Why is Venezuela so poor despite having large oil reserves?
Why is Venezuela so poor despite having large oil reserves?
Other urls found in this thread:
le epic socialism bullying thread
Gommies and corruption.
Because the money made from oil exports wasn't invested into developing the country.
Because the new "president" can't handle the country like Hugo Chavez did.
They were poor af with Chavez as well.
But at least he didn't mobilize the army because ''muh evil empire may invade any secondo >DDDDDD''
Still fuck that gommie
Because Venezuela's oil is terrible low quality oil.
communism coupled with pic related + plummeting oil prices = a nation on the verge of collapse
Well I don't usually blame politicians for the mediocrity of their countries but in this case yea... commies. They were rich af in the 70s
It's not just large oil reserves. They have THE LARGEST oil reserves on earth and they somehow still manage to fuck up
south americans are manifestly incapable of governing themselves
Why is Brazil so poor despite rich mineral deposits and large amounts of natural resources?
Or Kenya, or numerous other countries which aren't coming to mind.
It's all down to poor management, however one can argue such poor management comes from Socialism in Venezuela.
I can't believe this bullshit. Is there any less diversified country out there? I don't think so.
Not just poor management. Corruption also plays a big role.
Corruption is caused by poor management...
Because true socialism hasn't been achieved yet.
the IMF
True socialism can't be achieved bro. Wake up bro
They must be going through really tough times right now.
Imperialistic US schemes to drop oil prices and harm venezuela
Venezuela already has the right material conditions and social structure. The people is getting rid of the bourgeois's consciousness thus fulfilling the subjective factors in classic marxism dialectic that will lead us to socialism, mistakes of course, are natural in the current time.
Venezuela needs a Pinochet
Socialism doesn't work. It's an unfair system that spreads misery and poverty. Capitalism is also flawed but is way better in every sense.
because a centralized economy only works in books and not IRL.
I still can't believe when a marxists commie says: but in comunism the people will decide what to produce and not see the link with venezuela.