I hate what's happened to my country

>be me
>good university
>work part time
>church every week
>dont smoke/drink
>not a degenerate like most people my age
>red pilled
>vote conservative
>never had a girl friend in my life
>always see girls going for shitskins/niggers
>example: meet qt non-degenerate white blonde girl first semester
>these sub humans arabs give her drugs at a party
>all of a sudden she skips class and just uses me for notes
>apparently she's a whore now too

What the fuck. I try to life good and non-dengerate and nothing good happens

Our women are race traitors. What the FUCK do I do? I'm sick of it, I refuse to settle for for women like this...


Post the nudes?

so your life just got blown away

just like a leaf lmao

just do what swedes do and import a thai qt. white women belong to us now

t. specialist in white female tourist pick up

>t. specialist in white female tourist pick up
huh whats your pick routine shit like

I'm serious I'm getting sick of our prestigious to women getting with subhumans

I'm not a degenerate I want a white woman.

>red pilled
>vote conservative
>never had a girl friend in my life
Oh boy what a surprise

Lmao nice one Senpai

You sound boring tbqh.

you are beta cuck

>meet European or American qt at any of the popular tourist spots

>they usually have a certain spot they wanna visit like the dead Sea or petra so I offer to drive them there

>meme with them for a couple days

>invite them to my place for original local cuisine

>spend the night doing the nasty

seriously white women are so horny it is almost too easy

Can you provide me with the name of this hoe? I need it for a paper due tomorrow



post jordanian qts pls

>white person shows up at Jordan
>immediatly 15 women ready to suck his cock

No I'm not. You're telling me women want a shit skin druggie over me? Keep in mind I'm white, not some Elliot Rodgers type chink


our women are kept on a leash until marriage. say hi to your sister's boyfriend for me before he leaves her and she puts another coin in the cock carousel

Yeah women hate normal responsible white men. Its really terrible

you are not exotic and exciting

I wish i had a boyfriend like you, but i live in New york where all men are degenerate leftist fags

protip: she was always a whore, you just didn't know about it previously.

Yes they do. Cause you are average


>drugs and alcohol are the only forms of entertainment in the year 2016 of our lord

You only need to find one woman like you and settle for her. At least this is what my religion tells me to do.

Of course they do.
Druggie shitskins are fun and exciting. Women start liking stability when they're 25-30, after they had their fun getting gangbanged by 4 niggers while doing cocaine or stuff like that.

Your time will come, I just hope you like throwing hotdogs down hallways once a month since she'll be "too tired to do it" most of the time.

What am I doing wrong? I dont want to be a degenerate
This alwayw happens to me. Ive never been able to find a red pilled white girl..

this man knows his shit


I was involved with a cute romanian girl, very sensible views about arabs etc. I miss her sometimes.

1st worlders are so pathetic, jesus christ

Do I sense some resentment


Then how do I become like this without acting like a nigger?

>describing yourself as "red pilled"

Hey, man, just find yourself another proper girl (this one was probably not all that proper from the beginning anyway).

>how do i become interesting
i think its too late for you brah

>thinking your skin gives you an advantadge at dating in a white country.

You are not exotic or interesting, so they ditch you over someone else.

You know that's not what I meant, but I'd hate to be in a relationship with a no fun allowed kind of guy.

do stupid shit for fun, don't be a retard


toppest of keks

You just gotta be alpha and take what you want. Not take as in steal/rape, but you know, pursue and work for it. And if you can't have someone, then discard the whole thing and find someone else.

Relax, buddie. I think you've been in here too much. If Canada is anything like here, then this nigger loving white girl stuff is a rarity rather than a norm. I think your problem is more that you're shy, or perhaps you don't take the initiative to really get together with girls in that manner.

the problem is not fixable any longer. Think Abraham's day when you imagine how women ought to be.

Your mistake, like all men, is still treating them as fully human. Use them. Yes, it's quite sad they can't be something we would actually respect and love but that is NOT SOMETHING YOU CAN CHANGE so get your kicks and always wear a rubber.

But above all, never listen to them, that has been the wrong move since Adam listened to Eve about that fruit

Do stuff like parachuting, painting, writing, hang gliding, MMA. Stuff that makes you look interesting or dangerous, because women fall in love with status, not with persons.

And stop being obsessed with being the average 1940s man with untainted morals and other dumb shit like that, if it changed it's because people don't like it anymore.

or he watches anime and browses Sup Forums whole day and as a result he is antisocial


Or that, indeed.

