

baltic genocide edition

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=does light slow down when going upside down?






>There are people in this thread RIGHT NOW

I could fucking smash any cunt ITT

Keep dreaming cunt.

I'd drop you and anybody else ITT like the sack of shit you are.

I have sweaty palms. What do.

Oh shit boys and girls. We have to get this one. It's soon.

[Citation Needed]

I'll fucking kick your teeth in you dumb cunt, you don't even know who you're fucking talking to? Do you know who I know? Dumb cunt


Fucking poof, I'll fucking deck you

Keep running your mouth cunt and I'll fucking end you mate. Fucking wake up to yourself dickhead.

Once I become a billionaire I will finance a space station exclusively for whites


>vocaroo attentionfaggotry
Not clicking on this shitx fuck off.

We're not fucking scottish, you little poof.

I laughed very hard mate thanks

I don't give a shit

Yes you do because you posted it cunt

What a fucking dumb cunt, not even close, get the fuck out of my face

They will bring your station down.


I'm glad to see that 'straya is willing to let some refugees to come in


Jim is a fucking Maori mate

Fucking beta cucks, every last one of you.

Bravo Australia


Refugees? More like Niggers, am i right? :DDD

>Those girls laughing at the end


I don't give a shit about your opinion you special snowflake
fight me you cunt
you too

who /unironically hates women/ here?

Goeth to Reddit with thou attentionfagottery if thou wilt not to be bullieth.


sorry I can't understand this gibberish

No I hate myself

I've been rejected so many times I get anxious around attractive women, it's gotten so bad that hearing a womans voice makes me feel nervous and nauseous

>Latvians and Lithuanians are posting at the same time in this thread

well thats not good. are you white tho/

It's people like you that make me feel better about myself. I can take solace in the fact that no matter what I do, no matter how autistic I might seem, I'm still better than you

I am Greek.


>well thats not good. are you white tho/

>It's people like you that make me feel better about myself. I can take solace in the fact that no matter what I do, no matter how autistic I might seem, I'm still better than you

Igualmente cunt

Thread theme

>I hate women because they are a philosophical anomaly. Men's existence in the world is this pure, and purely anthropological, philosophical, theosophical, problem of life. It can be formulated in a bunch of ways: man as sojourner in world, man against world, man surmounting world, man adrift in world, etc., etc. Different people look at it and see different things, like individuals suffering indignities, or the beauty of collectivities, or the necessity of suffering and sacrifice. They see immanent virtues and transcendent values, inalienable rights and darwinian struggles of self-justification. The loftiest philosophy of sterile duty is best juxtaposed with the poetry of the most libertine everyman. All of these ways of seeing things in art and thought have been tried, and all of them recursively loop back to better inform us about ourselves and the world. With each great formulation, with each generation, we get a little closer to total understanding. And then over in a corner, there's women. Totally fucking pointless, not doing anything at all, fundamentally parasitic. No agency, non-creating zilches, existing only secondarily and by proxy. It just totally fucks up the poetic symmetry of the whole system. It's like if Hamlet had Jar Jar Binks in it for no reason. Women existing is like if Aristotle had said "therefore, I deduce that the nature of God is pure thought-thinking-itself, and next to it is a moist bag of dog shit." It's not even the smelliness of the bag that's offensive, it's the total unnecessariness of it. Women are fucking pointless.

whats so funny about that

Because it's not their fault I'm a huge sperg and ugly as shit

>falling in the bait like a cunts they are

both (Me)

Bruh I think a girl I've known for years and never been really close to is in to me

tfw always had a lil crush on her

who want's to come over for some lightspeed shitposting

thats some 3rd world speed m8.

well i gave you triple (You)

lmgtfy.com/?q=does light slow down when going upside down?

You're beautiful on the inside, user

fuck off u fucking ignorent cunt australia has the fucking nbn, fuck, fucking sick of everyone generallising all australians to have slow as fuck internet, brb better go tend to the sheep

t. National Party of Australia voter

Doubt it mate but thanks


Why do you come here to brag, normie?

what part of sydney are you in lad

I'm an easternsuburbsfag so I might visit you IRL if you give me your phone or skype or some shit

Admirable but mistaken... Ya cunt.

tfw 100mbit is as fast as light can go upside down

t. brit

thank (You)

eastern suburbs of sydney are the true anglo heartland

talk shit get hit cunt

Only the ones who won't be shit cunts.

Either they fit in or fuck off.

They wanna try and introduce shiara law? You wanna know who the biggest opposed to that will be?

I won't be the white Aussies. Nah, it'll be the Muslims.

We don't tolerate cunts, and our Muslims have understood that perfectly.

You wanna fucking introduce shiara law? I'll get fucking Abduhl and Omar to glass ya cunt. We believe in a fair go for all ya fucking Jihadist dickheads.

You wanna push your laws onto us? Fucking bring it on. Bring it on you goat-fucking, cousin breeding, child raping, gay bashing cunts. I'll fucking glass you.

t. Paki

I'm laying the groundwork to Estonian world domination.

t. habibi

go back to where you came from

Eastern suburbs? You go to cranbrook by any chance? I used to be a boarder there?

You talking to me or the dick head immigrants.

We must unite the Baltics under the Estonian flag first.

nah lad, I was at [spoiler]some multicult wankertopia secular school in the inner city[/spoiler]

[spoiler]heard of international grammar?[/spoiler]

>implying there's a difference

We don't need land, there's plenty of land to defend here already. We need minds. I'm thirsty for minds.

we should meet at dauguva instead

Grammar? Name rings a bell.

Obviously not Knox, right?

My boarding house was multicultural. Some of the best cunts I've ever had the privilege of meeting.

t. wishes he lived in Estonia

>biting the hand of an ally

The only one who needs to leave this country is you cunt. You either unite with us, or fuck off.

Estonians need to start learning how to nepotism desu

you got skype lad

I need irl friends

[spoiler]fucken add me if you want my username's allthenamesappeartobetaken but only because allthenamesaretaken was taken[/spoiler]

>all these non-whites in this general
I knew it. I knew it all along.

t. habibi

south eastern suburbs maybe, north east is full of cashed up chinks

Seems like ur a shill, skin proof that ur white urself.

>he says this while posting under an African flag

Why do "the rules of globalisation" only apply to white countries?

We need machines. More machines. And even more digital services. Every day I'm disgusted at the reality that we still have manned department stores and grocery stores.

t. Botswana

nobody wants to move to shitskin countries.

What about Japan, Korea and China?

me too lad

Japan is ok

but other ones are kinda meh too.
South korea is what lithuania could be if there would be less stealing from gov.

Is Estonia South Korea?

Dont think so, Estonia is more like Finland in middle ages.

>being this alex

Thats a very rude post