/balk/ - Balkan thread

нoв тpeд и бaлoвe edition


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first for /c3/

0-4 samoubivam se
5-9 lqgam si puk she vidim posle

> Moldova : 40 churches, a church for every victory

> ottoman district of D*brogea : 1095 mosques, a mosque for every prayer

> We offer a competitive salary package and the opportunity to work with a team that is simply the best in the business.
> A minimum base salary as defined by the Austrian IT collective agreement applies to this position.

>Industry: Information Technology
>Minimum Wage per Month: 1645

that's fucking horrible


>wanting to work for the DRM jew

Mace bro here. Bulgarian bros, why do you only get/poluchvate 7 billion euros from the european union for the years 2014-2020?

I know it sounds like a lot but it's shit. Poland gets 80 billion by comparison, and it's for the same kind of projects (transport, education, etc). Czech gets 22 billion and Hungary/Slovakia are both about 15 billion. Only slovenia and bulgaria seem to contribute as much as they take from the eastern member states.




link stream.

because we are cucks

Consider this: every normal European country has a nationalist euro-sceptic party. Only in Bulgaria, our "nationalists" are not euro-sceptic or against global neo-liberalism in any tangible way, and the pseudo-nationalists who are (Ataka) hate the EUSSR only because they think that being part of the old USSR was somehow better.

I think we are depleted as a people. There is no spark left in us.

Can you find shittier pictures

don't want to, since i already have job, but i'm currently trying to reverse engineer a file format used by a game protected by Denuvo

shit's complicated, so i've expected they pay top dollars to their devs (juniors or not) and 1,6k for Austria is just... no.



>four pictures from the gorilla capital
>no gorillas whatsoever
what a fucking scam, man

Eat a sack of baby dicks faggot, OC.

Here is the website insideurope.eu/art-countries

Croatia took more than you and they have half the population. I'd fire your politicians


>because we are cucks
good meme

It's because we are going to steal them anyways. We are currently using only a small portion of the money they give us every year, because the people that write the project papers here care so less, they halfass that too, leading to meme projects that the EU will never accept, like a stadium in a god forgotten village with 100 inhabitants all of them in their 60's.

>reverse engineer a file format used by a game protected by Denuvo
no otf encryption?

>otf encryption

nationalism is AIDS

as a faggot you probably know more about AIDS than me, but you are still wrong



Because we're rich Western Europeans, not some poor fucks like Poland. So we contribute to the EU budget, instead of taking

give back our king faggots

are all jews evil?

on the fly

you can't call a lion evil for feeding on a deer

>cucks will defend this

snovat borcite velikani napred gotovi za borba

>good meme

Your life is a meme.

Jews are more like tape worms than lions. So you have a justification to kill them :^)

>Don't listen to the bad goys who slander the good name of the EU, they are fascists and probably paid by Putin

Of course I will.
I'm literally a EU federalist.
Death to nation states.
Live the union.
Git mad cuck.

Transparency and accountability are core EU values

We must defend democracy against the likes of Putin who have 80% approval rating among their people! Merkel is the true defender of democracy!




>it's an xpozed general

Give back Vranje,Leskovac,Nish.

there is some encryption, but not what some people claim (re-encryption on execution). Denuvo also claim there's no such thing.

so far i found the anti-anti-attach for debuggers, that is relatively easy to defeat (even so it's threaded and constantly executed)

what bugs me is the random EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION they throw
and due to the highly obfuscated code it's fucking time consuming to trace shit line by line

basically, they have a function, that is split in parts, like
for(i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
//do something
is like
JMP A ;set i to 0
;random gibberish code
JMP B ; check if i >= 10
;random gibberish code
JMP C ; add 1 to i
;random gibberish code
JMP D ; do something else
;random gibberish code

there's some pattern i can follow and strip the bulk pointless code, but that means i have to write a fucking x64 assembly parser from scratch, to rebuild a shit code that i can only analyze statically
and all i want is to figure few values from their game archive format, that i already reverse engineered to probably 90%


thanks god underages can't vote

Typци викeт Aлaх Aлaх ,Уpa викeт кoмититe
Кpcтe вoјвoдa извикa cитe бpaќa aј пo мeнe
клaвaјтe и нoжoитe зaпaлeјтe и бoмбитe

dat church is where is the body of the Serbian king Milutin, you posting shit without any backstory you ignoratus

Putinbot, disappear

easy on the gas pedal next time

fuck off natoboy

>non testatum

kek, eternal mudslime butthurt. xD



you should thanks us we preserve his remains, you cunt

Come and try to take him.

thanks brah

чyпкa вaтник

>supportign a 3rd world country. Kys.

