My ancestors converted from Judaism to Catholicism to assimilate into a Maronite city in Lebanon

My ancestors converted from Judaism to Catholicism to assimilate into a Maronite city in Lebanon.

When my ancestors moved to Texas, they converted to Protestantism to fit in.

Am I descended from cowards and sell-outs?

It's called pragmatism, son. Your existence is proof that it pays off.


First my ancestors believed in Hittie gods , praised their names.
Then there came Assyrians , Lydians , Frigians , Ionians , Judaists , Orthodoxs and lastly Muslims.
Are we descendents of cowards and sell outs?

my ancestors never once changed religion

This is common.

Lost of people convert for business or social reasons to make their lives easier. They make themselves jewish/catholic/protestant/muslim/whatever on paper to open doors or get married to someone they love or make business/social connections... but they don't really believe or give a shit about the religion or the ideas.

This still happens today. Lots of 'jewish' converts who join for the girl and the money.

Hell, I have Irish catholic ancestors who turned so they could marry protestant.

Which of these religions do you blame your brutal and authoritarian culture on?

they were enlighted by catholicism when they left the garden of eden?

>Am I descended from cowards and sell-outs?


>Are we descendents of cowards and sell outs?



That's unlikely. If your family is Protestant or Sikhs, they switched in the Renaissance. If they're Catholic, they would have abandoned folk paganism during or soon after the Roman era.

In the event of your being a Buddhist or Confuscist, both of those beliefs supplanted traditional Chinese polytheism.

>If they're Catholic, they would have abandoned folk paganism during or soon after the Roman era.

stop lying and spreading your satanist propaganda please

It's okay. If I move to UAE I would convert to Islam, if I move to Latin America I would become catholic. If you're an atheist like me it means nothing but can help you a lot to integrate.

Orthodoxs of course

most people who ever changed religion throuhout history didn't do t willingly.

This btw. All the current and former orthodox countries are violent authoritarian shitholes. I guess it's because patriarches were always just puppets of monarchs unlike in the west where church and secular power opposed each other. In MENA it continued with islam where caliphs were usually a puppets of sultans and meant nothing. In the west opposing of religious and secular power made religion less influential so people became less violent and opressive.


Until very recently, conversion to Christianity was the only way for Jews to assimilate. In Germany especially, mass amounts of Jewish people became Protestant or Catholic to fit in. Karl Marx, Gustav Mahler, Felix Mendelssohn are just a few obvious examples.

My pet theory is that racial anti-Semitism developed in Germany rather than Russia or France simply because of the huge population of converts or half-Jews who practiced Christianity. Persons like Emile Maurice were culturally identical to your ideal Nordic Aryan German, and often looked the same, but their tainted blood necessitated sterilization or murder.

what about cyprus and greece?

>one of the first christians
>now one of allahs strongholds in turkey

I know you're being ironic. But what could your family possibly have been before jesus was born?

I don't know much about Cyprus but Greeks had fascist government until mid-70s (google black colonels).

>Allah stronghold
Don't you miss Turkey with Saudi Arabia?
Also orthodoxy goes on with Islam much better than Catholicism because of mutual cultural influences. Women of both faiths should wear headscarf, men should have beard etc.

Orthodoxs in Georgia are more fanatic than Muslims in Turkey.

>my ancestors converted from ancient unknown paleolithic religions to ancient unknown neolithic religions to Judaism
Am I descended from cowards and sell-outs?

they didnt convert enough

Shit if the government were going to kill me for my religion I would first "convert" and then leave in order to save me and my family's tuchus. Nothing wrong with wanting your family to survive.

I doubt anyone here would allow themselves to die because they're too stupid to lie for personal gain.

What would my ancestors have worshipped before Vedic religion? Considering I'm Upper Caste North Indian.

poo in the loo

What about Hinduists? They call it "Sanātana Dharma" (eternal way, beyond human origins) for a reason.

they're only sellouts if they originally had any belief in their religion.

if to begin with they never had any religious feelings and only called themselves jewish because their parents told them to then it's not selling out