Why is this allowed?

Why is this allowed?

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Why shouldn't it be?

if you agree with such punishment you are third worlder

But pedophiles are fucking disgusting.

Good job Indonesia

They should just gas the goofs

So is treating human beings like this. Besides that, it's societally stupid. What the fuck are you going to do with the 10 teenagers once they come out of jail after 10 years, chemically castrated and fucked up for life? It's just not a very smart thing to do, punishing people too hard .

But you must be over 18 to be sentenced as pedophile to a 14 y.o girl? those rapist are kids too

>barbarian are fucking disgusting
>let's treat them in a barbaric way.

No wonder the 3rd world is so violent

What you happen to find disgusting is not the basis for a legal or ethical system.

Not just chemically castrate, but physically castrate as well. Turn them into women


send them to thailand and turn them into trannies
than a percent of what they earn goes to the indonesian state

What's wrong?

Here pedophiles get even worse.

It's not permanent. They just have a very low or non-existent libido while they're on it. It's a humane way of treating those who struggle to control their sexual urges.

My brother was on it because he's a registered sex offender and mentally disabled but it wasn't compulsory. It's harder for retards like him to control these things I presume

Why not? Kiddy diddlers are pieces of shit. Based Indonesia

Chemical castration damages your spermatic ducts and kills all your sperm. It's not temporary in the slightest.

Every country does this, including ours, the USA, the whole British commonwealth.
KYS ignorant fuck

Idiot law. They should hire Tesak for pedophilia cure.


The world is already overpopulated, no need to be pussyfooting around awful people. There's always the problem of false accusation though, but we all know there's no corruption in poor Asian countries

Yeah, should rename, butthurt belt.

Nice. Here's the german equivalent.

>There's always the problem of false accusation though

This. If there was an actual way to make it temporary, I'd be all for it, but you can't really trust women, especially these days.

It's not permanent. Certainly there are kinds that are but they are almost never used.

wh-what did they do to him?


i actually completely agree with this

They're doing the right thing papi

Cutting balls and dick for rapist is a just punishment

>but we all know there's no corruption in poor Asian countries


if it's inhumane to kill, atleast chemically castrate. you castrate your pet dog and then become best friends
>inb4 omgzz but these are hoomans!! dat means all ttly diffrnt!!

if you defend pedos, you are probably a loli-fag and should also be culled

>defending pedophile rapists


threads gone quiet now all the paedophiles have realised normal people think they're scum lol

>ask Sup Forums if this is ok
>Sup Forums implodes

>gang rape
I don't see why not.


>What the fuck are you going to do with the 10 teenagers once they come out of jail after 10 years, chemically castrated and fucked up for life?

You're right, we should be killing them. Also they probably won't even survive ten years of jail.

stabbed him a whole heap and raped him is my guess

Human life is cheap and worth nothing. I have no problems with pedohpiles, in fact I tolerate them more than other sexual deviants. But I can't stand SJWs and human rights activists like you. You're just a waste of oxygen.

it was a response for pic related, case was brutal, they shoved the whole shovel handle thorough her
until it pierce her insides
the case enrages the whole country

they fucking deserve it, in fact they should get the same treatment as they did to the girl through the ass, HAM fag

they're probably get killed by angry mobs when freed, its indonesia

It was just speculation

why would you shove a shovel into someone?

because they're rapist. sadistic bdsm? reading too much hentai? idk



>convicted for pedophilia
>say you didn't do it
>they don't believe you and castrate you
>new evidence comes to light, proving you are not guilty
>innocent man robbed of his ultimate purpose in life

sounds pretty good

oh come on. you're american and yet you still believe a cruel and unusual punishment is fair.

I agree, its stupid.
Just kill them, its much more faster and better.

Well flips... At least you can read that as part of your dream.


Not enough suffering. They need to suffer more.

>a dutch shilling for pedos
not surprised,you filthy degenerates

Its suffering for parents of that child to see him alive in the streets.
What will that child do when she/he sees him? If the child is alive of course. Many pedos kill their victims.
Just kill him like a dog, give the father a gun to shoot him.

Yeah give the father a gun to shoot himself.

now THIS is what i call being edgy on the web!

The U.S. does the same shit.

the US does what? what does the US do that's comparable to that?

>cuckmany flag defending rape


>I tolerate them more than other sexual deviants.


because little girls are cute


Holy shit, you expose yourself fucking pedophile!

I'm not a pedophile

This makes sense. Perhaps not chemical though that sounds in violation of Hague treaty, they should just use lasers, or all-natural vasectomy treatment. At least they're not getting beheaded for fapping, a solid step for Indonesia, or was that Malaysia

Indonesia, Malaysia were never sensible in their laws. For example, a full adoption of Sharia Laws, that also applies to non-muslim which is dumb.

Sharia law is federally enforced over there now? Last I heard it was only one province or idno. A while ago I did a pape comparing Islams relation to Indonesia and Malaysia, was pretty interdasting

Since their independences* sorry. What one originally set out to do the other ended up doing.

Not Independence, but Autonomy, Sharia Laws only applied there as the majority in Aceh did in fact populated by Islam.
The rest of Indonesia don't use Sharia Laws (Imo too rustic, stupid, and obsolete).

It's probably that or life in prison so what difference does it make. Some countries have had this voluntarily

Jürgen, du degenerierter grüner Sack. Bist du drüben Gras kaufen?

t. mohammed

Chemical castration, Sedating prisoners, performing unethical experiments etc.

fuck off to reddit

pedos aren't humans

But anons, what if somebody is falsely accused and new evidence emerges that confirms their innocence? You can always let somebody out of jail, but you can never de-castrate them. Because you know, it's not like false rape claims never happen right? If my ex wanted me castrated all she'd have to do is yell RAPE!

hey, /out/ is a great board


Dude, they didn't just rape the girl. They also fucking killed her.
They're human scum and don't deserve to live a normal life.

>Children are more precious than the balls of some pervert who threatens all of them
Go figure.

>Chemical castration, Sedating prisoners, performing unethical experiments etc.

proof the govt still does this?

Because chemical castration is reversible