What would you put inside? What's the best examples Sup Forums-isms that keep Sup Forums away?
What would you put inside? What's the best examples Sup Forums-isms that keep Sup Forums away?
I, uh, don't think we have a good reputation of keeping Sup Forums away
You should try Sup Forumsmblr shit instead
Pretty accurate.
>dissing Sup Forums
Sup Forums is just Sup Forums with some Sup Forums added in
Somone put in the /lat/ meme
Chink detected.
Added more to complete the memery
>dissing Sup Forums
>implying anyone wants a random manchild to pop in to a conversation and begin shitting himself over conspiracies, nigger lynching and cuckposting
It's honestly just annoying at this point.
Sup Forums is the board of peace
But that's >>/po/ a nice board about paper :D
needs more spurdo
Thanks user, saved
polfags must leave and die in cancer
Generals are what make this place a piece of shit.
What about the cultural funposting?
that mousepad(?) really ties that pic together
Check out my mad paint skills.
>What would you put inside? What's the best examples Sup Forums-isms that keep Sup Forums away?
Is this supposed to dissuade me? Lol no thanks you butthurt faggot. I'll come and go as I please . You're a fucking white! I am a Person of Color. In all matters, you must defer to me.
Did you just draw that?
the turk circlefuck
I'm on it but here is something in the mean time
can't find the circlefuck, someone post it
there should be a mongol doing the aussie from behind tbf
>mistaking Sup Forums and /po/
my first though too
Does Sup Forums even seriously care about Sup Forums. Also they don't use cuck in every other post like Sup Forums does. It should say Jews or shills.
muslim weebs
Sup Forums collectively doesn't do anything, individual Sup Forums users come here to shill their beliefs thinking it's Sup Forums with less politics
they do it on other boards too, it's why they are disliked
Canadians posting about wanting a trap.
These are great
Put flags too
The pol character with Sup Forums on their shirt looking back.
There are some guys left in the background, put latino, aussie and other flags on them as well
that's Sup Forums
don't bother with more requests though, I'm out, got work to do
Butifel, my friend
Kop tek
I'm too lazy to draw it. But what about a group of people that play the nuke-a-country game and throw dices (= doubles/trips) and someone says: "If I get 4 sixes the whole world is destroyed except my country."?
Only a monkey would believe this.
le monke
overrated post
>mfw im in that thread too