What happens here?

What happens here?

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nightclubs, jeep tours in the desert and swimming with the dolphins


this desu

resort town with dolphins and shit
Aqaba > Eilat however

Do Aqabas and Eilats hate each other?

Retards who think they're alpha gangsters.

access to the red sea and saudi arabia
one of the places they use to smugg.. i mean buy and sell goods (like nukes and blood diamonds)

I don't know I don't spend much time around those mouthbreathing retards
but I imagine so since they fight for tourism

rocky desert
scuba diving
qt albeit slutty mizrahi girls

Ok so what happens here?


literally nothing
Beersheva is not in the red zone although almost but it's the wild empty west
apart from Machtesh-Ramon nobody visits there, only drive through it

And here?

American hippies get pancaked

>an Austrian taking such an interest in Israel

Suspicious, be wary my white Ashkenazi friends

Chimp outs


I just wanna learn about Israel after reading some Wikipedia articles, no bully DDDD:

i was in Eilat once
it was 44° C
no human being should live in that city, it's too hot

>Anonymous 05/25/16(Wed)20:56:04 No.59892983▶
> (OP)
>Retards who think they're alpha gangsters.

also how do I get slutty Mizrahi girls as a whiteboy belgian

>as a whiteboy belgian

tell them you're dutch

Is it true? Do they love the Dutch Benis?

>kike-tier merchants

I think it's obvious they prefer Dutch men over the.. "creatures" they have there.

won't they be disinclined from procreating with a goy? Muslim beurettes are also slutty but only for their own men

>won't they be disinclined from procreating with a goy
you won't be procreating with them you mong, just chump&dump. you don't want your kids to be kikes now, do you?
>Muslim beurettes are also slutty but only for their own men
islamic identity is much stronger than jewish identity. just tell those beurettes you're a white bosniak or chechen muslim and they'll hop on your dick.

Southern Israel is a wasteland. It's hot, dry, and rocky. The Eilat beaches suck, and the only people who stick around the Negev are tankers and airmen training.

>also how do I get slutty Mizrahi girls as a whiteboy belgian
>wanting to fuck a jewish sand nigger

srs dude don't do this to your dick, mizrachim are disgusting

How do I get a green eyed and brown haired Ashkenazi gf who is not from New York?

mushroom clouds and fireballs inshallah

they are hot and at least their men won't do shit when I fornicate with them

>not from NY

why wouldn't you want the master race?
don't you want to be invited to the world conspiracy parties?

I'd prefer a south Florida jew. There is better weather, no new york accent, and I don't ever want to live north of Richmond


how can you say no

>Islamic identity is stronger then Jewish one

Bullshit you god damn sand nigger go home

israel gets to have a coast on the indian ocean

That guy is just beta. I'm ashkenazi and I'd fuck a hot mizrahi, they're crazy in bed and secretly crave the white dick

From my time in Israel, I had the impression that if the Muslims dissipated from earth, or became Zionist isolationists, there would still be no peace. The different types of Jews would all go to war with each other. Ultra-orthodox Jews vs secular Jews, Ashkenazim Jews vs brown Jews; the Muslims give them a common enemy to unite against.

What happens here??

heights that are golan

>What happens here??

You can see a brutal civil war from your house.

mizrahi are the actual jews, ashkenazim are european injects

What's going on here?

As a NY (State although I live close to the city so I have to bear with the inhabitants of it) native I can tell you that NYC Jew girls are the most annoying, shitty, and rude human beings to walk the earth.

In the movie, Lawrence takes the town from the desert side. Since all their permanent guns are trained at the sea, they are worthless.

Then he crosses Sinai to report back to Brits in Cairo. So, Lawrence has proven himself.

Have you seen the nails on the worst of them?
Have you ever heard them type with those things?
Fucking hell.

Rightful Israeli clay

I'm leftist as fuck and pro-2statesolution but golan heights is ours and fuck you

That contains 3 or 4 cultural subareas. That's like asking what happens in all of the American east coast+gulf coast.

Can confirm, but you must be aryan. Just sit down in a bar and they will come to you.


> Race traitor from the Netherlands.

Syrian graveyard

he takes Aqaba m8

too bad the Ashkenazis were turned into ash by the nazis

they've been shilling it on the radio recently, apparently it's the promised land of holidays

With women maybe. Spheradi men are the most superior.

shhh its a secret

le sea access face

I never even realised that Israel had Red Sea access, thanks for teaching me something new Sup Forums

keep telling yourself that you swarthy monkey

And what happens here?

high interest rates

same thing, tourist trap

Isn't Eilat dangerously close to several Arab countries?

Although you can see Taba(egypt) and Aqaba(Jordan) from close, there are border crossings and tourists often visit both while there
israelis even go to taba without a passport there