slaughter Poles without any consenquences.
Not really, but the deal was written by the former PO party, just don't know why PiS allowed it through.
No, the president need to allow it first.

>tfw no polish gf.

>No, the president need to allow it first.
Implying he won't.
> just don't know why PiS allowed it through.
Because Kaczyński's name is Kalkstein.

I get that you're all patriotic and whatnot. But there is nothing more in Poland than a pile of shit and bunch of different tribes, not even united by tongue, but by being poor.

they are the same shit as russian ones

It's sad that so little people know Kaczyński is a the worst kind of jew, so is Jan Dziedziczak and a lot of PiS members.

Między młotem a kowadłem.

They really did it in 1939-1944. They finally wiped us out. One side is fucking german/jew another one is american/jew.

There is no escape.

Why would you want that? Don't submit yourself to such torture.
>Because Kaczyński's name is Kalkstein.
I'm sometimes afraid of that it's all a good cop bad cop game.
>But there is nothing more in Poland than a pile of shit and bunch of different tribes,
But that's the case everywhere, unconditional unity is just a fiction, always was. Thus why a nation needs an elite to take charge, the problem with Poland is it's new "elite", but there is hope with the younger generations.

>Poles are subhuman and Hitler was right, Heil Hitler, long live Germany and long live Israel.
Nice bait

>but there is hope with the younger generations.
Not if they get us first. Because of stupidity of letting foreign army camp in our borders, we will have a bloody civil war, they will slaughter us like animals.

Don't forget. Democracy is threatened by evil polish facists. :^)

Pls Israel, help. Send normal jews, not the evil ones.

>normal jews
Died in german camps while Elite kikes were rubbing their hands.

You're a Grzegorz Braun listener?
Spot on.

N-no, don't make me feel worse.

LOL at diaspora pretending to be patriotic
>I le love my country that's why I don't live in it :DD

Poles really should be killed

>You're a Grzegorz Braun listener?
Nah, just well read I guess. Which makes 90% of posters here butthurt, because "polacks are the most we wuz people on this board" fuck them.

I don't like Braun because he sounds like a fucking fanatic. Catholicism was harmful in many moments to Poland and Poles.

Food is pretty good.

Shut up Shitraine you're shit too.

how can your post be real if ukraine isn't real

no such thing

We should spend all our gdp on nukes and just nuke ourselfs and everything 2000km west and west from us.

Lol it isn't:
>Mexico GDP per capita: $18,857
>Poland GDP per capita: $27,654
>Mexico minimum wage: 73.04 pesos a day or 106 euro a month.
>Poland minimum wage: 434 Euro a month

>Nah, just well read I guess.
I don't know entirely about that, because if you were...
>because "polacks are the most we wuz people on this board" fuck them.
You would be more like "them".
>I don't like Braun because he sounds like a fucking fanatic.
But you sound like him, not a bad thing, and this "fanatic" prejudice you have about his is just a prejudice propagated by the former mainstream media.
>Catholicism was harmful in many moments to Poland and Poles.
There is so much wrong with this sentence. Catholicism is what our civilisation was built upon, the Latin civilisation. What you're thinking about is the Catholic church, which I could agree with in some instances.

Ivan it's time to take your proxy off

You mean Allenstein!

nice memel





We are second best country in the world.
Love it or leave it.

you shouldn't say such things. The people of our countries are equal, the only difference is that Poland had bad luck in its history

>The people of our countries are equal,
t. diaspora

I am diaspora, but not polish one

Dude, I was born and grew in Olecko, lmao... Now I understand why every week trains passed with tons of tanks and choppers on it

> attention-whoring on MUH SELFHATE
>literally L-LOOK AT ME

absolutely disgusting

no wonder that everyone hates self-hater scum

You will die, of loss of blood, next to a curb, your wallet missing and a pile of shit on your head.

chill it's just a kacap posting from here.

these bydlo faggots are extra butt hurt nowadays.

>EU will solve the problem soon. Just wait.

this yuro kolhoz fuckfest cannot even deal with it's own problems, yet alone this place. It's collapsing like the sovjet "union".

dont scare monger the children, plz

i literally can't decide who i hate more; proxy/false flag/diaspora or miserable self-haters

Wtf are you talking about? Only 17 million total Americans claim any Italian heritage and that includes people like Alicia Keys. Most white Americans are German, Irish or from Great Britain and the Brits aren't just in Mass and Utah but all over.

Friendly reminder to not give the selfhating cuck any (You)s, he's just fishing for compliments and attention.
>responding seriously
That retard makes dozens of these threads on a regular basis and yet you guys keep doing this

I want russians to take over our country again.

you stupid fuck.
take a look how poorly russians live in countryside, how weak is quality of transport infrastructure, health care is even worse than polish (which is far from good). I don't think you could stay in russia longer than a week before calling your mum crying xD

yeah me to, i just can't wait till germans and russians start to butcher each other in millions like they always do


there are like a gazillion polish americans in my area lol

where do you live? chicago?

Pls Germany annex

Ich wohne im preussen, annex bitte.

I hope Poles get genocided


modern music, especially mainstream music, is absolutely shit in every single country. at least thats not your typical thing.

jakas niedojebana nitka umyslowo nawet korea zjeb tu jest

Actually i lived and worked in Petersburg for 2 years and it was great. Just deal with my opinion fag, Russia > Murrica/UE

>moj kraj



Poles = Slovenes = Poles