White guys need to reinvent themselves. They're just one big bore.
>boring family history
>boring culture
>can't dance
>can't fight
>little dicks

Probably. He also sounds authoritarian and overly obedient.

sound like a Sup Forums cuck

>le degenerate meme
it doesn't matter it's all subjective

No I've actually got things to do then watch anime like a weeb.
You're joking right? Go back to your own country shit skin. White men are the most valuable in ANY country


>>all of a sudden she skips class and just uses me for notes
Holy fucking shit you betacuck nigger

Because you sound bland as fuck
You can enjoy parties and still go to church and vote conservative in case you don't know

>red pilled
>never had a girl friend in my life

what a concept

>goes on a site where trannies and Chinese cartoon girls coexist and thrive on every board
>jacks off to aforementioned girls and "girls"
>calls other degenerates
Someone explain this to me.

>White men are the most valuable in ANY country

And yet you are losing to Arabs?

>there will never be a way to purge Stormfront from Sup Forums

kill me now

>White men are the most valuable in ANY country
>says the cuck who goes to class to take notes for his "friend" who's too busy getting gangbanged by achmed, mohammed and tyrone while doing LSD

>thinking you're valuable just because your skin is white
how deluded can one "man" be?

Fuck of paki you will never be British.

Can't wait for the day of the rope. Race traitors will get what's coming to them too

this is why you cant get gf

Is this what happens when mummy coddles you too much and you start to believe you're special?

No OP you're just a boring fucking loser lmao


You may not look like Elliot, but you talk just like him

isn't Slovakia a red pilled country? why are you saying this?

Honestly tourists are the easiest lay no latter the color

>paying 20 bucks for nudes when I can just google

>I'm a virgin


Is OP doing some sort of satire?

redpilled indeed, thats why i can see you are autistic

>Stormcucks exist because they can't compete with shitskins
lmao neck yourself you fucking nerd

They are literally corrupting our women, turning them into sluts. You don't see this? Are you a shitskin?

No, it's just Sup Forums or Stormfront leaking again.

>Red pilled

Wtf does that mean? Like hates jews or something?

Real talk: judging by this thread, you probably walk around giving off an angry, brooding vibe. Grills will see it and avoid. Unless you start hanging out at skinhead venues, no normal grill wants to meet a pissy man. Conservative grills ideally want a buttoned-up, white collar, smart, confident, successful male. Think upper class white businessmen. Right now you are acting JUST like Elliot. He too complained about the same shit you did.

Leave your beliefs behind and try to enjoy life a bit more. Walking around having a stroke every time you see a brown guy is fucking up your whole vibe to grills, and you probably don't even realize it.

Stop overvaluing yourself
Ease the fuck up
Stop reading pol everyday
Do things that make you happy
Talk to people more

and eventually you'll find a grill. Unless you start digging into SPECIFIC venues to meet "red pill" women, I'm essentially telling you to become part-normie

Why are Canadians so autistic? Good god.

How are they corrupting them? Maybe they were sluts to begin with?

>Master race
>Gets corrupted in under 5 minutes

Giving them drugs and making them turn to ghetto/nigger trash. You don't see this?

This is satire right?

I think so.

Why are they incapable of refusing drugs?

Are they adults or underaged?

>>vote conservative
>complain about women wanting non-whites
shouldn't they be all over you then Mr. Singh?

How long until OP shoots up his school?

Women aren't as rational as men. They see music videos from nigger rappers and they think it's all cool, when in reality it's just disgusting.

Do I really need to explain this to you?

>women aren't as rational as men, it's just facts, it's science, sorry you don't like the REAL world *tips fedora*

this is why women don't like you

You're seriously ganna debate me over this?

becuase muh drug cultrue coolieuoo

you sound fucking boring lad.
also anybody who posts on Sup Forums is a degenerate by default.

What are the gun laws like in Canada?

I'm afraid this sperg will kill someone soon enough.


You'll just spout shit and call him a Muslim every sentence

>things that never happened

Meme with them for a couple days? That's how I know you're full of shit. Fucking a tourist takes hours not days.

How would you know about the outside world being degenerate when you never leaf your room you fucking drongo.

>I'm not a degenerate I want a white woman.
Do you know how pathetic you sound right now?

Lol Arab women are whores as soon as they go west