Brown > white

brown > white

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Tiny manlet, weak shoulders, weird beard, gay hair, overall a faggot. But yeah, he's so superior. Muh superiority, muh Brown superiority. Go back to your designated shitting street and shut the fuck up ok Little friend.


It's the truth, that's why everyone wants to tan

Of course. I love being brown

Average brazilian, they are so fucking superior.

>mfw Swedish women would adopt all of them

don't worry swedecuck, they can send you brazilian cum too if you're so hungry for it

Most of them look like this today. Of course they will be some kind of kings in Sweden.

Hey Carlos, what about I come over to Brazil and fuck your manlet boipussy and cum on your ugly face. How does that sound?

Manlet niggers stand no chance in Sweden. A White guy like me on the other hand, would be fucking king in Brazil. Literally pussy everywhere wanting my big White cock instead of that tiny Little Brown faggot pecker of yours. But nice try.

I'm not manlet, 1,88, and versatile, but I prefer being top than bottom.

It's the Haitian in Sweden.

Haitian? So he is the manlet here.

Yeah, he's always butthurt for some reason and spamming generals.
If I was him I'd be outside sexing swedish hos

You may cry as much you want foryour whiteness but you cant deny your cuckoldry and that you are a FUCKING WHITE MALE. sad. sad white man

you would just wake up in a ice-filled bathtub after "scoring" some girl that gives you a "good night cinderella"


I don't give a shit what you prefer, you're at the receiving end faggot.
I'm not Crying, when a White guy visit to Brazil, he got his cock sucked 24/7 by Brown Girls, and you know it, they love that big White cock, they love that cum in their mouth. It is just so nice to be with a real man for once, instead of a tiny faggot Brazilian.
Nah, I have been to Brazil and plenty of White guys Before me, and yes, your women want that BWC.


I mean this is common knowledge, I don't see why you would go around telling peopel water is wet

No you wouldn't

>I'm not Crying, when a White guy visit to Brazil, he got his cock sucked 24/7 by Brown Girls, and you know it, they love that big White cock, they love that cum in their mouth. It is just so nice to be with a real man for once, instead of a tiny faggot Brazilian.

This guy was an user from BRchan that killed himself because no girlfriend

Name? :3

whites > brown people
Who invented the computer and internet you're using to shit post lies?
Who invented the political system your country is using?
Who invented the world you live in?
Also brown people all look the same. Everybody with brown eyes and brown hair.
Whites can have
>blond hair
>black hair
>brown hair
>light brown hair
>brown eyes
>green eyes

People don't lie to yourselves. Whites are objectively more beautiful (Scandinavian whites) and succesful.

Wish I had bf like that.

I know that, but you need to be a Chad too.

Europeans are so butthurt they will never look like the brown american master race

literally would have every europoor pussy he wanted

>he doesn't know Marlon

all that overcompensation

women women and brown men are the pinnacle of beauty

Lids, how get a body like that?

just work out m8

That's why everyone wants to immigrate to a brown country.

bench press and shoulder press + ab exercises and then surf every day

that's literally the only thing marlon does

Actually there are more Danes who immigrated to Brazil than Brazilians who immigrated to Denmark :x
There are only 3000 Brazilians here while there is 140 000 of Danish descend in Brazil :O
I hope they're doing well..

>Who invented the computer and internet you're using to shit post lies?

First compure, Antichitera mechanism, invented by Archimedes, Greek-Sicilian brownie

>Who invented the political system your country is using?

Romans, brown

>who invented the world you live in?

Romans+Jews= Brownies

Whites are blonde and blue eyed, otherwise you have the blood of the people you hate so much.

Romans are kind of white not brown have you ever seen a brown person before?

Oh so Icelanders aren't white? Scottish people aren't white? Danish people aren't white? Who's white then?
Just because someone has green or brown eyes or red or black hair doesn't make them non-whites lol

>Romans are kind of white


Nationalities aren't races, white = germanic blond blue eyed person

who invented cuckoldry?

The computer was invented by Alan Turing a Brittish guy, the internet was invented by the USA, remember that next time you post anti-white stuff on the internet ;-)

White = a skin color not a race lol

Caucasian is a race, negro is a race, mongols is a race etc. what you are talking about is an aryan

writing and maths were invented by shitskins so don't waste your time because without these two elements there is nothing

>A british guy

No, Archimedes invented it

>the internet...

