Why is Germany so great and Eastern Europe so shit? Are they really the master race?
Why is Germany so great and Eastern Europe so shit? Are they really the master race?
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only the south is great
Yeah Austria is bretty cool
Yes. We cannot understand them and laugh at them because we're inferior.
Germany has a good plan for the whole Europe to be free, rich and happy,
Looking forward to Eurovision 2017
>look at flag
>says poland
>says germany is better
can't believe this!
East Germany was just as shitty as the rest of the communist block compared to the West.
It has nothing to do with being German or not, it is to do with having been on the wrong side of the iron curtain.
That's because Germans from eastern Germany are Slavs and not true aryans.
this, communism is AIDS
eastern Europe is recovering at various speeds, Romania has a 4% growth now and Poland has had crazy growth for years now
it just takes time for the chemo to to kill all the aids
Germany has a declining population, and one of the consequences of the large refugee inflow is to boost the labour force. That many of the Syrian refugees are professional and business people has not been lost on analysts and employers, and already some companies have new apprenticeships targeted at the refugees. Merkel’s humanitarian instincts may yet bring long-term material benefits for her country, as long as Germany is careful not to alienate prospective citizens by demanding assimilation as the price of citizenship.
>This meme again.
End Poland. Pls, someone.
Denmark, annex.
Like 30% of them can't even write or read properly.
Professionals, lol.
All the Europe except Easter- are fucking cucked places.
true bros
Communism doesn't make you into a slav, bruv
They are quite literally Slavs.
We're richer than Germany and Austria? lolwut.
Bls adopt Italia, I already eat pasta qite often.
ebin you fucking retard.
eastern germany also united actual Germany.
adopt russians first. we opressed we have humanitarian crysis and our lifes endangered every day in russia. poland is okay, adopt russians at first
Only if you help us start a crusade against the mudslimes in Europe.
Shit, that wasn't the right one.
>new syria
haha nice try
I will, just pls teach me how to pasta, calcio and ravioli.
Bavarians are Wends
>true aryans
WTF I love Italy now