Your country's schools


Other urls found in this thread:!eJlVf8lGjQ6uk/

damn a lot of qts

Dayum looks exactly like my girlfriend.

stop cherry picking




>no black people

is everywhere in Germany this racist?

attack of the clones. there's like 5 copies of each character in there

What's the story behind?

it exactly looks like an average turkish school, so no need to post ours

Would you?

Guess the country.



Several of them

I expected better desu

A few qts, finns are weird

We are Turkmen, descended from Orhan


>not continent mu

step it up garcia

What language are they speaking?


wait wtf is that I person I thought that was a pig the last 3 times i saw

There are two types of schools here.
Private (ofte religious) schools, and public schools.

Nah UK doesn't have blackboard no more
Going to say France


whiter than east london

just postin a random one

Post more detail.

You can read "Patterns", "Texture" and "Composition" on the wall, it's clearly the United Caliphate.

You got it, why the fattie ?
Just noticed the one black guy.

Right looks better, the guys

How get qt Turk ? Praise Erdogan and convert to Sunni ?

>Posts natives who are 6% of the population
>accuses others of cherrypicking
>Even changes the filename to make it look as if it was a picture from a city
Never change bro.


follow their instagram, pretend like you don't even care about her, dont talk about politics

The Mexican way.
See, we are Turkmen too.

search the image in google is in the first page and they are mexicans, I didn't change anything

braise tengri :DD



This is correct of course.

It was a hasty job. Let's swap that one with the three in front left.




Second uniform. Still would?

How did he cherrypick? There's only one white person in the image? Everybody else are average mestizos.

>women not in bin bags

>Colegio privado

Gomelito hijueputa gonorrea!

hmmm, I'm looking on google but I don't see it, can you link to the article that contains said image?

It's kind of illegal to post pic of students inside educational complexes/grounds but it's ok if I post proms....

Get a new one

Scary 2bh

Post guisabrosas from public school Brayan.

you were not wrong

there is always that one token hijabi

(Only in east Germany)

You look at them and you think oo blonde pretty.
But you look at them individually and you realize they are bland and average.
A few qts, but most are pretty bland.

Are these the types to get Gauchito Gil tattoos ?

Praise Tengri

Left one with headphones is pretty, the others are average, except for the one with weird forehead

Let me look for my graduation picture.

el mestizaje maligno

Please explain differences between current day East and West.

Wow almost everyone in there is reasonable looking good job.

>alumnos mexicanos

First photo, and learn to use google images

Do you have many Asians there? We have a shitton of them, but curiously enough I only went with three in my high school, even if about every single city here is run by a Chinese family.



>he fell for the blondes are attractive meme




Turkey pls stop changing my stereotypical view of your women. Thnx.

lol I don't find blondes attractive I said reasonable looking. learn to read

I had 1 during my secundary(11º,12º) and some ukranians inbetween...
There was 3 chinese kids in my class during my primary school (1º,2º,3º,4º) if memory doesn't fail me

Typical argie valedictorian

what is that? tea? macaroni?

I don't see it, please link it :)

What's your stereotypical view of our women?

probably anzu or arabic women

Most east German cities are still 98% German. West are 60% and lower.


This one is cute

And your average school infrastructure in Argentina.

bunu kullanan birinin below average olduğunun farkındasın değil mi!eJlVf8lGjQ6uk/

WTF I love Turkey now !

Cheap wine

Found one, I'm not in it :)

Used to be pic related.

But Sup Forums has been redpilling me.

There he is :)

what difference in appearance between turks and south slavs?

>his country's schools don't have uniform

I pity you America.

Below average derken zeka bakımından mı?

me in middle

>Article says they're indigenous with low economical resources


Where are the qts ?
Istambul ?
They wait til marriage, no ?


o zaten tüm kadınlarda below değil miydi?

Me on the top left


Nothing screams "western women" that an unnatural hair color.

He looks happy
I don't have the sauce sorry
Kek hocam çok köşelisiniz

Ayy lmao


I'm surprised someone didn't go columbine on the place when you were trying to get together that pic

Is that a bruise? Is she being abused? How can I rescue her?

Well meme'd


lmao i like how the boys have the traditonal 1940s-30s haircut and the girls make me wish i was a refugee