Invented by Italians (Marconi, radio)

t. Alberto Barbosa

pale white only looks good in women and fuckboys, prove me wrong

t. shitskins in denial

he didn't even live when the computer was invented lol nice fantasy though

Lol you fucking retard, you fucking retarded fucking brown cuckold FUCK!

Archimedes invented the Antikitera mechanism, the oldest computer ever, kill yourself NOW.


I meant white.

Biggest impact on Europe had Greeks and Italians.
More than white nations combined t b h

This, this, and French and English are half brown, Nord invented fuck all, Russians only wrote books, their intellectuals were brown and came from the Caucasus/Hungary/Balkans.

We wuz inventors and shieeet we spaghetti ppl invented tha computer in da town of atlantis

they were white
see link related
why does it matter what skin color they had? It's just a color it really seems like you guys are racist af
>Ancient Greek
>Not white

Kill yourself dumbshit

They were brown, look at Roman/Etruscan paintings.

Now kys.


"For the men that are black are luxurious and cowardly, but the blonde haired pale Northeners are savage and dumb, perfection is in the middle, the brown people of Greece are the superior ones and the most well shapen"

>It's just a color it really seems like you guys are racist af

you started it retard, dont be surpirsed people will talk shit when your ancestors just raped and pillaged like ancient niggers

Ohh.... If we're so dumb and savage why are we top ranged in the world in literally everything ? And the safest countries in the world is Iceland and Denmark. From my personal experience it's brown people who act dumb and savage. Look at a crime statistic sweety, otherwise a nice try Alejandro

>''evul white ppl u raped and pillaged blablabla''
lol everyone did that in history

Meanwhile Greeks and Italians built the pillars of Europe

Yes ? . . .


How did this turn into a WEWUZ thread so quickly?

Because you are small and uninhavitated u dumb fuck, you are 20% richer than Italy only fuckwit but Italy is 12xpopulated than Danmark therefore much more produttive/wealthy if you brother to do the division


I got what you were trying to say, but brazilians dont have that homogeneity you think they have. Turks =/= brazilians. I am an endomorph with the features you like(broad strong shoulders 1,87m, beard is not all closed yet it will take 1 more year, etc). Hate arabs, the true inbreed inferior cunts, not brazilians :3

>implying that romans and greeks weren't white

they were not...

Are you sure that link fits the message of your post...think again Huebro


I'm fucking ashamed I'm white

You're not a true white then


Nigeria and China are also more wealthy than Denmark doesn't mean they have a higher standard lol

I'm white and speak a Germanic language but the Dane is really making an ass of himself. Rome literally laid the foundation for Yuro civilization.

Then again, saying the Greek/Sicilians invented the Computer is definitely a stretch, not sure what Italian user was thinking. The Antikytera Mechanism was NOT a computer in the modern senseThat honour goes to Konrad Zuse I'd say

Civilizations started with Arabs and later moved on to the Mediterranean. Even the world's biggest religions came from the middle east. The cold weather = intelligence is just a meme. Besides, white domination is fairly recent in history and short lived due to the consequences of colonization

Did i say they didn't? lol you guys are hilarious

>With the arabs


But it was in Europe the modern world started. But it was also with inventions from the East ofc even all the way to China.
Europe had the best location where it was possible to develop so goodly

Nice meme though Mohammed lol

>Absolutely superior

The guys OP posts are white anyway

Kek. This is a joke between us brazilians, there is a man - pic related - behind all weird funks that become viral, and all weird shit that becomes viral, he is an international phenomena in comedy. He is the king of brazilian memes

>implying ancient Romans have any relation with todays Italians/North Afticans

>Say something positive about brown people
>YEE we da master race suck it nords and germanics, we wuz romans n sheit

>Say something positive about white people
>Fucking nazis so insecure! go back to Sup Forums! do you forget we wuz da romans!

Sup Forums is full of poor shitskins living in their mothers basement who go too work every day and work for a guy named Hans

This. Sup Forums is the board of insecure people. But brown people are way more insecure than white people.

6'2" is literally pushing for manlet status. It's like the king of manlet. You have to be 6'4"+ now. Thank muh genes I ended up 6'6".