England Edition
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fuck everyone below this post
9th for getting away with justified mass homicide
wtf theres a paki on the chase named paddy lol
Am I white lads?
Tabletposting is supremely comfy
.....no. Is this a trick question?
in the mood to get blackout drunk
you look arab
being cucked by microsoft
want to get drunk with me?
no you look spanish/north african
i wish i had a gf
bf and i made a video
Our Simon.
russians are increasing
going to message my matches tomorrow lads
wish me luck
>tfw born in the UK but moved to the states before getting a British accent
>Turned 22 at the weekend
>Got something through th epost from work about my pension
I've no idea how it works but it looks like work are paying £142 a month even though I put nothing in lmao.
>Tfw getting old
No I'd just end up beating the shit out of you you little anime posting whelp
Very impressive
Having a few cheeky ones to take the edge off hehe ;)
things that should require a license:
>giving advice
>expressing an opinion in general
some of its probably being docked from your wages
I have a pension and it started when I was 19
whoops didn't mean to reply to Ivan
I'm actually partially Portuguese, but I have greater percentage of another non-white county in my genes
>Tfw hate working but since starting work have got out of my overdraft, been able to treat myself to things like a macbook, have saved thousands in separate accounts and get loads of free shit from work like branded clothes and coats and meals
shit. So this is how you get trapped in wage slavery eh?
I am the only Russian who has so far posted.
Do Americans like British accents?
Good luck faggot.
Unironically see potential in this
Well it says that I'm currently paying 0% and my employer is paying a certain percent about 0 which implies I'm getting free money?
just bought an amazon fire stick. not sure why yet
>seperate accounts
why do this?
>stop masturbating for two days
>can actually get an erection outside masturbating
>have a wank and cum buckets
>go back to my old heathen ways
>buying nice things
wage cuck
fuck off yank
what job lad?
>tfw almost 22
>can't reverse the sands of time
>Do Americans like British accents?
There's the Mid-Atlantic accent which has it's origins in the US but sounds like a mix between a English and US accent. Unfortunately very few people speak with it any more.
Sideshow Bob in The Simpsons speaks with a Mid-Atlantic accent
next time you want to click on porn just don't do it
that's how I did it
Yeah i was stuck in arrogant student mode for so long, until I felt the high of consumer hedonism.
Fully indoctrinated wage slave now. No going back
one for him
one for his gf
one for his gf's bf
It's easy to jailbreak and stream live TV for free
>Tfw at my gf's sister's house and they were watching basketball playoffs through iTV
Bought the £50 Amazon tablet, really decent.
It's much better with the Google Play Store on it though.
>tfw get laid
>can't ejaculate
porn is the fucking devil
One is a Help to Buy ISA which basically gives the best interest rates with absolutely no requirement. Withdraw with no penalty etc and if I ever buy a house the government will give me a quarter of whatever I save toward it.
Only downside is it takes £200 max a month so it's a nice easy way to slowly save and put money away for a house without actively trying.
The other saving account is about 2% unlimited deposit so as long as it grows every month they'll give me interest.
Then I keep my spending money in a current account I get paid into.
One saving for a house.
One saving for travelling/ monging out/ doing something cool/emergencies
One for everyday spending and stuff.
weebs out
It's weird because as a student I almost enjoyed living frugally and wasn't bothered about scraping the coins together for a pint.
Now I'm working I dread the thought of not getting a proper wage every month.
really should get a job this summer
>having over £200 a month after bills
Wiki says you both use it now
>Use of fag and faggot as the term for an effeminate man has become understood as an Americanism in British English, primarily due to entertainment media use in films and television series imported from the United States. When Labour MP Bob Marshall-Andrews was overheard supposedly using the word in a bad-tempered informal exchange with a straight colleague in the House of Commons lobby in November 2005, it was considered to be homophobic abuse.[11][12]
wew nice lad
How do you allocate your wages?
What makes you think I'm a weeb? ;)
What way should I vote in eu ref lads?
I'm a Catholic from ni so any nationalistic arguments for leaving I don't really have time for in regards to this referendum desu
just spilt brown sauce all over my fucking white t-shirt
I bet the fucking normies did this
Nonces fire
xbox or ps4 ?
I live at home though.
Depending on the month/ bonuses/ expenses (which I make money on for driving to places but the idea is that the extra money accounts for wear on the car)/ other shit like that I come away with quite a bit for a young 20s person because I live at home.
£200 goes instantly into a H2B without fail, my current account always stays above £1k so if anything that gets topped up first so that my months expenses don't let it dip below i.e. car insurance/fuel/eating etc.
Then usually anywhere from 400-700 into a savings account and maybe spend a bit in my current account on random things i.e. birthday presents/holidays etc.
I used to get happy about it until I realised that people out there are starting on like 40k etc.
ps desu
Stop calling them pakis. They're brits just like you and I. 99% of them haven't even been to Pakistan.
might revive the peak of the week gimmick
What are you eating with brown sauce at this time of day?
If it's not a steak (and kidney) pie, you fucking deserved it desu
had a hyper successful state on tropico lads basically built everything and got more money than I can spend and very happy populace.
Going to crash it all into the ground and go full pyongyang with a few constitution alterations
remember that every time you don't masturbate you increase your pleasure gauge for the next fap, so the pleasure you deny yourself today will wait for you till tomorrow
Add me
spag bol
how common are girls as gorgeous as this in britain?
That's only the start
What are cats?
>people born when What I go to School For was released are in Year 9 now
>>tfw get laid
>>can't ejaculate
>porn is the fucking devil
how? i don't think I would last a minute during sex
She's not that gorgeous 2bh. I see plenty of women much more gorgeous every day.
doing a really smelly coffee shit
all over the place mate
I can't walk to the shops without constantly tripping over beautiful women
> brown sauce on spag bol
avg unislag
there are many better looking girls
Then you deserve it for not splashing out on a bit of Worcestershire sauce
Neither did I until I actually had sex. I've fucked numerous times and haven't been able to cum, due to the fact I've overstimuated myself with porn. It's a well documented problem amongst young men.
>brown sauce on spag bol
Rafa's staying lads
Newcastle are going straight up next year
>was managing Real
>is now in the championship
Fuck off rasheed brown sauce is GOAT and can be eaten with anything
howay the lads
>could be in Milan on Saturday instead he's in the northeast
Fuck off poleaboo, nobody wants to ee your arse
Is there a greater bastard spawn of England than Australia?