German hatred thread

German hatred thread

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Literally the worst people in europe.

>this excludes the french from european diplomacy

Sorry but I only hate them when they start hating first
I would feel bad starting the argument

Thank you, Frenchfriend.

Are you memeing on a post-meta plain of irony or did You pick the wrong image?

Yeah, sorry about all those artists, inventors, philosophers and scientists. And why of course Luther was in the wrong, a personal relationship with God, that's just despicable isn't it?

should have let him drown in france

this desu, feels cringy

someone shoop a dick on that retarded helmet


was elsass given a choice before joining France ? A referendum ?

Elsass is german


Then why is it in France ? Checkmate atheists

The Krautlouse is a cousin of the Turkroach. See how they share a habitat and equally take pleasure in genocide.

that pic is anti franco brit desu

Fuck off Anglo scum

because french are asswholes ?

According to a teacher I had from there he is first an Alsatian and secondly a French. Half checkmate, France.

>that pic is anti franco brit desu
that guy is the only one who gets it

Ah, the Alsatian WE WUZism...


Hans, go back to Germany, your wife and her bull have been done for an hour already

Elsass ist deutchland

Fuck France

>Mfw there are Alsaciens speaking French RIGHT NOW


Nah, it's ours

>tfw my great grandparents were alsatians.
>You'll never watch eurosport in german with my pépé while eating the apple pie my mémé made ever again

Vive l'alsace française desu


He doesn't want to stain the holy French ground with shit, truly a patriot

stop it bilel

Ramadan soon, they will be forced to eat with their 25 cousins on the evening and leave the computer

Fils de pute, depuis Louis XIV on est français
Et on est un peuple germano celte avec de l'allaman

Ingrat de merde, heureusement que vous aviez des alsaciens d'ailleurs, qu'aurait fait Napoléon sans l'armée du Rhin. Bâtard.

l'armée du rhin lui a tiré dans le dos, relis l'histoire

Ferme ta gueule, l'armée du Rhin a toujours soutenu les empereurs.

Ta marseillaise est alsacienne tocard.

Did you know that Alsace belonged for a longer time to Germany than it belonged to France?

>british empire
almost got me

Germany wasn't a thing back in time, fuck yourself switzerkäse

My history teacher from Alsace told me this. It must be true.

They already started two world wars.

>German hate thread
>only french and british flags
quelle suprise!
Are the greeks late for the meeting?

Yeah but they're over now and Alsace is ours
Truly armistice does miracle init

I am greek

>t e a c h e r

We don't belong to Germany, we are french since Louis XIV and before that we were allamans like you from the frankish empire.

Germany wasn't a thing, dein Lehrer war ein flamenkuesche fràtze.

La retraite et la trahison des Saxons[modifier | modifier le code]
Dans la nuit du 18 au 19 octobre, voyant que la bataille ne peut se terminer qu'en défaite, Napoléon décide de retirer la majorité de ses troupes en leur faisant traverser la rivière Elster. Les Saxons et leur artillerie se retournent alors sans prévenir contre les troupes de Napoléon.

La retraite se poursuit jusqu'au lendemain après-midi, au moment où l'unique pont est détruit par une escouade française du génie, effrayée par la proximité de l'armée ennemie. Un tiers de l'armée française n'a pas eu le temps de traverser et n'a d'autre choix que de risquer la noyade en traversant à la nage ou de se rendre à l'ennem


You tell us, you are the Greek

Glad you're here buddy!


>armée du Rhin

Espèce de gros inculte. Va mourrir ailleurs tocard.

>He doesn't know

D-Did they infiltrate us?

I am greek

Hello Mr Abdul al-Bellend

t. Mohammed Ramadan who's mad because he had to fuck off from idomeni

No he´s not the greek,im the greek

Are you dumb?

Dubs checked. Please, wise dubs-wielder, may you enlighten me on who the last five dudes are? I can't recognize many historical figures from their pictures/am a retarded faggot.

Right to left.

Arminius, Odoacer, Martin Luther, Charles V of the > > > and Frederick II of Prussia.

All of them are autists in their own special way.