Mediterranean masterrace

which latin mediterranean people is the more superior and why?
Portugal vs Spain vs Italy

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ethnically Latins are just central italians you know? also why you forgot France? because we have not le exotic meme on us?

Not even them actually, Latins were only one of the tribes who lived there

Cypriots, Maltese. Obscure countries, yo!


''Latin peoples (also called Romance peoples) is a term used broadly to refer to societies heavily influenced by Roman culture and language. [1]''

I didn't bring in France and Romania because they can't compete. and france doesn't exist

Nobody is going to say nothing?We're the least mediterranean of the two,we're suebi/celtic people,we're the atlantic kissed people.we're the people of atlantida

HOL UP you're Latin not atlantis xD dude

>brittish looking mediterraneans

they all should burn in hell

Where does it say we're latin?


>portugal are you latin?



>hello portugal


Give it up, Portubro. You'll just get memed on. I see your point though.

Let me ask one question. Why do poltards consider Spaniards or Italians white and don't consider Turks or Arabs white despite they look the same as you? What a bullshit, I could never understood it.

Yeah English is a difficult language.
The article is about latin peoples and Portugal is mentioned under ''Main Latin European peoples''
If you're celtic why do you speak a latin language and not a celtic one?

Dude, if we don't classify Romance-speaking people as Latin but we consider the heritage instead, literally no one is Latin

romans cucked our language

Maybe we look like Levantine Arabs (Mediterranean people) but they're Arabs only culturally, actual Arabs don't look like us at all

Pathetic lol...

yes they look the same minus the skin colour and facial structure :d

So...I don't...exist


Sardinians are the whitest

Also you look like Maghreb Arabs, like Egyptians. Yes, you look different from gulfies.
Poltards don't recognize Levantine Arabs white. And what about Turks and Caucasus people who also look the same to you?

t. Alberto Barbosa

don't be affraid is just memeing

inside their hearts every portuguese knows that in fact he is a spaniard and therefore latin

Yes,because portuguese nationalism exist just for show right?

why are portuguese so salty damn

Why do you care about the opinion of Sup Forums? North Africans and Turks don't look all the same by the way, they're a mix of many things. Coastal North Africa was occupied by Romans and then Germanic people like Vandals, while many Turks are Greek/Armenian converts. Caucasian people are European in my opinion

I like my Cod salty

inferiority complex

Armenians are less white than turks t b h

Yeah and azerbeijanis are darker than armenians
is that what you people really think ?

just jk lol


Go home poortugal you're drunk.