Countries nobody care about

People don't care about what happens in the following countries. Thoughts?


Also we make more global headlines than your irrelevant country.

>north korea
>people dont care about what happens there

We care about Greenland

We are absolutely filled with North Korean matters.

Give an Example

>North Korea
just becaue PiS controlled news doesnt take headline out of irrelevant Pooland, doesnt mean they dont exist

>North Korea
>not one of the finest exporters of memes

At least in Japan, papers carries North Korean issues almost everyday. Missile issues and abduction issues etc. You might don't know but dozens of us have been abducted by the country.

be happy , you have a cunt heuheuheu

You forgot to shade in Canada.

As if anybody would care about the literally WHOs in eastern Europe

Yeah, until a volcano erupts!

Where, how? They come to Japan and take people?

i thought that it ended. Saw some show on that.

We relevant now.

nobody cares about us

we love you. it only matters

Who cares about Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Belarus, Romania Bulgaria etc. outside the EU

They have recognized what they had done, but they haven't given victims back to Japan yet.

>the inevitable obsessed American

sad. So whats their stance on that - 'We dont have them' or 'Fuck you, we aint giving them back'

Iceland could sink into the Atlantic and nobody would notice. You're a boring people from a boring country.

Every Eastern European country apart from Russia is utterly, utterly irrelevant. No history, no culture, no wealth. Nothing.


careful you seanigger, by 2050 your country will be slavo-arabic

No offense, I can't blame you individuals for what your country lacks. It's not your fault.

>for what your country lacks. It's not your fault.
and what do we lack? Initially i thought that your post was a bait desu.

The Dutch haven't had a navy in 50 years. That faggot never spent a night out in sea.

>what do we lack
History, culture, wealth.

Why aren't we shaded?

well, we are not as rich as you thats for sure.
>History, culture
really? I mean REALLY? We are older country than you. Culture? What kind of culture Netherlands have?

>haven't had a navy in 50 years


objectively false

I'd say that's about right.

You might be older than us, just like your father is older than Bill Gates, but who matters more?

even though a few people care about them, uruguay, slovenia, new zealand, taiwan, bahrain, UAE, tunisia, and luxembourg probably belong on that list. Personally I care about andorra so please make that grey again

and of course portugal must be black, don't forget those rocks they own in the atlantic

you said something about culture and history - not about who matters more. Believe or not we have much more richful history than you.

We never hear about those countries here either.


>North Korea
Really? You are constantly butthurt about them.

People from my country I swear to god

I care about Kazakhstan