/global greek thread/
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1st for Hellenic heritage
r8 my greece divisions
Hello I am Greek
r8 my greece divisions
>«Άρχισα τις επιθέσεις λόγω ερωτιkής απόρριψης»
I am
How can I divide the north Aegean islands?
I am greek
ti enois?
El Greco
Look I found this map. Would this be the best?
sprechen sie griehisch?
But I don't know if I should include Thassos island to Macedonia and this other map shows something different. What should I do?
>What should I do?
you should learn Greek, for starters.
But my problem are the islands. I think I will give Thassos to Macedonia and divide it like in this map
tell your parents to pay for some lessons, it's a quite difficult language though, even though I doubt they'll be the least please about their young Mehmet wanting to learn Greek.
he's a turk playing pretend
don't waste your time
I know, I'm just fascinated how dedicated he is, well if a muslim can blow himself up for Allah pretending to be Greek non stop should be no problem for him.
I mean you know them better than me, why are they so goddamn dumb and useless?
Making central Greece was really difficult because I had to made it myself. Rest will be more difficult.
I am a Greek
Allah fucks jesus right now and the jews burn in hell.
I am Greek
fuck greek people
I believe half of that island belongs to us desu
Greeks are the best people on earth.
Western Thrace is next but I don't know where to put the border. All ancient maps are different.
yeah that is what you should avoid