Red - Bad guys

Red - Bad guys
Blue - Good guys

>being this high up the american's ass

>bad guy

>USA not red

you dun goof'd


They are responsible for defeating the bad guy during the both World Wars.
Both of these were your fault, my dear.


We dindu nuffin

>look mom Im trolling

youre doing it wrong faggot

More or less correct.

>Palestina (not even a country desu)

If stating basic facts is "trolling" to you you need to reconsider your life desu


>UK bad
>US not

I think you faggots left your "facts" back in vietnam, and then Iraq.


You should honestly kill yourself, but it's ok you can do it after your daily dose of Muslim semen

red - bad goys
blue - good goys

If by facts you mean dead citizens, Poland could have used a little more left there. Spring break in Warsaw 1939 best time of my life.

>tfw you're russian but live in a good boy land

>american admits his nation is a bunch of warmongering bandits


What's wrong with Turkey's color?

I wish you yanks already started your invasion of Iran.

I wouldnt mind seeing more dead yankee faggots