Finland is finished :DDD

Where do we move to? I heard Canada is comfy and they don't suck at hockey.

Are those all the jobs in Finland?

wow finland is really fucked what happened?

but my finnish qt normiebook friend says that finland just won some big match against russia

surely funland hockey is best hockey?

nothing new, this shit happens all the time

Move here finnishbro

Lowest unemplyomet in EU and we have fuckink Jagr

Move to Mexico and make us white please.

pls stop bully

I'm an accountant. Do I get jobs in Finland?


No you don't

1350 more fins will come to Sup Forums we are FINISHED.

This is actually good for Finland. The less jobs you have the less immigrant filth your country attract.

Like we don't have those enough already

>nigs and arabs
>giving a shit about work prospects

> economic migrants work/want jobs
hallo yes where ams the benefits

Why not

>implying those (sand)niggers are qualified to do anything else than leech off welfare


The immigrants don't give a shit about our economy or jobs,they just wan free money.
Fucking parasites.

Will unemployment in Finland reach 10%?

Can I expect thousands of qt Finnish women to come here and work as waitresses?


if you're willing to make the trip over here in nevada it's cheap to live in nice areas.

>selling Nokia to micro$oft
prolly the worst all time decision in the business world

GL getting a green card

You could always seek refuge in Sweden.

but we are white thus we won't get asylum
Sweden is racist against white people

And especially anyone from finland

>baww 1300 jobs lost
You'll be fine.

If Greece is still (barely) functioning, Finland will be fine.

Looks like they just got more reasons to hate us

Microsoft has been going downhill since he took over.

I thought socialism kept jobs from moving to other countries?

Even the socialist company Microsoft makes people redundant apparently.

Kek butthurt "Swedes are raycisd against finns"-finn detected

It's true though, isn't it?