Do you actually hate Muslims?

I go to he University of Toronto, there's a lot of hot Muslim chicks there desu. I actually got a date with a hot Arab girl next week. Muslim girls are really hot imo

Maybe you guys should go out more and talk to people instead of hate? Apparently that's one of the symptoms of anti socialism..

You guys will probably say something about race mixing degenerate. But whatever at least I'll be getting play. Chick even smokes up too, probably do some bowls with her.

Do you actually think all Muslims are bad?

seriously this girl kinda looks like this pic

fat arab ass honestly,.can't wait for my date with her

Also her senpai came as refugees

What's wrong with race mixing if you love each other?

I am Muslim and I agree. I also like phat asses

I dislike Arabs heavily

You are degenerate.

You are a cuck.

Muslims are only group of people that i truly dislike

Yes, i'm sincerely annoyed when i see one. I'd probably be indifferent to a russian or ukranian tatar but it's probably because we have none of them here.

I'll bite.

Britain caused the initial problems in ME-NA by making up countries and arbitrary borders. Just as it was leveling out, the U.S. comes in and destroys every stable government that tries to charge a fair market price for their oil, or refuses to play ball with corporations and financiers. Now, we have Muslims pouring into western countries, forever damaging the culture and gene pool. A nation can survive warfare, famine, disease, poverty, bad government but it cannot endure a demographic shift. What comes after that is fundamentally not the nation of before.

For this reason, we need to apologize to the countries we've invaded, send the Muslims back and offer aid for secular strongmen to restore order and nationalize the resources, so wealth can be invested into the nation, as opposed to multinational corporations.

Of course, this won't happen because economics and American teenagers with an internet connection they shouldn't have and a bottle of Mountain Dew, laughing at dead Muslims yet unwittingly enabling the conquest of their own country by religious and ethnic replacement, due to the very wars they support.

I know a few good lads, but that doesn't change the fact that the majority act like apes.

i have a huge thing for halal girls
teach me your ways fampai
also 416 here

Muslim women do not fuck non Muslim men and Muslim men chase after non Muslim women so yeah, fuck them. I do have a Bengali, Muslim gf but that your odds of finding one is 1/100000

>Do you actually hate Muslims

99.9% of them Yes

You'll have a hard time trying to fuck her, also parents will be really pissed off about it. She probably won't tell them tho

This and gypsies

Even blacks have some qualities(sport, music)

Mut muslim arabs shits? Nothing

those are somalian asses

i can tell

somalian men and women are ugly as fuck

Hate? no but its really hard to not severely dislike them. Ive made an attempt to learn about the religion and not take them at face value but theres very little actual good to learn from.

At best they are just like other abrahamic religions except far more restrictive and tribalistic
At worst they are a death cult following the insane ramblings of a pedophile desert warlord

Im sure there are some good muslims out there but I cant help but think they are good despite islam instead of because of it.


why :)


but only arabs and some turks are burqas. would you have problem with albanians / bosnians / tatars etc?

lel nice one. source?

i dont have sourche. found it on /wsg/ pol thread

yes, i hate all muslims. if there were any actually decent people that followed islam they would have denounced that dogshit religion long ago. i don't want to know muslims, i don't want to see muslims. i don't want them in my country, period.

Turkey would be 1st world if you retards listened to Ataturk and abandoned shitskin religion

haha xd


bullshit. muslim parents aren't going to allow a non muslim to date their daughter.

Nah bengalis are the worst, some somali girls in east london that i've seen are diamonds in the gutter