>tfw have to share border with muslim turks and orthodox turks.

just admit that this is way out of your league

you visited our masculine Gorilandia?

Thank G*d the EU is saved, in Austria they almost elected a Nazi who could have made the country leave the trans gay orgy. What would have happened to Konchita and the Euro-Atlantic values?


>Thank G*d

it is, i'm not even trying to deny that

still, would be nice to push it to these 10% left and break the file format. I don't care about the copy protection, just for the fucking file format.

last time i almost gave up was when trying to unpack Ridge Racers Unbounded. And when i finally did it, it turned out i was the first who were able to crack the file format. Felt good.

>yugo sloveni flooded this thread


Anyone else engoying the fall of the Western civilization as i do?
I really hope that more and more rapefugees would swarm the west.

Go back to Siberia, little Russkie troll.

wow, cut down on the transphobia and homophobia lad
no need to be edgy

Why are you replying to yourself?


>he doesn't know there is a hidden ID on posts

Do you speak English?

zivela jugoslavija


The Yugoslav flag was one of the most beautiful in existence desu

this is your brain on hybrid warfare tales by NATO shills

You strike me as good goys who will valiantly fight under the command of the homosexual Plevnio and the homo-agrarian Nenchev against the enemies of EUSSR

Im not samefagging, son.
Im not into your cuck dispute, selyak.

Youth day today.

>Impyling you can't erase the (You) out in photoshop.
That's why it took you so long to reply to this post. Now stop pretending, muddy russki, everyone knows already.

Samefagging again. Kys

We had a Russian shill in Macedonia not long ago, where is he? We need to inform him that he has a new friend.

Im neither a rusianhill nor a natoshill, selyache.

Shills are traitors and should be hanged.

Then why are you still alive?

eй, нeдopacляци! вдигaйтe cи ayтизмa и вън!

къдe миcлиш чe ce нaмиpaмe?

Just saw this image on my favourite website, Reddit.com

Happy 2006 m8

Natoboys and Russiaboos should die ASAP.

Who are Macedonians of Game of Thrones cucks?


NATO is in our interests, Russia ain't, whether you like it or not.

If it isn't for NATO, we would be the next Ukraine, Belarus or Ukraine.

I don't care who we ally ourselves with as long as Bulgaria wins from it, and right now Bulgaria wins from the EU and NATO, and anyone who argues against it is either a Russian troll or a brainwashed communist.

There is absolutely no logic for wanting Bulgaria to be out of the EU or NATO except "they're gays", which usually the Russian shills like to say every time they argue about it.

sure thing natoboy

>no arguments

Typical. Call me "gay" in your next posts, that's also expected

your shilling sure is on point today natoboy




No "eurogay" or "natogay"? I'm impressed.


There's no "winning" mate, you're not at war, your objective as a country is to integrate to the west.

This means more consumerism, more office buildings, more roads, more flights, more diplomacy, more wealth.

It also means less corruption, less spirituality, less time wasting, less guarantees, less savagery.

Thus youre right, EU and NATO it is.

thanks mr soros

>I'm reassured by my beliefs that NATO and thr EU are beneficiary for my country

OAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, yes, I forgot about the famous word that comes out of Russian shills EVERY. FUCKING. TIME.... "SOROSOID"

Can't you make this any more obvious, little gypsy troll?

I know, mate, but Russia is conducting hybrid war in Bulgaria, emplyoing trolls, Russian-backed parties and brainwshed commies. That has to stop.

Liberast, pls go. You are cancer.

Your commie Prime Minister sure is helping your country.

>blow money on welfare, guns and pensions
>never pay taxes
>"I bet EU did this!"