Let's talk about this region

Let's talk about this region.

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It's shit.

gib residency

I heard El Salvador has opened a firing range where tourists can shoot live criminals and immigrants and take home the carcasses to cook for dinner.

Sounds like fun.

in Russia people insult each other with the name of your country.


I know. Every time I post, a russian laughs at me

If you have money, its a nice country
otherwise its a shithole


the shit part youtube.com/watch?v=7kA-jMOl24Q

Sure Senpai. What would you like to know specifically about this beautiful and peaceful region of our planet?

I'm sorry, we only let in muslims.

Are there any real cultural differences between all these countries? My limited knowledge is that all they do is grow fruit for the american market.

>Are there any real cultural differences between all these countries?

Nope, man. Brazil is the only isolated Latin American country because Portuguese language. They pretend they are different, but it's all the same thing.


>brazil isolated

What are you talking about m8?

Language barrier

No they are the same country
>New Spain colony
>Mexican Empire
>Central American Federation

What about the literal jungle acting as a natural border?

Still not isolated. I'd say paraguay and bolivia are more isolated even tho we share the same language.

Yes, we are very isolated since average BR don't know shit about your countries and we are like foreigners in /lat/, we don't know any joke or expression there

The jungle isolates brazil from Colombia mainly. There are roads connecting Brazil with Venezuela, Peru and Bolivia.

Central america is also separated from south America by the Darien Gap, which is a dense jungle between Panama and Colombia. There have been efforts to build a highway linking both countries but there's also a lot of opposition from activists arguing that it'd have a negative impact on the ecosystem.

Your talking for yourself maybe. Our cultures are very similar: carnival, food, religion, football etc... Only thing we don't share is the language.

>Our cultures are very similar: carnival, food, religion, footbal

Don't know shit, only stereotypes.

What went wrong?

Latin american state building doesn't seem to have a good track record.

This could've been a great country,


Why not?

Probably lack of resources and murderous natives


>opposition from activists arguing that it'd have a negative impact on the ecosystem

Fucking hippies suck on every part of this planet.

I took this picture back in highschool when I went to Costa Rica. Comfy little country.

What if giant ants demolished your house to build a railroad?

Explain pls

I legitimately thought Costa Rica was an island

They speak with an extremely horrible accent.

Panamá and costa rica are very good for latin american standards. They are like little chiles.

It's because of Jurassic Park, isn't it?

Literally who?

Come to think of it probably. I can't think of any other reason why Costa Rica would ever enter my mind

Only Salvador has a terrible accent, the rest are very neutral

Mean. Only Guatemala has shit accents.

Belize, CR an Panama are up there. The rest. QDEP.

There is just something in the water in the Caribbean that causes people to kill each other much harder than anyplace else on earth, short of wars/war crimes.

It's not even a low intelligence thing as with blacks. I know that latinos are smarter. I speculate that the proximity to the normies of America, constantly seeing what we have, yet not having it themselves, drives them into homocidal insanity.

Of course, USA is on the caribbean too, and we are not exempt. the US Virgin Islands (kek) is near the top of this list. Puerto Rico also constantly has spics dying. Play with the various tables in this page. Our most murderous states, Louisiana and Mississippi, are also on the Gulf/Caribbean.


>There is just something in the water in the Caribbean that causes people to kill each other
It's the cocaine that jamaican smugglers throw in the water whenever they see police patrol boats approaching.

>central america
They're basically our Mexicos.

Tell me about pic related
Why? How?

what the fucks going on in Greenland?

ya probably

He'd just sneak into the U.S. in that case.

All latin american countries are Mexico, but with different accents.
Brazil is like the Russia of Latin America.

Same as parts if the U.S. and Canada, Natives.

Yes, my mestizo friend.

I would only consider Panama somewhat developed. Costa rica is not that ahead of us

The capital of groping videos shot on busses where the women always play along that can be found on xhamster.

It's called cocaine and your people are the main sponsors of the drug war in LATAM. They do it subconsciously but still.

isn't chile supposed to be like the most civilized or something? it was called the "britain of south america" at one point, right?

>Are there any real cultural differences between all these countries?

Belize is Anglophone unlike the rest of them

Also obviously Jamaica but I assume you meant Central America not Caribbean islands

tallest man alive is no bigger than 5'0"

>There is just something in the water in the Caribbean that causes people to kill each other much harder than anyplace else on earth, short of wars/war crimes.

kek that explains Florida


Complete trash since inception, also commies get butthurt at the US and Britain having economically exploited this shithole since the 1800s.

I've had this idea to start an ethically sourced cocaine operation. I'd pay south american farmers fair prices for their labor and then find a way to smuggle it with a minimum amount of violence.

Then I'd sell it at massively marked up prices to rich hipsters so they can get high without feeling guilty

>If you have money, its a nice country
what's kidnapping right?

Dude 2bqh that shit should be legal. Imagine all the tax revenue my country would get from it.

Fuck off imperialist pig.

Nationalize it

>>>/lat/ fuck off Kevin
