Excluding Haiti, what's the worst non-African country?

Excluding Haiti, what's the worst non-African country?

I think it's Yemen.

North Korea, some shitholes in Central- South America, Afghanistan,


probably afghanistan-pakistan or some shithole in central america

Right now, probably Syria

afghanistan is pretty bad

ireland hehehe




Probably Papua New Guinea, Honduras, Nicaragua, or Yemen I guess.

>largest producer of heroin
huh I thought that was us. Maybe im thinking of meth.

>Probably Papua New Guinea
One third of India's states have lower HDI than it, though.

HDI measures lifespan, GDP per capita and average number of years of education. And I doubt those can be measured accurately in anywhere in PNG outside of Port Moresby.

You have no idea how much of a hellhole PNG is. It's not just a shithole, but a fucking hellhole. Much of the population are completely new to civilisation, and a whole fucking lot of the country is outside the control of the government (as if they care in the first place). All kinds of violent shit happens there and no one knows about it because the place is so irrelevant.

>It's not just a shithole, but a fucking hellhole. Much of the population are completely new to civilisation, and a whole fucking lot of the country is outside the control of the government (as if they care in the first place). All kinds of violent shit happens there and no one knows about it because the place is so irrelevant.
Are you sure you aren't talking about both Papua New Guinea and India?

Yemen is based and safe

They have a very strong gun culture.

Yes. India is nowhere like Papua New Guinea. There are similar places, but they're mainly in meme states like Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh. The Indian government has power over a lot of places, and large cities (Delhi, Hyderabad, Mumbai, etc) are relatively decent (liveable). As opposed to the government of PNG which barely can do shit outside of Port Moresby.

Only americans use meth, it's expensive as fuck in other countries.

maybe the largest consumer of heroin is usa

almost all drugs derived from opium are farmed in afghanistan or pakistan and then smuggled abroad

>maybe the largest consumer of heroin is usa
I think that's Britain

this is a list of countries by opiate users (in percentages)

UK is highest western country on the list so you could be right


I couldn't find a list for meth specifically, but...