
completely justified in his actions

Great thread lads

eternal anglo

lost my wallet lads

Thread's already dead.


le monke

where are de lads

the gf

Waz hannn

first poster in 4 hours


Getting new neighbours tonight, two men in their 40's, probably less than 5% chance that they are not a gay couple.

I think I'll stand outside smoke joints and drink a flagging and shout down my phone with a fake dub accent looking as threatening as possible.

don't like this americanised notion that two men living in a house are gay

I mean fourty years ago it was common for men to share houses especially in the countryside

Slept all day, lads

>he lives alone with another man
All your neighbours think you are gay.


don't live alone if i'm living with another man do i

princess sophia banana hammock?

Hey lads, is the following phrase correct?

>"Dia duit ar tráthnóna"

you must be some cretin to be familiar with friends

>tfw I just got a sudden realisation that I've been sitting looking out a slit in my curtains for the past hour waiting for two, probably very nice, people whom I've never even met before to start moving into their new home

>tfw the only reason for doing this is so that I can act like a knacker and make them feel as uncomfortable as possible and slightly anxious about approaching/crossing me in the future.

>tfw trying to come up with some sort of justification for acting like this but I can't

Diagnose me.

Wait, I remembered, they are probably a pair of quares

Didn't he bomb people?

narcisstic personality disorder

If I wasn't so fantastic I could be labeled as a delusional narcissistic for sure, but me being such a fine specimen of a man negates that completely.

Dhuit (dhaoibh might be better).

Dia dhaoibh seo trathnona ansin, mo chairde

Yeah he almost killed me mum


No, just a Mick. I like to sabotage the German posters sometimes.

i tried doing that by cuckposting as an american

anyway hows your german?


>28 degrees
h-haha at least its not irish weather amirite? h-heh

New neighbours have arrived, but it's too dark to see how gay they look.

why are small towns such cesspools lads?

that window you're looking out of

are you sure it isnt a mirror you nigger

fuck off dub

-all the inhabitants care about is money
-they all hate each other
-they're all somehow related and angry because x cousin was cheated out of a few acres by y cousin
-jealousy is rampant
-everyone is nosey

couldnt be further from the truth

fuck meant to reply to but replied to myself

I'm actually in my shed now looking in their back window

post a pic lad

I'm still waiting for them to appear

throw some pebbles at their window

or better yet a petrol bomb

One of them is a Brazilian or some fanny fucking accent on him I shit you not. Light is off in the box room, at the back now, Windows open, curtains drawn in the front, 2 bedroom gaf.

bunch of negroes moved into my place after i moved out wahey

prepare to be culturally enriched la

they'll be knocking on your door asking for some sugar before the end of the week

put sugar in their petrol tank


Fuck off

good post

Ellen post neck

Why is this always called eire and not Hibernia. Ps benzos and anime amirite.

because we werent even conquered by the romans and irish is our language



An ami

je ne pas d'ami.

Lads, how exactly was lisiki's pho leaked here? I want to know the story.


Still can't sleep

go see a doctor then

Lmaoing at Dublincucks getting shot in the streets. Glad I'm safe from that shithole.

RTE be like someone was shot omg. My face when they say they were known to the Gardai.


cant sleep clown will eat me

mummy not happy im still awake

She wanted to rape you in ur sleep.


Would drill her for oil.

In addition to being generally uglier (with certain outlier examples which just prove the rule, even Daisy Duke here has a meh-face), literally half of them have genital herpes due to lower impulse control, yes, /even lower/ than western sluts in general these days. and they're (somewhat understandably, but it doesn't make them any more pleasant to interact with) just kinda baseline mad at the world for being black women, although the world isn't quite so hard on them unless they're unlucky, as they're women and all.