Kansas City, Missouri

Hello /int.

Would you live in Kansas City, Missouri?

are there hills/mountains or is it flat as fuck?


No mountains but some hills. But it's pretty flat.

Why not?

>Would you live in Kansas City, Missouri?



Would you like to live in Benin City? It's in Nigeria, btw.

Looks okay but nothing special. If I was going to live anywhere in the USA it'd be Boston/San Fran/NYC (only if I was rich)/Chicago.

>Named Kansas City
>Is in Missouri

a lil bit of it is in kansas

Sure. I've been there a few times, nice enough town. The west side is pretty comfy and it had lots of nice fountains, sculptures and boulevards thanks to good turn-of-the-century urban planning.

Are you that hipster faggot who play drums on a shitty hipster band and likes Russian Circles?

I hear football(soccer) is pretty big there for some reason

I'm sure it's nice enough but that's pretty much my nightmare OP.

>I'm sure it's nice enough but that's pretty much my nightmare OP.

> located on Kansas River
> named after Kansas River

Seems legit to me.

Are there any tire stores in KC?

Americans have their own version of rugby they play instead


>Hundreds of miles from the sea
>Hundreds of miles from civilisation (nearest actual cities: Chicago and Dallas.... And they're fucking equidistant.)
>Thousands of miles from Europe

I really do want to visit the Mid-West / explore the States off the beaten path... But to live there? Nah.

Uhh... yes? Of course.

I think that isolation is part of the attraction for many of it's inhabitants.

>you'll never live in rural america

Definitely, I can see the comfyness. Just not for me.

>tfw can drive into central London or to the beach within an hour

> urban area of 3 million
> rural

Not much different from any other midsized city on the continent.

We call it football. That's why we call your football soccer, so we don't have two sports called football. That'd just be silly.


I think some Europeans just consider anything that isn't New York or L.A to be rural.

>San Fran

Literally a meme city. Unless you're a huge fan of the nature around there or a wineboo, there's no point in living there.

>british "beaches"

You'd have to be damn rich for Boston or SF too. So come to Chicago, we're New York for half the price.

yeah, as long as I wouldn't have to live in one of the spic or nig containment zones

Yeah I get that...

All I was saying was that I hear (association) football is pretty big in kansas- most kids play it and they have a good , homegrown mls team too

San Fran / northern California in general is my favorite part of the USA

It's not a conscious thing, but can confirm it is kind of like that.

Whatever lad, I'm an ironborn and need muh sea. Nice to be on the doorstep of one of the worlds greatest cities, too.

>San Fran / northern California in general is my favorite part of the USA
Me also. Oregon is great, too.