What is going on in France? New French Revolution?

What is going on in France? New French Revolution?

François Hollande looks like Dilma Rousseff 2.0


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as fucking ususal :
>negotiating and debating about a law.

Now fucking stop with this revolution meme.
We have that kind of shit every 10 years since, well, the French revolution.

Some stuff is happenning but that video is not objective. And an obvious pro-Brexit prop.

Oil refineries are on strike
Our nuclear powerplants are threatening to go on strike aswell, if you see no french posters next week you'll know where it comes from.

Stop watching those fucking bait videos.
The EU isn't forcing anything. We need a serious reform of the labour market, the majority of French people agreed with that. The govt made a reform, a shitty one I agree. And the people aren't happy.

Some communist syndicate saw its power decline, they decide to use that law, since the majority of French don't like it, to go on strike, manipulate the French people, use commies and anarchists to make chaos, so that the syndicate can win in popularity and show the government they still exist.

>Governement wants to reform the whole labour law thing.
>People are not happy with the law project, they protest.
>Protest evolves into some kind of occupy 2.0 as the governement doesn't want to back with the law
>Looks like the Assembly is not going to vote the law
>Governement uses a Constitutional trick to force the law through both chambers.
>People get pissed and keep protesting
>Multiple strikes follow
>The governement still doesn't want to back up
>Strike now extends to oil refineries, nuclear plants are threatening to go on strike
>70% of our electricity comes from nuclear production.
>Alongside the most impopular president of the Vth Republic we now have the most impopular first minister of the Vth Republic.

>>Alongside the most impopular president of the Vth Republic we now have the most impopular first minister of the Vth Republic.

Gommies, not even once

Angry antifa/leftist subhumans ? A new revolution ?



>Gommies, not even once

They are unpopular because they are not gommie enough.

Well memed my friend, but the fact that the governement is not left enough is part of what is enraging the various syndicates.

Marcela Temer

You could have stopped this

Elections are in May 2017

I'm just memeing, does she actually have a shot?

She will lose this one and leftards will be like "HAHA GET LOST RACIST NAZIS, FASCISTS ARE LOSERS LMAO xDDDD"

Rhodesia is the fate of Europe.

here leftists got scared and news & people on fagbook etc paniced for 13%

Pretty sure the medias will be like "THE FAR RIGHT IS ALMOST IN POWER OMGGGG GO VOTE FOR THE OTHER CANDIDATE AT ANY COST" and if she happens to win they'll just lick her boots.

>the majority of French people agreed with that.

Source needed

the french protest and riot like it's something normal to happen, they honestly feel like it's their right to be able to do that. fucking subhumans.

She will lose, man

We're fucking cucks, this country is full of cucks

Pretty sure this guy would still vote against her because "huuur muh racism not all muslims"

She will lose against a liberal coalition, And Juppé will be elected (it's a kind of Sarkozy, but older and less ridiculous, but with the same liberal politic).

2022 maybe

Nice meme

More like they are huge fucking liars. Socialists my ass.

>worker's rights are leftist

Jesus Christ are you this much of a corporatists cuck?

C'est comme 2002 de nouveau, sauf que cette fois on aura même pas la surprise.

I know she probably will, France is full of old people who don't give a fuck about the youth and who just vote for UMP or PS, there's no future in France.

Sauf que Chirac avait des couilles et balançait des punchlines digne d'intéret.

But it is their right.

Being a wageslave in the American south is killing me.

literally first link on jewgle.
My point was, majority of people want A reform. But once it's their, and they realize they'll have to do an effort, they backed off.

Yes and no.
She will lose the presidential race.
But she'll probably win the opposition (until now, only the socialists were in the opposition, we've never had more than 2 major parties, the assemblée nationale will probably be divided in 3, with the FN being the biggest opposition).

At least...we NEED a strong president, a strong leader, not one of those cucks. we can't remove gaijins, but we can make France great again

>September 2015

Also, it said french people wanted to reform the Code du Travail, not fuck it up with the actual "Loi du Travail".

You shouldn't be so agressive against the others in a conversation when you so clearly don't know what you'r talking about.

The main syndicate, CGT, IS a left wing syndicate and they've been openly against the governement since the Macron law. In any case it is only a part of the problem, like I said, and today's main reason for people to protest is because the governement used the article 49 of the Constitution.

But of course, you have no idea what I'm talking about, so do some resarch, and then come back. Or you can stop acting like a cunt and listen to those who are more knowledgeable of the situation.

>Also, it said french people wanted to reform the Code du Travail, not fuck it up with the actual "Loi du Travail".
Yes, that's his point exactly.

>today's main reason for people to protest is because the governement used the article 49 of the Constitution.

Are you kidding? Nobody gives a fuck about that.

Of course they do, it is in a direct line with the labour law.

Don't be daft, are you really thinking that there would have been significantly less strikes if the AN had passed the law normally?

>The EU isn't forcing anything
This labour law reform is a transcription of the EU commission's economic recommendations to France. If we don't transpose them we'll be sanctionned.
>We need a serious reform of the labour market, the majority of French people agreed with that
The vast majority of the people is against this reform.
>Some communist syndicate
CGT is a leftist labour union, but is in no way communist.

I think she will lose, like in Austria

She'll almost certainly win 1st round but lose 2nd round

exactly the same as the regional elections

UMPS will simply band together and win the 2nd round

Pic related.

It is now clear even for the most blue pilled boomer that the left is the same thing than the right. Since the far left is pant on head retard and the far right try his best to look nice, you know what is going to happen.


god that shitty fucking music makes me want to kill myself


>foreigners call this revolution
>we call this holidays

it's pretty much always like that here. You always have a couple thousands of people on strikes for whatever reason.

btw this videos is making shit up, they are basically straight out lying.

Are we going to be annexed by mamma again?

You were part of France...

>foreigners call multiple strikes and protest march revolution

Haha you know nothing about France lad

>reading comprehension F-


Reminder that the """""""""""republic of france"""""""""""" is an illegitimate state and has been since 1792

Reminder that the rightful King of France is His Majesty Louis XX

We're under the De Gaulle Constitution.
He was an Army General.
Impeachement is impossible.

Mitterrand actually called this Constitution "the Permanent Coup d'État"

>Reminder that the rightful King of France is His Majesty Louis XX
He's from the spanish line, and therefore cannot have any claim on the throne, his mother tongue is spanish, he has a spanish accent. If he went to be king he'd last one day before people ask for a new king.

>We need a serious reform of the labour market
I'm for the single work contract, like the jobs Act in Italia. But Valls didn't dare to go that far, though he's for it too.

Reminder that the """"""Canada"""""" actually exist , thanks to the France and Jacques Cartier.
ungrateful boys.

rep*blicans >>>/OUT/

Politis is already talking about revolution.

Mommy love you and miss you, Netherlands :')

I'd actually love to have a king back in France, just not him. Come on, a king is like the physical incarnation of a nation

(sounds like a whisper)

Having a king that isn't the same nationality as the people is historically not unusual, I mean the Belgian Tsar during WWI was literally a German. It's only with nationalism that people started getting massive butthurt about "muh language/culture"

We're talking about the king of France, with a line of kings before that can be traced back to Clovis in the 5th century, not to be rude but it's different from belgian kings. But I guess you meant Russian tsars.