Anti-shitskin union

Why can't this be real? A greater v4 with walls around the borders to protect us from shitskins and westcucks, it would be perfect.

>not shitskin

I like the smaller globe bit that tells americans europe is in europe

ukrainians are white

>Union of Gypsies, Slavs and other trash

Topkek, even at 100% purity rates these countries are still ass-tier (with the exception of Austria, which already has massive amounts of shitskins).

>implying russia would ever allow this

>ukrainians are white

All gyppos and shitskins would be deported before building the wall.

but the internet told me all ukrainian girls are blonde blue-eyed slav cutes

Would not mind this with the current state of western europe..

The wall to isolate Finngols, Ukroturks and Gypsys from white people? Fucking great!

>ukrainian girls are blonde blue-eyed slav cutes


>removing the entire population of Central Europe

What's the point then?


Oh boy you don't know much about czech republic do you?

t. Ahmed Mohammed Al-Holandi

Finns are autistic

>t. Slovakian

Worse than any insult you can come up with, and it's actually true. Enjoy your poverty.

Our countries policies would be anti-shitskin in the union, the people are already.

Ukranian refugees in Lithuania.
Look pretty white to me.

They are Russian/Polak/Belorussian just was living in Ukrostan

whoa calm yo shit nigguh.

dont insult muh brothas. you dont want your next trip to Prague to end in beatin

son of a pornstar

So a discount Soviet Union?

Thing is, my country is only going up, netherlands are going to shit thanks to you and your islamic friends

not my fault your western women are so ugly that even 14 year olds wont jerk off to them

step up quality of your women before you start opening your mouth Nethernigger

I'm what you would call a "shitskin" and I want to visit Estonia. It seems nice


sorry, no shitskins allowed

You can just say that you hate ukranians. Not that we would be surprised ..

Prepare to get stared at, if that doesnt bother you then you definitely should

I don't hate them, they're literally dindu nuffin.

can't hate something that doesn't exist

>my country is only going up

Hard to not go up when your country is so utterly shit. The world's fastest growing economy is Papua New Guinea, what does that tell you, gypsy?

>netherlands are going to shit thanks to you and your islamic friends

Sure kid, and when the EU stops offering you gypsies your money after we've gone to shit, you primitive monkeys will regress back to the stone age, which is the natural state of you gypsies.

>I will read another article how anl shitskin wasbl killed in East Europe

Pls go m8

Its really good that we stole Vilnius and they stole Lvov..

>muh shitskins

breh, you are not dutch, you dont get to be proud of achievemnts the dutch people did

You seem to be projecting really hard, does it bother you that you are not white that much?

t. Jaroslaw Cykaliewskizc

ireland isnt cucked pls let us in

I'm ok with this but without Austria

Good to see you've admitted your inferiority. Stay put next time.

just like Detroit

it takes about 40 years for country the size of Slovakia to fully economically transform

I hope you are prepared to start learning how to speak Slovakian, you will need it one day.


if austria gets to be in so does switzerland
ignore the antifa slovak

Austria is a literal dumping ground of ex-Yugoslavs/other Slavs and Turks. Vienna is practically Viennobul/Viennograd

You're mad as fuck breh.

>literal shitskin
>calling somebody else inferior

mad cause your kind gets beaten to death here?

>Croatia and Serbia distance as opposed to Serbia/Bosnia

>Croatia and Denmark distance

Fucking this
Rightful Polish and Belorussian clay!
Lwów polski! Biльня бeлapycкaя!

I really enjoy living in Vilnius.
Its a really good capital.

You sir are my favourite poster here

ekthkyewz mey, but i am 100% european

Look, a Moskal, Mieszko-loving liberaha. You also must cum every time you read about the battle of Moscow (1612)
Sosi hui, Lviv is Ukrainian

>not westcucks


>ekthkyewz mey

I visit the Scottish highlands pretty regularly and so I've done the being stared at thing and it wasnt bad. I'm small so I don't stand out anyway

Are you diaspora or turist? Maybe just proxyhohol?

Fuck off back to Siberia, to your Tataro-Yakutougric blood brethren, Moskal, and take your shitty centralized sprawl called M*scow with you. Old Rus belongs to Ukrainians

He is just pidor jebany.


man I've been in Prague it's full of niggers.
Also entire ex-yugoslavia is 100% white.

jebem vam majku svima, ustase scum

Also the following
>remove gypsies
>remove russia
>remove traitor croatia
>slovenia conquers croatia
>gypsies gone

t. Muhammad Abdullah al-Kebabistan

middle easterners should be first to remove
Vietnamese can stay

Guy on the right looks like a fat Jeff Garcia.

>leaves dutch camp
>gets shot

I can feel your butthurt even here

don't understand Eastern Europe and its delusions of grandeur sometimes. I mean your countries are comfy and you have a very rich history as well as beautiful cities, but no shit you're near 100% white. Communism has ravaged you and left you at least a decade behind West EU hence refugees won't come to live there. You can't tell me the quality of life in the average German City is worse than in the average Slovakian City.

Also, why are refugees such picky little brats that they get to choose not to enter Eastern Europe? They won't even go to fucking Portugal, despite their willingness to accept 8,000 of them. I thought they were supposed to be, you know, looking for refuge and not the cunt with the most social benefit programs?!

Man, that's some moral vertical kind of shit. A Lithuanian land stealing, Ukrainian/Lithuanian oppressing P*lack comes out of the woodwork

Where's your Žešćčćpospolita, faggot? Vilnius, not Wilno. All of the best """"""Poles"""""" were Polonized Lithuanians

Just a mini-Catholic Russia. Oppressive and bydlo

ching chong khan?

The truth has been spoken.
And refugees are being denied all over our country now

The quality of life is not that bad as you think. especially in countries like Slovenia and Poland

whatever, subhuman

LOL maybe by your mongol standards

>You can't tell me the quality of life in the average German City is worse than in the average Slovakian City.

It isn't, but it's not like Slovak living standards are catastrophically bad. Better than Portugal you already mentioned at the very least.

what delusions? people here know we are shithole why do you think there is so many eastern euro immigrants in western europe?

>You can't tell me the quality of life in the average German City is worse than in the average Slovakian City.

It all depends on your salary, i would rather be rich in Slovakia than in Germany for many reasons. But for average person Germany is better choice

MAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, I dont see how you would want to make this work
when we barely keep actual /v4/ from going full Balkan

just look at this thread. Its not only westerners hating on easterners but its mainly easterners hating on other easterners.
Its the Western Jew planting the seed of hate in ever loving Eastern honest man.

Westerners OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nobody wants you here!


Yep, that's a svidomit.

>poor countries want to leech of Austria again
fuck no

t. poorfag


Don't worry mehmed, they probably put austria on this map to be sracastic

>not poor

stfu Haris

dont worry i didnt see you on the map, youre kinda alright i guess unlike the slavshits

wut. when did we get ukrainian refugees?

Go back to your mosque Ahmed

Autist finn started this thread, nobody wants to go in union with cucked inbred Habsburg scum

...literally says the muslim
...literally says the gypsy

Fuck off I'm white

dont you have bull to prep?

These dank digits say that Romania will be part of this union as well.

There are no muslims here.They all moved to austria. Muslims don't want to live in a mainly christian country like bosnia, so they moved to Austria to feel like they are home.

so close, yet so far
blame your gyppos

>leech of Austria again
What the fuck are you talking about

Austria leeched on Czechs, Hungarians and Poles for centuries.

where did u even find this shit map

you're a pig

in your mum's pussy