Why do some South Americans get so mad when they see white Mexicans but Mexicans don't give a shit when they see white South Americans?
Is it jealousy?
Why do some South Americans get so mad when they see white Mexicans but Mexicans don't give a shit when they see white South Americans?
Is it jealousy?
>white Mexicans
el peruANO
All mexicans and south americans are white though
"""White""" Mexicans
It's probably for the same reason that you see Americans calling Europeans muhammad, achmed and shit but Europeans don't care about Americans: Americans have a huge inferiority complex/jealous feelings towards them but Europeans are confident on what they are so they don't feel threatened by them. I'm certain that these south american posters are the least white on their country, and just want to drag everybody else down because they hate themselves.
I'm sure you are the same guy that makes the threads about Chile being a brown reggaeton shithole desu.
no + we
If he is Mexican why are the walls written in English?
this. I'm a muslim and a citizen of the US and the UK so I get to be all of the categories at once
Americans are pride themselves to being of europeans descent but unironically hate europe.
Im pretty puzzled tbqfh
>you see Americans calling Europeans muhammad, achmed and shit
We do it to shitpost. Nobody normal gives a fuck about Europe here.
there's normal people here?
Are Mexicans even white?
I have Mexican friend who is pale with dark red hair but he doesn't consider himself white
Most Mexicans are white but thanks to SEP brainwashing they don't consider themselves such.
SEP? What's that?
Also he's a wet back lololol
What the fuck?
Lol Mexicans are not white. I know blacks that are whiter then a mexican skin wise. You guys are fuckin brown ass Hispanics who wish you were white.
It's a populist public education system that indoctrinates Mexicans into thinking they're aztecs and that Spain was bad, it's like aztlan bullshit.
se que es bait pero igual: yo he ido a méxico y si están bien negros loco, yo diría que son igual que perú en términos genéticos
Here are two perfect examples of triggered shitskins with inferiority complexes.
Well you are southern italy tier white
So not really white in my boook
You mean the light skinned ones, right?
Your genetics can pretty much be described with a Gauss curve peaking at around 55-60% Amerindian rest Euro (+ some SSA which we shall ignore for the sake of simplicity). The more you go to either of the "pure" sides from that point, the less amount of people it gets
>hating yourself that much
the chilean self-hater guy should learn from this fattie
Guys the Spanish figured this shit out for you centuries ago.
>Mexicans of all people accusing others of having an inferiority complex.
This is too funny
How do you know he's not a mestizo of US native descent? They have injuns too, you know
>Hector Palma
>Luis Trujillo, Ricardo Garcia...
dude.. really?
You killed all Spaniards in Mexico, only Argentina has Spaniards living there
I don't. I know you have better qts than us.
Surgeon m8, they have better surgeon then you.
She looked better before desu
Mexicans certainly don't act as if they had any, just look at all the over-defensive south americans and murrikans here, they all have advanced inferiority complexes.
You got it backwards, averages point to a dominant European admixture.
>implying Peru isn't the winner in this
We hate what you've done to yourselves, not your culture or anything like that.
I know a few Cayo's in my life, they are whiter as fuck. Whiter than that cumdumpster.
It seems to depend a little on your states
El ChileANO
"white mexicans" is to "chinese invention"
And on what studies you choose to post.
Many Native Americans are really high in ANE component (in fact some Amerindian groups have the highest in the world with >40%), so it's difficult to call this component purely European
Actually you seem to be the most butthurt Spansih speaking country.
Not really, we didn't killed tgem, the most recent Spaniards were only forced to move back to Spain after the first ""Mexican Empire"" collapsed.
Argentina is whiter in comparison, not because they didn't killed Spaniards, but because they received massive immigration from Europe the past century.
Also bump, this thread is hilarious.
she's ethnically spanish thou
>south americans
>thinking in mejico
What's with this family ?
Are they like famous wealthy old money ?
this is my pretty much my genetic make up 58 amerindian still came out ligther skinned although i get dark as shit if im in the sun a lot lol
Are you retarded?
>Europeans don't care about Americans
Euros bitch about Americans all the time. Really, the whole world does. Are we naive and close-minded? Absolutely! It comes with being the most privileged and well-off country in the world. But do average U.S. citizens do or say things anything near what the foreign reactions are worth? Absolutely not.
Siempre terminan mal estos hilos.
>arguing with the Mexico is white poster
neo-Sup Forums everybody
for all the newfags, just ignore this fuck, he's legitimately an autist, no matter what you do, mexico is 99% white for his mind and nothing could change his viewpoint
Am I white, lads?? I'm the manlet in the middle.
He's Filipino, from Sup Forums
Reminder that we are the only true european-spic country
Nice jew symbol down there.