/urban/ + /architecture/

Discuss urban developement, design, planning, urbanization, growth and future of cities, urban life style etc. All discussions about architecture, it's impact on daily life, trends(both historical and contemporary), new projects and anything related to architecture in general, are welcomed here aswell.

Post pics of cities, urban areas, buildings, physical structures, infrastructure also construction sites and renders. Comment and rate.

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that's my city.

>mfw every at least mid sized Italian city has GOAT historical sites
fuck I wish Poland was like this, I'd spend hours just hanging around and looking on the classical architecture

Which city is it?



That's right!

Have a cool map with the construction date of every building in the Netherlands:


Been there, nice city you live in

lmao, i live there

Thank you Hans.

every single one kek?


in Florence

nice, a real qt city

Why is Canary Wharf such a comfy cluster?

thanks lad ;))
probably next summer i'm going to visit Poland, are there any comfy city to visit?


Yes every single one

what do you mean by comfy?

This building was so gorgeous. We should rebuild the waag

because it's a classical american skyline instead of a randumb try hard "neo-futurist" shit

desu our city mayor (Slovak whore from a populist party) is going to fire the new chairman of IPR (an institution that does spatial planning for the whole Prague)

he is a renowned architect who has a degree in this area, teaches at our best technical university and actually knows what should be done

reason? they didn't deliver the new plan fast enough (SIX MONTHS for such complex (meaning fucked up by the gommies and post-revolution amateurs) urban enviroment is NOT enough)

I can see her appointing some fucking idiot from the party who will be bribed by huge developers to make even more ugly office buildings.

So. Fucking. Mad. Right. Now.

Well, there's nothing wrong with futuristic skylines, as long as pulled off right.

But yeah, even in the future, it seems like they'll keep it subtle there.

Nieuwmarkt Waag best Waag

Dam Square isn't comfy anymore with all the tourists and the retarded dildo

>I can see her appointing some fucking idiot from the party who will be bribed by huge developers to make even more ugly office buildings.
thank the "democracy"

I mean what the fuck is this shit. Look what the Gommies have done to this city.

still looks almost completely American/Canadian lol

I cri everitiem I see this

how does this fit in?

I think the problem is the roads around the square which give the square a cold feeling. The square could be made comfier.

idk were the commies really that fucking stupid it's completely irrational to me

like the West had their short period of fascination with disgusting architecture (le corbusier) but they didn't fill all their cities, including historic fucking centres with this puke tier shit

and how the fuck ANYONE could like this shit-realism architecture in the first place

it's literally ancient peasant tier architecture, pretty sure if you take some poor fag from 200 BC Rome/Carthage to some commie filled city now he will say "wew shit is even worse than used to be"(atleast when it comes to aesthetics)

how it doesnt?

it's huge

all the surroundings are trash commies shit anyway I wouldn't try to fit in I would try to bulldoze them

Posting views from my city

Based Romans, familia.

The 60's was a glorious time to be alive




Is the Florence guy still here?

Covadonga, Asturias.


why the Spanish built so much towns in the mountains


Spain is pretty mountainous for the most part. Covadonga was around the place where the Reconquista started (King Pelayo is buried there, in a cave), so strategy, basically.

I thought its a flat desert outside of Pyrenees


We could've had a beautiful capital with the best of the architecture, but we built a ugly city full of modernism. I really hate Oscar Niemeyer and everything he did.

What happened with the skyline competition?

Gotta make due with the terrain you have you know, and mountains make for comfy living.

Where I currently live and study. Top comfy, lads, top comfy.

Italian living in Brno, dunno much about architecture in this town, but what I noticed is that this thing attracts quite a crowd...

>What happened with the skyline competition?
I kind of fucked up because started it when I had no time at all to bump the threads also /urban/ was fucking dead

first let's maybe try to make it more alive and more people posting in here because any skyline competition doesn't make sense if we have 4 posters and 20 posts on average


Spain is actually mostly green and mountainous.

Their biggest mountains are in Andalusia, for example, and not the Pyrenees.

wwwat the fuck

I seriously thought its a flat desert lmfao

why does everyone have taller mountains than we do? but ours look better desu

You think you have it bad?
We're all mountains, and our highest point isn't even 2500m. At least our mountains are nice mountains.

our mountains aren't even 2500 either

you have goat landscapes ngl

>when we go from /urban/ to /geo/

your opinion on Anders Breivik?

>when you go from /urban/ to Sup Forums
But I see no real reason to like him.

You might have that impression because of how the country looks from space (and mainly stereotypes, most of them from Andalusia, although they also do have green landscapes and the biggest mountains, actually), but it's mostly because of the mountains, as this user said.

For example, Castilla-La Mancha (where Don Quixote takes place mainly) can be quite flat in some aeras, but that's not the trend and even then we have a lot of sierras.

We have, in the peninsula, a couple of deserts (one is a small microclimate near Zaragoza, while the other is in the southeast (Murcia and Andalusia), the hottest and driest region in the country).

I'd say that for such a small country (in comparison to, say, the US) we have a shitton of diversity and that's not even including the islands and the Autonomous cities we have in Northern Africa (Ceuta and Melilla).

Simply gorgeous, I like Huesca quite a bit.


why he is a national hero of norway

Spain isn't really that small but I get it

anyway Poland isn't diverse at all

90% plains, some hills and shiet, some lakes, and a very small part of real mountains

also a useless sea

He really just made everything worse, all for the sake of becoming a meme.



Siena is really beautiful.

Contributing with another pretty based Italian square

he killed some leftists

it was all for good

This aquaduct makes me feel well. Is it still used for the transportation of water?

forgot pic

it really is mostly early 20's

They were all kids going through an edgy phase.

We just became more of a PC nanny state afterwards. It was a pointless attack.



>implying breivik is evil
what the fuck guys stop memeing

I wonder if Polish architecture is really shit or I'm just bored of it

Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong board. Sup Forums is two blocks down.

It's German architecture actually

>not sympathizing with your national heroes

ur mother is german

Yup, it's Piazza Unità d'Italia.

And this is from where I live

im crying

meanwhile this is how my country looks like

>implying that Hitler-tier shit is worthy of being called architecture
THIS is pure and unfiltered Polish architecture, and God DAMN is it fucking beautiful.


classic poland

is it true that historical polish cities were actually built by polish germans?

Well, all countries have ugly sides to them.

>is it true that historical polish cities were actually built by polish germans?

some countries have much more than the others

and barely any beautiful sides

he means all the nice ones, in which case - yes

Well, most countries are also much worse than Poland. Even on the commie aspect.

Besides, turn this thing 90 degrees, and it would be taller than Burj Khalifa. It's like a supertall that fell over.

but that's not true

you fall for german memes
no its like shit

I like how the huge block feels intimidated by the small yellow one.

gommieblocks used to be pretty nice


>tfw you'll never live in a long commie block
Such alpha walls, blocking out the cruel world.


what went wrong?

wow this looks like a futuristic defensive wall...
everyone would have some kind of machine gun in his wardrobe and when the zerg rush came they would just mount it on the windows

>tfw you will never live in a great high rise apartment
this is how housing should look like
