Pick your fav EU
Pick your fav EU
Non existent
we wuz EU n sheit
Algeria was in the EU? Why did those retards chimp out?
>Algeria was in the EU? Why did those retards chimp out?
Because Algeria wasn't an independent nation but part of France.
I think we stayed after independence for a while then we quit. It's just that we aren't Yuropoor.
>I think we stayed after independence for a while then we quit. It's just that we aren't Yuropoor.
but without oil you are a fucking shit
We have Mining and Automobiles and some agriculture and we look for tourism in 2020 n sheiiit.
without german and british tourists and monies you'd be still farming potatos for a living now juan
>without german and british tourists and monies you'd be still farming potatos for a living now juan
what? i have a good industry....faggot is you dont know anything about spain pls shut up mohammed
>what? we have a good industry....faggot is you dont know anything about spain pls shut up mohammed
my english is shit but you understood me
spain and algeria are both shitholes tbf
>you dont know anything about spain
I've lived there for 800 years, I think I know a fair bit
t. Mohammed al Marrocani
before all the slav shits joined
NeuTangier has a point you know.
>spain and algeria are both shitholes tbf
so dont come here every year , son of a bitch....apart we dont want here people like you (germans etc)
stop coming to mallorca senpai
Me too
best eu is no eu