Hey guys lest post the down town of our cities

Hey guys lest post the down town of our cities.

I'll start. :3


Nice. :3


Las Vegas


City name?
Shits fucking amazing

Here, took it myself yesterday


W-where are the terrorists?

I mean, you can see the city.

Waiting for the start of the Euro 2016 I think, there will be matches here


Is Leon in the state of guanajuato.

Thanks for the complement senpai. :3
I like my city a lot besides it's pretty safe.

many of our cities look like shit


reality check to yall considering moving to nz


You just cherry picked the ugliest pic you could find right?

>moving to shit

They're moving for the scenery anyway
And to escape the nukes

We don't have a "downtown" per se. Just the old part, then it's parks around it, and then city blocks(from XIX century".

Kinda hard to find a picture of it when it's all together due to size. And pls don't bully.

Looks something like this.

Green is for hippies

Why would I? It seems actually kinda nice, I love when people care about having lots of trees.

It's pretty shit

nah you can live here if you're rich

>not living in a village
Cities are only good for photography tbqh.


>flag related



Well I'm rich by Mexican standards so I suppose I would be poor in new Zealand.

I like the parks we got around the old town :3

Another shot of the same bridge.

the poor suburbs have the fuckin meanest skateparks tho

>of our cities



It isn't main square though.

I don't live in a city

Posting Turin

I like it, 10/10.

40,000 residents


How is Turin not a city??

Or are you saying you don't live in Turin?

I live in a small town, posted Turin because regional capital

what's the point of such a big empty space it looks ugly, like a parking lot except not as bad. At least put some trees in there or something

Not always empty

there's not really a downtown

>that doesn't really look like spain
>Look at filename

>the eternal burger

also a little education for you. even if it's jewpedia

But it's so big and empty it would look nicer and be a more enjoyable square with trees. You could get some shade too and stuff.

Actually those kind of places are pretty common in many countries, they are for celebrating special dates or to do political events.

People gathers at those places.

But they could still gather at them with a few trees placed in them. And that way they would have shade too, so they could listen and celebrate without getting too hot

looks like morelia, no?


Times Square is probably the busiest part of the city, 99% tourists though

Here's Union Square though

Small cities best cities


not a lot of pictures of my city in internet

Kind of plain, but hey, it's a small town.

On the other side of the lake lies the french Alps

Looks better when crowded, or during summer, when it's filled with stalls of all sorts.

Ready to see the Netherlands take the cup Frenchie?

small city is best city

Not many good pictures for my small New Hampshire town


We only have an old city


Great meeting place for all the kids y'know

But user, I don't give a shit about football but even I know you didn't qualify

Looks small. Do a lot of people know each other or do they keep to themselves?


Probably 10-20K people live there

big city best city familia, sorry

Allenstein has 175,000 people

>considering a """city""" of 175k people to be large

More than 10-20K, Chang

If you say so, Zhang.

You've got to go back

Anything over 50k I consider it a city. What are the standards for a city over there, my VPN pal?


they consider anything less than a million to be a non-city

tfw it´s not a plaza it´s just the base for a monument that was never completed

To me it just depends on country, and whatever places they have that are comparably larger than the rest 2bh.

Reykjavik only has 120,000 inhabitants, but it feels much more like a proper city compared to places of the same size in larger parts of the world.


When people say Germany they think about Ordnung (large highways, lots of people and bureaucrazy. But that have to realize that it is the other way round. Germany has beautiful towns, small highways through a beautiful landscape and an efficient system.


Anyway here she is on a good day

>be me
>used to live in singapore
>worked as a translator
>8/10 qt complements me to her friend in chinese, thinking i don't understand
>start talking to her in chinese, surprising her
>end up getting her number and dating her for a while
Singapore is a pretty nice place, hopefully I'll go back at some point tbqh

now though

Looks great desu.

Pic related is downtown where I live. It's the Mainbrücke in Würzburg. This is one of the more realistic pics I could find, the other ones were airbrushed and edited too much to give you the right idea.

commuters n shit idk

>Tfw my 5000 people hometown is now twin with a 80 000 chinese city

Surely you can make room again for me. Who else will cook your burgers?