The worst english accent

What is the worst english accent ?

Other urls found in this thread:

American hillybilly

Glaswegian Scots and Essex. Not friendly, charming or funny. Just irritating.

South eastern.

Southern American, nothing even comes close.

Birmingham, Essex, Cockney, home counties posh bastard accent, Cornwall/SE accent, Welsh, Scouse, Mancunian, Geordie, Yorkshire, Scottish, Irish, American. All shit-tier.

Non-English countries included?
In that case here are the nominees
Redneck burger

Ours is the worst.


Your welcome for your country's existence btw

Fuck off yank


south african

1. Murican
2. Japanese
3. Arabian
4. Latinos

what do people think of the Leicestershire accent?

>A thing



>Normal person Glaswegian is bad

Britain + West Britain: West Country, Glasgow Scots, Scouse, Essex, Brummie, Limerick

Other countries: America (couldn't name specific regional ones but they are all a bit irritating), India, Sweden (alot of them make a weird E sound on certain words that sounds horrible), Southern Chinese

I would say the worst is Scouse tbqh, truly an ungodly abomination of an accent/dialect
also the USA is rightful clay of Great Britain :^)

the essex accent is just second hand cockney

Its bournemouth It's actually disgusting to listen to these people talk

Anything American besides southern, which is top-tier.

What about the south west?

When Asians try to speak English

Scouse is by far the worst followed by London Chav / MLE.

Fuck you 1776 best year of my life

>all these people saying Scottish is bad
It's not that bad ;-;
>inb4 someone posts that Jeremy Kyle clip or clips from the scheme
Everybody in Britain that's been on Jeremy Kyle or lives in a scheme has a dreadful accent. Accent is largely dependent on class, lower class having shit tier accents and middle class having normal understandable accents. This is always the case across the UK.
idk why I like this music


I like chav accent. it's funny and full of character
also like scottish in trainspotting.

"understandable" accents and received pronunciation crap are almost always the worst though. I appreciated such accents when learning English for movies and TV shows but any accent where you can't tell where the person speaking is from is utter trash. I like culture and regional affiliation, it makes people interesting. Speaking like a television presenter is not.

Kinda weird listening to this as an American t b h lad. Very, very treasonous music.

>English people actually have different accents
Ha ha, that's so weird.

Here I am more bothered by the Dutch accent the interviewer has. I can always hear it, no matter how good the Dutch generally believe their English is

do france not have regional differences?
I know evne american people have completly different accents based on different states.

Yorkshire/Roadman accent

Essex or welsh

Yes of course We have some fucking accents especially in south

France is almost completely culturally centralized, and they've pretty much wiped out every regional language or dialect in favor of Parisian French. It's actually very sad.

people are mostly just referring to thick council estate scots spoken in parts of glasgow and the surrounding counties

>chav accent
this doesn't exist

eyah m8 giv us a ciggie

>Impliying Polan is not centralized as fuck.
I went in Praha btw.

Poland > Czech Republic I mean.

this is very true, but the reason why we don't have very many regional accent variations is because our borders have changed and our populations have moved so much. There are some like Silesian where it sounds very funny, but mostly we do not have many differences in speech. As far as I know regional languages like Kashubian are protected though.


every other answer is just a meme

god damn this

>regional languages are protected though
Well it's a good thing, honestly.

of course. You should really do the same, although I realize it's very difficult to change the constitution which is what prevents it.

bob coles accent is a national treasure.
get out of this country zhang.


i honestly don't know why you say that
nordic accents sound naturally happy in english


I didn't understand what the pilot said when I was in a plane to Dubai.

>Cornwall/SE accent
also where the fuck are you from cunt
pretty much wrecked all uk accents

that womans laugh when seeing that dog get pancaked is truly terrifying.

Well some local languages are already protected (Breton, Basque). But, honestly, they are disappearing. And it's a shame. Glad you guys have some consciousness.

This, except Finnish accent for me, naturally

Fucking hell I fucking hate this so much

"allahu akbar"


dutch by far

God tier:

Normal Scottish:

Northern Irish:

Absolutely shit-tier

Lower-class East of Scotland:


White South African:

Cork, Irish.

Hah, that NI lad was made famous for a short while over that.

Can we all agree transatlantic is god tier?

>artificial accent
>"god tier"

French English.

Dude kineye ged a gless of WADDURR

East coast US. Dudes are hella obnoxious.

The fartest you go north in the UK, the worst it gets

yeauh broohh I gawt some grayt freakin' awesum wadurr fur you rite heeer
thad'll be a tin purrcent tip please

I thought this guy was a pooinloo now you're telling me thats what finns sound like in english? Jesus christ

New Yorker here, just pointing the finger at Boston.
Fuck Boston.

best is Russian


Anything considered "northern" is a plague on the ears. To narrow it down, Liverpool, Essex, Birmingham and Welsh are the worst offenders. Scottish accent on women is disgusting also. Thick southern also but you only hear that in old people now really

The Mancunian accent is one of my favorites though.

I love scottish accent, when im watching outlander i fucking enjoy it. AARGFGFGFGffff


Another civil war

Sounds like a mix of a german and russian accents

From my personal experience.

English > General American > Southern American > Welsh > Irish > Scottish > piss > Jamaican > shit >>> Indian > Chinese > Japanese

Considering that southern accents are essentially what's left over from British accents, then yes

Fucking Britbongs ruined the world; now the job has fallen to us