What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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1991, it should not exist

Hopelessly corrupt.

Russians who think they're not Russians.

Ukrainians themselves. They started off as the richest post-Soviet state and somehow they managed to squander all of their wealth.

When Lenin decided to doodle some arbitrary lines on a map one night after a few too many drinks.

Why can't Poland just annex Lwow? You're in EU and NATO, there may be a same referendum as was in Crimea, 99% of hohols will vote for separation.

muh aggression

BTW, you probably know that Putin met the Polish president a while back and offered to partition up Ukraine between the two countries (being that Lvov was historical Polish clay), but he refused.

Poland should not exist too
rightful german and russian clay

""""Ukrainians"""" aren't actually a thing.

(Citation needed)

Igor Girkin failed.

>presidents that POTUS can just meet and agree to partition foreign countries

>that aren't*

muh changing borders
muh aggression
what would we do with all the ukies there?
also a shitton of investment would be needed there to make it liveable

Mongols from the east invaded

Politicans (~ Mafia)
Old idiots who support them (East and Crimea)
Russian bad influence.

Russia's bullying

Everything that Russia touch becomes shit
(instead of Finland and maybe Estonia)

I will spit on your face, you dumb piece of shit.

>what would we do with all the ukies there?
At least they're much more assimilable into Polish society than, like, Syrians or something.

meh they have a strong soviet mentality
it's easy to change that when they come here but if we were to do that with them in Lwów I don't think that would work

>galician scum with his delusions once again

you're not ashamed enough from your fellas poles?

>meh they have a strong soviet mentality
You were cucked by Ivan as much as they were, you know.


uh no
you can't compare living in soviet union and commie Poland

He means that Ukrainians who immigrate to Poland (fairly common occurrence) assimilate pretty easily but if you just forcibly gobbled up Lvov, it would be harder to assimilate them.

Western ukrainian scum who feels the need to raid the capital and start up a new revolution every 10 years, eventually making everything worse.
t. gtfoed from kiev in 2006

Yeah, for one thing Ukraine had higher GDP than Poland in 1990.

I mean the mentality too
Don't tell him what I mean

so what?
we had more freedoms you'd get GULAG'D for in USSR

I want to visit Kiev in November.
What things should I look at while I'm in your country (apart from a Chernobyl tour).

Uh...I don't think Poland is _quite_ as much of a shithole as post-1991 Ukraine. Ukraine is just mini-me Russia except on the plus side, you can call the president an idiot and not go to jail. Otherwise, it's largely the same trashy tracksuit CP-producing heroin addicts.

a country that used to exist, then didnt, then was made to exist again, couldn't handle existing, and nowadays might as well not exist

Yes, because there was no security organs, prisons or camps in Commie Poland.
Did polacks actually destroy all the evidence of Soviet rule when their leash was released and now your kiddo generations are completely clueless?

Ukraine only exists at all because the international community supports having a neutral buffer zone between NATO and Russia.

Poland's commies were actually fairly mild compared to Czechoslovakia or some other places. They didn't collectivize agriculture, suppress the Church, or forbid travel/emigration to the West.

wow you're retarded

If one extreme is blazingly hot hell, it doesnt mean that the 'fairly mild' option is that 'mild' either.

>They didn't collectivize agriculture
On the agenda, but other problems moved the timing ahead and ahead and then the time ended.
>suppress the Church
Tried, but polacks were even more resistant than Russian Orthodox.
>forbid travel/emigration to the West.
All foreign travel was behind several permissions, all controlled by security organs, so not easy at all.

Actually Czechoslovaks and East Germans were the mildest, then there were Hungarians, us, Bulgarians a big gap and rest.

This is correct, simply because they were the showcase to the West.

Vat. Czechoslovakia was a Stalinist shithole for almost the entire communist era. They were especially harsh on religion.

Do you think they will cut off the eastern region and let Russia deal with the mess?

> ignoring the fact Western Ukraine has always been shittier than East Ukraine

How does that explain 1991-2013?


It's the richest region

>Czechoslovakia was a Stalinist shithole for almost the entire communist era.
>They were especially harsh on religion.

the communists shouldnt have given extra lands to ukraine.



>Actually East Germans were the mildest
Hahhahahhah, o lawd. HahaHahhahahhah.

>Polish intellectual

In 1960 like 70 percent of kids had religion as a subject in schools. Americunt also cannot see difference between material standards of living and ideology. Czechoslovakia was stricter than Poland in ideology, but the standard of living was much better than most commie nations.

Um that is total bullshit.

>Czechoslovakia was stricter than Poland in ideology
Was it? How come you had Prague Spring instead of Martial Law?

I mean after 1968. Also, liberal policies in economy are not necessarily good. Czechoslovakia was self sufficient in food despite having 95 percent collectivized agriculture. That was because we had some US and DDR combines. The USSR ones were shit and caused harvest losses.

Taktiež by som bol rád vedel prečo názor každého američana na postkomunistické krajiny je založený na stereotypoch z Yeltsinovho Ruska circa 1994.

Maybe we were a little better in 70s but in 80s shit hit the fan here with martial law.

Bo są głupi.

I know. Wasn't martial law caused by Eduard Gierek borrowing too much money from the West through? You can say the same reason why you were better in the 70s is the reason why shit hit the fan in the 1980s. Czechoslovakia was probably the most stable commie country in living standards - they did increase rapidly during postwar recovery until 1968 (through mainly in Slovakia as it was poor before the war and it was industrialized during 50s-60s), then stagnated for 21 years. The bureocrats here after 1968 preferred neostalinism which made the economy stagnate like shit, but stagnation meant at least it was not decreasing. CSSR and GDR mostly avoided the huge debt that plagued other commie states.

But in the 70s you guys were better. More liberal, to the point our goverment was actually worried about your influence at least from what I heard.

Why does everyone hate Ukraine, Azov is based.

dumb burger

I mean you are closer to it, but Azov regiment seems pretty good. Killing Novarusians and antifa. Seems like good shit

Jews are controlled my country. Thats wrong.

jewish oligarchs
no Putin to keep them in check
Pretty much what would have happened to Russia if another Eltin got elected

memes,Here's the real map from 1918

I thought nazis control your country?

Poroshenko, Kolomoyski, Groysmann and other are jews.

As far as east Ukraine is concerned, yeah. It would literally be in their best interests to just let Russia annex them, then west Ukraine can join the EU and everyone can be happy.

What about North and Central Ukraine?

this 2bh

Let them vote on it

Ukrainians from North, South and Central Ukraine going to army. They are fight russian army. This is the vote of ukrainians.

My tailor is not a native speaker, I've noticed that. The other day saw she had an Ukrainian banner pinned to the wall, next to a Georgievska lentochka. Funny.


Nazism and idiotism.

Fucking nazis.

So is it Jews or is it nazis


Your grandfather is a nazi you cunt

Its' existence. It is a meme state filled with such a retarded population that the actual natives of the land rejected their made up movement and called themselves rusyn over "ukrainians".

> What went wrong?


> Ukrainians from North, South and Central Ukraine going to army


Why don't they look at western khokhols?

It seems like only "new ukrainians" (= fooled russian idiots) who don't even know ukrainian language and share same religion, history and culture with russians are fighting now.

Meanwhile true western ukrainians with grandfathers just immigrate/bribe someone or even protest. There was no any single anti-war protest in central/southern/north ukraine, only in western ukraine.

Jesus why are slavs so stupid