Israelis on this board are closer to the centre of ISIS than Melbourne is to Sydney

>Israelis on this board are closer to the centre of ISIS than Melbourne is to Sydney

What the FUCK... Stay safe my big nosed friends.

Also what's going to be the end result country(s) out of this mess? Because clearly Syria is now a non-country and probably Iraq too

Other urls found in this thread:

ISIS is not gonna make a move against Israel, they'd get their entire 'state' glassed if they did.

>end result country(s) out of this mess?

I don't know what this pocket right next to Gaza is about but it's alarming



Do you really want more sandniggers to take care of?

>take care of
yeah, we're gonna... take care... of them

they are all moving to Europe
see, God has a plan

lets not forget the niggers in your cunt right now...

I don't get the point of what you say.
They are surrounded by enemies on all sides in the first place.

I guess I just hadn't thought about exactly how close they are to a total war zone

>not a failed state
Pick one

i expected Sup Forums tier posts ... what a shame

All it will take is a few angry imams to organize the angry mobs, and israel will cease to exist within months, and not even america will prevent it, yurope will take back every jew that immigrated there since WW2 because they will be the next wave of "refugees" there.

ISIS is in the northeast, the other side of Syria from Israel. Other rebels, and Assad, are in the way.
They have been attacked by ISIS from the Sinai though.

define "non-country"

your angry mobs, bulbul, failed twice....
>1st intifada - Israeli win
>2nd Intifada - also Israeli win
don't make me laugh at you..

>he fell for the "israel can exist without daddy america" meme

nah fuck you too

yet safer than Europeans

why is it that every israeli poster (with the exception of mechanized dildo machine) is such a fucking cunt?

must be all the secularists that dont really believe in god yet live in the "holy land" regardless, their conscience is getting to them.

Dunno m8. We should add them to the "Butthurt Belt"

we may as well add shitaly to that belt too

Israel made isis

As you wish, Shlomo

t. Guglielmo Kraźćyzncnzcnznczski

stop being such a bitch...

Do Israelis see themselves as Middle Eastern? In the US everyone views Israel as a southern European country like Italy.

They're Middle-Eastern, not only geographically but also mentally. By all accounts their behaviour is appalling, and their tribal mentality is not European in the slightest.

> In the US everyone views Israel as a southern European country like Italy.
if you are not memeing please consider suicide
even Turkey is more European than Israel
Israelis hate Europe and Europeans hate Israel

>Israelis hate Europe
>and Europeans hate Israel

>>Israelis hate Europe
literal fact
Jews have a chronic persecution complex and are convinced that all Europeans are HAMAS loving anti-semites who think Hitler was in the right
>>and Europeans hate Israel
less true but the average European is not a big fan

wew. Israelis are some of the consistently better posters on here lad.

The terrorists and 'rebels' won't stop until they run out of money.

USA, Turkey and the saudis have them covered in that respect, so we wait until they give up, or Assad dies and the country falls definitely into chaos.

> be israeli
> get stabbed

Wait there are still joos living in Polan?

Every leftist I know hate israel because muh poor palestinian kids. Also, the average european news channel always depict Israel as a 21th century Rhodesia

kek. this is the truth. lefties (read: most """educated""" people) aren't fans of Israel. Sadly I think is correct. Not sure about actual Israelis but have met American Jews who were unironically convinced we were all raving anti-semites who would lynch them as soon as we found out they were Jewish.

>21th century Rhodesia

awful post

don't worry, Daesh won't attack itself ;)

You're just a bitch that expects us to kiss your ass and act like America does everything for us. Just fuck off back to McDonald's and let us remove Arabs in peace

Poland is literally the most butt hurt posters to exists
Know it was your uncle Muhammad and his friends

Complete bullshit from a retard who's never been here...

40% of Israelis are European, we're much more European then some shitty Muslims state like turkey you retard

>40% of Israelis are European
no 40% of Israelis are Jewish
important difference

Can anyone explain this? Do they contact Palestinians in Gaza? Why are they there?

>no 40% of Israelis are Jewish
>important difference
pls be bait... dear god pls be bait

isis is already in gaza , yet not powerful enough to alarm us..

no bait you know it's true schlomo
jews don't belong in Europe and never have

On a scale of one to six million, how much of a mistake is Gaza?

>removing Egyptians
I'm ok with this.jpg

Trying so hard to be european and bragging about being more european than a nation that simply gives no fuck about the matter is sure great

Well theres going to be Kurdistan. Which Turkey will atack ASAP.

Then they wouldn't be Jews

>than a nation that simply gives no fuck about the matter
topkek, Turkey is the most wannabe European country there is
but like Israel it isn't and never will be

That Egypt not being able to fucking control its own territory, giving back Sinai was a mistake.
There is a small ISIS cell in Gaza but is pretty negligible right now. One time they fired a Grad into Israel and blamed Hamas in hopes to start a war a make us do the dirty work for them.
They also fired some rockets from Sinai but no one realy cared

>turkey is the most wannabe European country there is
We sure want to become European by threatening those sissy faggots , sure.
We dislike our former slaves as they will never be equal to us , inferior barbarians.

le epic meme of xenophobic israelis

you're racist as hell and meanwhile most of your country is full of arabs

you hate multiculturalism but you're the most cucked by arabs nation in the whole world

pathetic jews. you do it very well in the outside but inside your own country you're like swedes

palestine used to be completely arab, now its about 30%. thats like 100% white spain becoming 70% moor in a century

wrong comparison

judea used to be 100% jew.

then turned 100% arab

jews got almost genocided

then they came back

and aren't able to retake all of their country

but hey look the desert makes the map look huge!

lel keep living in delusion mehmet

You have an odd way of saying "truth" my irrevelant friend

the truth is that Turkey has been cucked by Europe for the last 300 years or so and even during its brief period of relevance it contributed anything of value and that today Turkey is a borderline 3rd world shit hole

>Giving back Sinai was a mistake
True, remove Egyptians

its never been 100% jew
id know
im jew

there is no hate or love between slave and it's old master. if something it's only pity.
there is only 5k greeks left in turkey btw. nice worshipment, much love, much doge.

now this dumbfuck is a comedy on its own,
pic related , the numbers tell it all
and about us being european or not who fucking cares , pls consider killing yourself

Isn't ISIS spilling their spaghetti as of late?

>in switerland
we're already full of serbs they wouldn't mix well

fuck off mate, we aint yuropoorean

but give us money though or we release them refugees on your lands :D

Why do we have to hate each other? Why can't we just all bury the hatchet and go out to colonize the galaxy?

>thirty thousand Israeli Jews in Canada

yep buddy

Why so many in Leafistan?
