So I'm trying to take back full control over my windows 10 OS from the botnet shenanigans...

So I'm trying to take back full control over my windows 10 OS from the botnet shenanigans. But I'm having problems determing which windows processes to allow internet. Right now I have everything working except for windows update and cant make out which specific processes that need to have internet access for it to work. Someone with advice and maybe more reccommendatins besides firewalling, de-telementering and what not?

Other urls found in this thread:

Just install Linux already.

Already experimenting with it on a separate partition. Runs fine and i'm able to play csgo on it though the performance is probably a quarter windows...

did you install amd drivers?

It's not going to happen. If you disable the botnet services, others will take its place when it fails to phone home. Did you think that Microsoft could be outsmarted that easily? The only way is to install a GNU/Linux distro, but even then there is a CPU in your CPU that can spy on you that is impossible to shut off and very hard to neutralize. You're fucked either way. Nothing you own is secure. Buy a shitty old ThinkPad and send it to a Libreboot install service, then run FreeBSD on it. That's as secure as you could possibly get, and still you have things like hard drive controller firmware that can be tampered with. Nothing is safe.

Idk have a cheap computer for work with windows on like -i3 7100 it has good integrated graphics some 4 - 8 gb ram an ssd Samsung PM961 512GB NVMe is very cheap.

Here you go - get visual studio and other tools and work work work, you can have another computer for porn and your private home stuff and use linux on that.

You're way too paranoid, user. Besides, do you have any proof?

why would you need proof?
the fact that you cannot disable it easily shows the intent behind them
the telemetry services are known to bypass the hosts file for example

> why would you need proof?
Simply because I don't believe without proof. I tried using Wireshark and Fiddler and I couldn't find any suspicious outgoing packets.

Scan for jumbo packets or look for packets that come fro other applications that shouldn't be transmitting.

Install Solus or kys


it's like you're getting asked to be called names

>taking full control of something you can't control

I can't see anything. Maybe I'm just too dumb or blind.
Is there a precise/accurate way to look for them?

It's legit you fucking retard. Do we have to spoon feed you everything. Search it up read about snowden leaks and security analysis. You're an absolute moron and shouldn't even worry about microshit spying on you.

Wireshark and fiddler.

I have ran with default AMDGPU drivers. I get smooth framerate on empty maps but easily drops below 100 online.

But user, that's pretty much a meme. I mean it's true that they spy on you but if you turn off / uninstall all the bloatware then you should be fine. Using the Internet is always dangerous but I'm honestly more worried about Google than Microsoft. As long as you're not a terrorist or something then you shouldn't be afraid of using Windows.
Aside from Nvidia's obvious botnet and lan stuff I can't see anything suspicious.
I forgot to say that I used some programs and followed some guides to debloat Win10, but since people say they aren't enough to stop the botnet I wanna find the definitive proof.

Could you share your guides and what you did?

If you used Wireshark or Fiddler on the same OS why would you find any? Unless you run it from a seperate non Windows machine which is already bulletproof you won't find shit, hiding connections on Windows is so easy malware is doing it since forever.

Every time there's some new leak or wistleblow we get idiots from Sup Forums coming here asking how to make their gaming """"""rig"""""" secure, and every single fucking time they ignore what we tell them because MUH GAMING IS MORE IMPORTANT THAN THE REASON I CAME HERE IN THE FIRST PLACE

Just fuck off.

I can't exactly remember everything I did (haven't formatted in a while) but I'll try:
- Spybot Anti-beacon (although some say it's botnet and I think it's redundant after you run the other programs)
- Blackbird:
- Debloat Win10 by W4RH4WK on github:
- DisableWinTracking:
- OOSU10:
- Autoruns, disable all the suspicious stuff
Also I stopped updating my OS (pic related). No update requests whatsoever, completely cut off from Microsoft servers (hopefully)

I guess you're right, but I can't test that myself

That's because Sup Forums's only suggestion is lememe install gentoo. It doesn't help your cause if your only suggestion is to install another OS.

As if linex doesn't have zero day exploits.

But then, that's what happens when an OS has a big market share, it gets targeted.

>doesn't have zero day exploits
zero day exploit for something released decades ago?

>It doesn't help your cause if your only suggestion is to install another OS.

If a part of a machine is broken, you replace the part.