Question to slavs

Especially our neighbors. How much can you understand when a Hungarian speaks? Or if you were to read a Hungarian text?

Hungarian and Albanian. Two European languages I do NOT understand a SINGLE WORD SPOKEN OR WRITTEN

A random page from wiki:
>Az anime (アニメ, ejtése [anime], az „animation” szó rövidüléséből) a rajzfilm általános elnevezése Japánban, a szigetországon kívül a japán stílusú rajzfilmek összefoglaló neve. A műfaj eredeti hazájában több korosztályt is megcéloz, és az élőszereplős filmekhez hasonlóan készülnek az idősebbek számára is például romantikus, komikus, akció- és drámaanimék, sőt erotikus, pornográf tartalmúak is.
I don't understand anything at all except international words like komikus

>How much can you understand when a Hungarian speaks?

not at all

> Or if you were to read a Hungarian text?

nothing except random words like dog or hello

i live in western slovakia in city with lot of hungarians and listened to it pretty often, picked up almost nothing, its just too different

Those aren't Slavic languages though are they? Isn't Hungarian more like Finnish? I don't even know what the fuck Albanian is similar to but it sure looks weird.



b-but according to our wikipedia, we picked up tons of slavic words into our language. Almost as much as 20%.

it's from the uralic language like finnish, estonian or sami and bunch of other languages like moksha mainly near the ural mountains

every other language in europe is indo-european (except basque) are related with the same sort of words for brother and sister, brat and sestra

That's great, Alajos Jaszfelsoszentgyorgy

you did, but you magyarized lot of them, for example

Rose=Ruža in Slovakian=Rózsa in Hungarian

they are fairly similiar but most people who dont speak hungarian wont realise it

it might be that you just can't pick them out because the orthography is just too different
how is it pronounce

Albanian is the jewel of Europe. Language of the Serpent Demon, used for powerful enchantments. They also influenced neighbourly Aromanian, which is also a witchcraft language. Spoopy shit, my friend

Not syntactically related to its neighbour languages (lexically only through loanwords - primarily Greek and Italian)


can i have pwers?

I'm pretty sure Rose has a latin origin, so that wasn't the best example maybe.

I've looked up apparently stuff like ablak - window, szerda - wednesday, munka - work, patak - spring water. etc. are slavic in origin.

Still nothing?

A little.

You must go to Ghegia, master the Gheg arcane and powerful rituals
But you risk getting mugged out of your vital organs, despite the very lovely nature and beautiful mountains

??????????? "Oblak" means "Cloud" in Serbo-Croatian. It's an old Slavic word, meaning "arc"
Is it?



"Patak" means "(male) Duck" in Serbo-Croatian. "Potok", however, means "stream/spring water". Good work, Hungarians

Tell me then, how do I discern these seemingly masked words in a barrage of fast pronounced segg?

no clue about this one

>Tell me then, how do I discern these seemingly masked words in a barrage of fast pronounced segg?
segg means ass, lols. The word you're looking for is szar - shit. Or fos. Diarrhea. We use both interchangeably when we describe something we don't like.

>Albanian is the jewel of Europe

The first and last time anyone will write that here


Thats all the words I know

prolly shqipt diaspora here

I don't foster irrational hatred towards the people known as Albanians/Roaches/Albozergs/Shiptars/Shqipzergs and so on
See the language, I encourage you. No matter how revolting many of its accents may sound, there is beauty in its uniqueness. Lots of its words have unclear origin (oooh, linguistic mysteries) or more direct PIE roots

That could either mean it's warm or that somebody is gay.

It's easier for non slavic speaker learning a slavic language to understand most slavs, than it is for a native slavic speaker to understand a foreign slavic speaker.

Weird, I know.

0. Maybe some people from Vojvodina understand you a little, but you will have to ask them

it's the opposite
and hungarian is an ugro-finnic language


top meme

Korosztályt (use?)
This is the only non-international word I think I get

Kurva and nemetorszag or however you write that
(more words after lurking /v4/)
I know Hungarians irl

Hungarians are not slavs tho. Learning another slavic language as native slav is p. easy

This summer I was driving through Europe from Finland, Sweden and Czech republic to Bulgaria and we always could read road signs and understand most of it, in Hungary it was like everything was written in chinese. Literlly 0 understanding.

they use kurva too

a kurva anyatok

It's the opposite. I've studied Russian, Polish and Czech and have a hard time understanding Serbian and even Slovak and Czech sometimes

>That could either mean it's warm or that somebody is gay.
in polish word 'warm' may also mean gay.

