Italian """"""""""""""""""cuisine""""""""""""""""""

>Italian """"""""""""""""""cuisine""""""""""""""""""

>maggot cheese-eating and rotten shark-munching islanders

a match made in heaven

Sardinian actually.


Is there any nation that is worse at handling banter than Italy? I think not. They're ass-blasted immediately.

>the only venomous reply in the thread
you're projecting, ozkam.

It's actually pretty good if you can get pass the maggot thing.

>Icelandic """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""cuisine""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""

Norway and Greece desu


I'd eat it.

What's that? Meat and some kind of fruit?

I wonder how they came to the conclusion that maggot shit enhances the taste, did some italian accidentaly leave his cheese somewhere until maggots got in it and then came back and decided to take a bite anyway, liked it,and then convinced the rest of the village to take a bite too? Yuck


Probably the same way you discovered you liked your shark better when it was rotten

>this cherry-picking
Italian cuisine is god tier

The shark is made rot to neutralize the poison

Well someone had to discover that anyway

yeah idk why op has cherrypicked this one very small portion of bad cuisine. italian food is fucking delicious and op is a faggot

lol thats true


Inept at detecting sarcasm. Makes awful jokes thinking there's a laugh track on Sup Forums.


Takes absolutely every piece of banter seriously and gets butthurt; starts throwing insults.


They think they're moots gift to Sup Forums.


Extreme butthurt like Americans, but have no insults they can throw back

Because Sardinians are geniusEs, we litterally invented everything.

How about alcohol?

>Leaves a bunch of shit like berries and barely to sit and rot
>Smells really bad
>Tastes bad
>Hey I know let's keep drinking it through!!

No offense, but the real problem with american posters is that (at least according to me) you have an above average percentage of underages among yourselves. This makes you look particularly bad since underages usually can bear way less banter.


I just assume everybody is underaged. It's not like it really makes that much of a difference between an underaged and just a flat-out ignorant idiot.

it was more of a way to get clean water through the distilling process (although they didn't know they were getting clean water by doing this they did it anyway because hey, it's somethig to drink).

This. Most of the people have some sense of humour.

>snowniggers literally eat rotten fish
>criticize other countries cuisine

>Inept at detecting sarcasm. Makes awful jokes thinking there's a laugh track on Sup Forums.


Humans discovered alcohol when we wuz monkeys n sheeit
We had to pick rotten fruits from the ground if we didn't want to starve.
Then we started to like it


atleast india can throw their feces