How do we save Sweden?

How do we save Sweden?

Will there culture completely change? Will they have to stop drinking?

"we" lmao

go build a wall, juan

Would a wall save Sweden?

>Nordic alcohol culture

kek...why not scandi alcohol culture

save them? that article clearly says it's already happening. Diversity is forcing women back into traditional gender roles and reducing alcoholism among reprobate sitzpinklers

sounds like one of nature's self-correcting mechanisms

yeah but at expense of creating the caliphate

>Implying this won't happen to all of you.

difficult to believe these articles aren't satire at this point
we'll never completely fall to the extreme left like Sweden, but even our conservative party IS quite leftist in nature


This, i don't see the problem..YET.

>People get scared by ooga booga niggs
>People start to dislike them
>People then vote to stop it
>Niggs riot n shiet
>People vote to deport all niggs
>Sweden becomes the 4th Reich and hitler get's revived from the dead and all the jews get gassed and then we all win this shit because this greentext is getting to long

That's pretty harsh victim blaming

>Sweden becomes the 4th Reich
Just make sure Norway is your Poland, not us.

Sure, Oil money is rightfully ours.

Sweden and Germany are both finished.

>Sweden becomes the 4th Reich

And who exactly would make up your Wehrmacht Sven?

This fag?


There something wrong with these men?

Our leader and king Carl Gustav XVI inspecting the troops.

The men in the pic grew up in the late 80's early 90's, before Sweden sudoku itself.

The soldiers you will have in 10 years will come from this stock.

Why is Sweden so hell-bent on destroying itself? Why is white guilt so rampant among Swedes?

are you too poor to be posting webms?

I didn't save the webm. I went to google and searched "effeminate swedish boy webm" and these gifs came up.

Also nice deflection.

Allow me

Wait winter, all tthose migrant die of cold

lol, enjoy le currentyearman

Thanks senpai

That's some major cognitive dissonance
In one sentence they say it's the women's fault, then they say it's the refugees who don't think about the consequences and ate at fault

Too cringey, male group are all faggot, what's that? wanting some of the audience to fuck his butt? Appealing for some buttsex?, and 1 of the 2 female is black somalian muslim.


We can't, Sweden is a lost cause