Baršun, teret, čopor, čardaš, varoš :DDDDDD
Kurva anyad

As a Pole I understand Slovak the most, like 90%
then Belorusian/Ukrainian
then Russian
then Czech
Yugos not very much, maybe 20%

>fino-ugric-uralic mongolokhitanic-manchu race from out of space
>Mooooooooom, I did it again xDDDDD
Lay off the memes or you'll start believing them

Lol it means age group you bög

slovakian is common denominator for slavic langs that why. Do you really understand hohols? I speak russian quite fluently and cant understand them for shit.

Kill yourself, bozgor.

What? I speak some Russian and understand Ukrainians equally. Granted, my dialect is ikavian, just like the Ukrainian standard...

how good is your czech and polish? with this combo you should understand slovakian easily, provided its not eastern accents, those are closer to ukrainian

Belorussian more but I've had an Ukr friend

really. I cant understand them. I even tried to learn ukrainian so I understand like 75% of written stuff, but I cannot understand what they say. I can freely speak and write in russian thou. Its maybe its so similar to polish.

My polish is decent but my czech is awful. I've only been studying them for two semesters
I find eastern ukrainian easier to understand. Lwów ukranian is next to impossible to listen to

are you a native Swede

Swedish is my first language

are you that swedish kurd that starts all the slav threads?

So you're the child of a Swedish mother and a non-European immigrant?

>Swedish is my first language
what does it mean? Something like its my wife's son? Are you a Swede or not, kurwa?

I am)) Have there been any lately?
Both my parents are actually Kurdish

Nice to see you again, haven't been on Sup Forums in a while but I remember you.
Your threads were usually either chill guess-the-word or would devolve into shit flinging real quick, either way it was fun bratko.

>Both my parents are actually Kurdish
so why the fuck do you learn slavic langs? Would it not be easier to learn some arabic/persian langs


This I will never understand. A K*rt has an immense start on Farsi...Yet I will always struggle with it. It's cosmic injustice

They all eventually turned into a shitfest with that Pole and Croat arguing, but I liked it)
I barely speak Kurdish and Slavic languages are more fun:3 Besides, the grills are top tier

why do you have hard on for slavs?

>Swedish is my first language
that perfectly swedish answer.

I started out with Russian and fell in love with it and what I enjoy the most are the cases and the mutual intelligibility between Slavs

>mutual intelligibility between Slavs
you are in for a rough awakening m8

Tell me you do NOT learn a language because the "grills are top tier"?

this desu. Unfortunately.

What gay reason do you have?

he is on Sup Forums. What do you expect?

I've already experienced this first hand, but there's still something that connects them all. The grammar doesn't differ much for example and each language group has its incredibly interesting "dialectal" differences like zoloto, zlato, zloto and son, sen, san and each language has its own differences

You're in the first steps. To aid you in quicker revelation, the next step is realizing how hard the language learning "road" ahead truly is, and coping with your stalled progress/lack of passion to continue your studies/disappointment in yet another quitting project by saying Slavs are subhumans who have not produced anything of worth, as well as substance abusers and that Slavic women are all mail order whores who spread HIV like bees do pollen. Finally, you'll conclude you were right all along and that learning any of this group's language is a futile task, not worth your precious time

english is still your best bet. seriously learn some useful languages like german or french

>learn some useful languages like german or french
this. If you speak swedish you should have no problem with norwegian or dutch. I really dont get it why you embarked on slavic langs.

Thousands of people visit this board. Are we so unfortunate, not being able to find a few people not completely consumed by memes? This is a complete nightmare. They've memed so long, they don't even know what's real and what's a meme

I don't have a personal reason to study those languages and Slavic languages take up too much of my life for me to study something else. It's gotten personal

This place is mostly a congregation of broken people, why do you think you'd find something of worth here?